Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 258 The prototype of the Hope Alliance, the hot search disappeared in a second

"I think there is no problem at all." Mr. Ren also spoke at the same time.

He really agreed with Liu Sen's idea.

This is definitely a responsible entrepreneur.

"However, these companies must undergo strict review before joining, and their situation must be understood." Liu Sen said again.

"Well, this definitely needs certification and review." Mr. Ren also nodded in agreement.

He also doesn't want to join a company that looks like a white-eyed wolf.

"I don't want the companies I support to have foreign capital, or to be directly foreign capital."

"Foreign capital has sucked our blood enough, and the profits created by many of our companies every year have been taken away."

"Speaking of China's manufacturing, it sells well all over the world, but how much profit do our own people really get?"

"I will also turn away companies that are trying their best to exploit their employees."

The three of them talked a lot about this again.

Huaban and Yidian are definitely the best partners in this regard, and the nature of the companies is similar.

They are all private enterprises, not listed on the market, and have no foreign investment.

They are all companies whose primary productivity is R\u0026D.

And it is now in the first echelon of Chinese enterprises, the absolute leader.

"I think we can establish a corporate alliance, which will make our operations more convenient."

Yu Dazui suggested directly.

Mr. Ren and Liu Sen thought about it and found that it was indeed a good idea to form an alliance.

"The alliance is indeed good, and resources can be effectively used to complement each other. I have always wanted to drive other Chinese companies to develop together, but I have never thought of a good way."

Liu Sen directly expressed his initial thoughts, "I initially wanted to help the development of those companies through investment, but if we continue to invest like this, it is really not good for our company."

"It's too big and bloated, which is not conducive to future development. After all, it's not a wholly-owned company. If they absolutely have my investment, they won't have much motivation. They just want me to give them some technology, which is not good. "

"The alliance is different. There must be several companies in the same industry in the alliance. If you want to live a better life, you must work hard on your own, find theories and technologies in the alliance's internal journals, and develop on your own."

When Liu Sen said this, Mr. Ren and Yu Dazui both nodded.

"This is indeed how it should be. I open the door to the future to you. It is up to them to choose how to go. Companies that are not good will naturally be eliminated from the initial alliance, and they will not be as stable as Mount Tai just because they enter the enterprise alliance."

"However, you must pay licensing fees to use these technologies. Part of these fees will reward technology developers and R\u0026D companies, and part of them will serve as operating expenses for the alliance. When companies in the alliance encounter difficulties, they can apply for interest-free loan assistance from the alliance. And return it within the specified time, otherwise it will be converted into corresponding shares.”

"These converted shares can be held by the alliance or directly auctioned in the alliance."

Then Liu Sen said to Mr. Ren: "I have also established an internal personnel moral archive, and rated everyone, which can be shared directly with all companies within the alliance. Personnel with bad morals will not be admitted, or will not be admitted. Companies cannot recruit or invest in these people.”

The information Liu Sen asked Xiaodian to collect on the Internet happened to be used in this alliance.

After hearing Liu Sen's words, Mr. Ren and Yu Dazui suddenly had an idea in their heads.

Today we are talking about the cooperation, the establishment of the alliance, the operation of the alliance, and the moral character of the personnel.

Are these things Liu Sen had already thought about?

At this time, they fell directly into the pit designed by Liu Sen in advance.

Thinking about it again, it’s unlikely.

After all, they themselves brought up the matter of in-depth cooperation first.

They looked at each other, then looked at Liu Sen again who was still chopping and talking, and then shook their heads.

He is still very young and should not be so cunning.

They didn't know that these things had actually been in Liu Sen's mind for a long time.

But they are all very scattered thoughts that have not been sorted out.

Today, through chatting with Mr. Ren and Yu Dazui, we started to integrate it and finally formed a complete plan now.

Many details were discussed again and the alliance was finally named 'Hope'.

This is the hope for China’s industrial upgrading and the hope for all Chinese people to take off.

Next, we will slowly begin to inspect some companies, and those that meet the requirements will be accepted.

In the future, these companies will slowly grow up, compete with those companies with foreign capital, and eventually kick foreign-funded companies out of the Chinese market.

Seeing that the framework of the ‘Hope’ enterprise alliance has been discussed almost.

Mr. Ren said to Liu Sen: "Asen, you can continue to improve the terms of the alliance here. Lao Yu and I are going to host a meeting."

"Okay, no problem, go ahead and get busy."

Liu Sen also knew that Huaban was holding a high-level meeting. After the new product launch conference, all the executives went to the conference room.

More than an hour has passed now.

Seeing Mr. Ren and Yu Dazui leaving, Liu Sen picked up the spiritual heart tea and took a sip.

Invested again in writing alliance rules.

in another conference room.

From the beginning, everyone was still discussing the content of the meeting in low voices.

It has been a long time since they saw Yu Dazui, who sent out the meeting notice. They were already full of doubts.

"Old Yu, you are usually very punctual. Now there must be something important that delayed you." Tang Jian, president of Digital Energy, said to another person.

"It must be. Is there something wrong with the press conference?" another person asked.

"It shouldn't be. After all, there are so many highlights in this product, and the competitiveness must be very strong."

"Xiao Xiao, what is Old Yu doing now? Should I call him?" Tang Jian counted to Yu Dazui's secretary on the side.

"Mr. Tang, Mr. Yu and Mr. Ren are meeting guests." Secretary Xiao Xiao said with a stack of documents in his hand.

Meeting guests, Tang Jian thought of Mr. Ren. Just now he came up and saw Mr. Ren and Yidian CEO Liu Sen together. It seems that Yu Dazui and others should be together.

Then he thought of this meeting. Maybe the topic of the meeting has a lot to do with Yidian.

Otherwise, even if it was the CEO of Yidian, Old Yu would not abandon their meeting and not host it.

Part of the content of the meeting may still be communicated with Yidian CEO Liu Sen.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian stopped thinking and opened his phone to check the information on the Internet.

A piece of information was pushed to the top of the hot search.

# Did you guys not release the petals? I couldn't get them at all, and they were gone in 1 second.

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