Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 153 Hotly debated at home and abroad

So Liu Sen took Wu Qing around the base for a day.

When sending Wu Qing away, he took a small machine tool and a medium-sized machine tool that were produced with him.

The money for the machine tools was also deposited into the account of Yidian Company.

I believe that when Wu Qing returns, these two machines will definitely shock everyone after they are put into use.

There will definitely be a lot of orders at that time.

However, Liu Sen is not interested in this, and he doesn't care much about the number of orders.

Although Liu Sen doesn't care about the money, he still has to collect the money that should be collected.

Otherwise, once you develop the habit of getting things from him without spending money, many things will be unclear.

You can buy from him at a lower price than the market price, but you must never not pay.

This is his bottom line.

He can give, but you must never take it from me.

The initiative must be in his hands.

It's not that he is unpatriotic, this is the rule he set.

He will invest the money he gets in research, improve the treatment of employees, or do charity.

A week passed quickly, and the high-precision machine tools produced by the base were also completed and transported away one after another.

The gantry machine tool finally produced new parts during this period. After being strengthened by Liu Sen's golden finger, new gantry machine tools were assembled, and this continued for many times.

The processing progress of the gantry machine tool finally exceeded the highest processing accuracy in the world today.

All the gantry machine tools that did not meet the standards were dismantled, and only 10 gantry machine tools with the highest accuracy were retained.

Although the dismantled ones were not as good as the ones that were retained, they were also the best in the world now.

It's just that because the things are too big to transport, they can only be transported out and given to the country after the underground transportation channel is completed.

In the past few days, something happened around the world that caused a huge wave.

The more famous electrical appliance manufacturers in the world have received invitations from Yidian to establish the Wireless Power Association.

And officials from various countries around the world have also received notifications through the official Chinese government.

Therefore, entrepreneurs and foreign officials from all over the country came to China in the past few days.

Information and videos of visits from various countries are everywhere on the Internet.

Every day, a lot of people come and are received by Yidian and government personnel.

They were sent to the holiday villa contracted and built by Liu Sen, which was also surrounded by Lingxin Tea.

After these people checked in, they liked Liu Sen's villa very much, and the feeling of fatigue from the journey was instantly eliminated.

The environment is very good, and the whole villa is shrouded in the mist produced by Lingxin Tea, but it is not humid at all.

"My God, is this heaven? I feel that my body and mind have been washed."

An executive from Europe kept exclaiming.

"I don't know if it is heaven, but I know I like it here and every scenery here."

The staff of another country looked intoxicated.

All people took out their mobile phones involuntarily, took pictures of the beautiful scenery, and shared the videos and photos they took on their own country's social platforms.

Because the people who came here are officials or big entrepreneurs from various countries, they have a considerable influence in their own country and even in the world.

The large number of fans led to their information being seen quickly.

Fans saw such beautiful scenery and liked and forwarded it one after another.

"Oh, God, this is so beautiful. Is this China? I really want to go and take a look."

"How can China have such beautiful places and buildings? They are different from what I usually see in the media."

"These are real. I have seen many celebrities post similar videos and pictures."

"What I want to ask is, what are so many officials and entrepreneurs doing in China?"

"Someone big enough to explain it."

"I heard that they went to Yidian Company to attend the meeting above."

"Yidian Company, I know, the wireless power I am using now was developed by them."

"I got more than $100 from them last time."

The external network became lively all of a sudden.

And the network inside China is getting more and more lively day by day.

Videos or photos of many people getting off the plane and going through security checks were exposed.

Many people are speculating what they are doing in China.

This matter has become a hot search, and many people are paying attention.

At the same time, big Vs and self-media began to analyze whether there was any major action in China.

Netizens kept speculating on the reasons, all of which were good.

And because of this incident, the domestic stock market began to rise slightly.

Many enthusiastic netizens began to inquire everywhere, and some people even climbed over the firewall to check the news on the Internet. After all, there are so many celebrities and corporate leaders, and there will be some information flow.

God will not let down those who work hard, and finally the information was dug up.

All the people came to China because of the invitation of Yidian Company.

Immediately, these screenshots of information were forwarded to the domestic network.

"Is Yidian Company so powerful? I remember that when Yidian Company held a meeting last time, many domestic companies attended. This time is even more outrageous."

"Through online searches and statistics, people from more than 130 countries have come."

"Do you think people from all countries will come this time?"

"It will be fun if everyone comes. This time it can be compared to a United Nations meeting."

"If the above person hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have noticed that there are so few conference rooms with people from so many countries."

"The important thing is that this meeting was held by Yidian Company, and so many countries came to participate."

"Yidian Company is really prestigious."

"It would be great if I could work at Yidian Company."

"The above person's idea is very beautiful. The salary and benefits of Yidian Company are not too good, but if you have the ability, you can still join. Yidian Company has been recruiting people and has never stopped."

"Anyway, Yidian has a ranking, but speaking of this, I suddenly realized that Yidian Company has only been established for less than a year."

"I Go, if you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have realized that I could achieve such a great achievement in one year. I just want to say that Yidian YYDS is great. "

"I can only say that Liu Sen, the founder of Yidian, has great scientific research ability and is willing to invest heavily in scientific research."

"Therefore, hard power is the core competitiveness of a company."

"Some companies look huge, but they are actually empty and will break if touched."

"I will definitely let my children study hard and work in Yidian in the future."

"I can't let my children play during the summer vacation now. I must supervise them to study."

"I have just gone online and bought several sets of three-year simulation and five-year college entrance examinations for my children. They will be received tomorrow."

"I will buy a few sets right away."

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