Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 198 Killing a chicken to scare the monkey

Liu Sen immediately cheered up after hearing Liu Ying's words.

"The person in charge of Piaocheng is Liu Shangtian, and he is a related household."

"Originally I wanted to gild it, but in the end I failed to withstand the temptation and directly squandered tens of billions of grains."

"A small part of the grain was sold to some restaurants, and most of it was sold to two famous domestic brewing companies."

Liu Sen heard that the design was also involved in a wine company, which he did not expect.

"Those wine companies have been seized of a lot of the market by our Yidian Wine Company, so they have always wanted to research wines that taste better than ours."

"Finally they discovered the food from agricultural cooperatives, which tastes great and has high nutritional value."

"They found Liu Shangtian through their connections and bought some at a high price. The wine they made tasted very good. Although there was still a gap between us and their high-quality wine, they still gained the favor of many people."

"But because there was not so much food supply, the output was very small. In the end, a large amount of money could only be thrown at Liu Shangtian, and a part of the shares were also given."

"In this way, Liu Shangtian relied on his Tongtian background and began to make false accounts and report data based on previous years' production. Zhu Hongyi had heard about Liu Shangtian's background. Although he knew that the data was fraudulent, he did not dare to take any more care."

“In the end, we became more and more courageous and directly transferred 7 billion kilograms of grain.”

"But this part of the food was not recovered. When we found it, all the wine had already been brewed."

Liu Sen also looked strange when he heard this. This was because his wine company had pushed these wine companies too hard.

Even bribery was done.

"There is sufficient evidence in all aspects now, and the government is already taking the next step. I believe prosecution will be launched soon, and because the amount is extremely large, the death penalty should be imposed."

"Those liquor industry executives will be sentenced."

"But now there is a problem: it is difficult to recover embezzled money."

Liu Sen was also a little surprised when he heard this. The corrupt person and the briber had been found, so why was it still difficult to recover them? He couldn't help but say.

"What's the problem? Has he already spent tens of billions?"

Liu Ying immediately explained: "That Liu Shangtian only spent a few hundred million, and he transferred all the rest to the bank of that so-called neutral country. Government officials have negotiated with them but they are just unwilling to return it."

"Is that little country so tough?"

Liu Sen was very angry when he heard about it. He had heard that this country was particularly shameless. It claimed that personal property was sacred and inviolable, but it committed banditry.

Liu Sen thought for a moment and said: "You sent an email to the government personnel of their country's Wireless Power Association to inform them that this matter has seriously affected the image of a democratic country. We will consider restoring their wireless power usage authorization fee to 8% next year. And we will announce this to the world.”

When Liu Ying heard Liu Sen's words, she knew what to do.

The so-called neutral country will definitely return it. If there are no big problems, the licensing fee next year should be about 6%. The difference between these two points is about 2.3 billion.

And this money is sustainable. Their citizens will definitely not be satisfied with the government doing this. After all, it is related to their own pockets.

Moreover, this will also affect their country's international image. After all, there is clear evidence that the other party deposited it into that bank corruptly.

Liu Sen nodded. How to deal with Liu Shangtian's backstage, it is estimated that the government will not disclose it to Liu Ying and the others.

And he believed that after this incident, everyone would be more restrained.

This is an action that kills the chicken to show the monkey. No matter what your background is, you need to be dealt with.

After all, this is related to the future path of prosperity for all rural people in China, allowing our country to completely get rid of the influence of the four major foreign grain merchants.

Such a quick solution is actually not only the Jiangnan Provincial Government's contribution.

A large part of the reason is that after Wu Qing went back last time, he reported on the current development of agricultural cooperatives and their impact on the region.

This matter has received unprecedented attention and direct inspections have been conducted with unprecedented intensity.

The people behind Liu Shangtian originally wanted to get him, Liu Shangtian.

He was immediately warned by his superiors, transferred to another job, and immediately began to be marginalized.

If that person hadn't been involved this time and there was nothing extraordinary, they would have been dealt with together.

Of course, Liu Sen didn't know about these things now. He only revealed this information to Luo Qingquan later when he met him.

"That Zhu Hongyi directly asked him to go to Piaocheng to act as the temporary general manager. If he still can't do well, let him leave directly. The agricultural cooperative headquarters arranged for someone from the group to serve as the general manager."

Liu Sen directly told Liu Ying about his arrangements. In fact, he wanted to let Zhu Hongyi leave directly, but he was an old man after all, so he still had to give him some face. After all, he had followed him since the beginning.

But the opportunity is only this once, and if you make a mistake again, you will not be given another chance.

Letting the two of them go about their business, he returned to his office.

Liu Sen opened the computer he carried with him and started writing programs.

He needs a program that helps him handle some daily tasks, and simple questions can be directly reviewed intelligently.

The group's overall data can also be monitored in real time. Once problems arise, they can be quickly discovered and reported to Liu Sen.

This way, it won't happen like this time, where he discovered and dealt with the case after embezzling tens of billions of yuan.

Otherwise, after a while, all regions will know about this matter, and they will follow suit.

The agricultural cooperative will collapse directly, leaving countless farmers in poverty again, and rural revitalization will become empty talk.

China continues to be strangled by foreign countries.

Therefore, while he is building the company's scientific and technological database, he must also complete the auxiliary artificial intelligence at the same time.

After all, all the submitted papers need to be reviewed, graded, and archived.

He can't have the time to keep looking at them, so artificial intelligence is needed for review, and only those that need special attention need him to review them specifically.

In addition, in order to keep the company's technical information confidential, artificial intelligence is also needed for encryption and real-time monitoring.

Even for some company research projects, artificial intelligence can also intelligently promote related technical information and help contact related people for group cooperation.

Only in this way can the group's work and research efficiency be greatly improved.

Originally, Liu Sen had already developed intelligent programs, but the uses were different.

For example, intelligent driving, image recognition, etc., now he needs to add new modules and new computing logic.

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