Although Jin Zeming thought that the enterprise founded by Liu Sen had good potential, he also learned from the contacts introduced to Liu Sen that the sales performance was good and the reputation was also very good.

But he never expected it to be so amazing, much higher than the sales performance he expected before.

Originally, he thought that a monthly sales of 10 or 20 million at most would be very good, so that it could be ranked in Rongcheng, but he didn't expect the final data to be dozens of times what he imagined, which directly reached the ceiling of Rongcheng enterprises.

No, it's not the ceiling, it's to create another Rongcheng GDP.

If it continues to develop like this, including the upcoming Shangqing wine, Yidian Wine Industry will definitely be ranked in the country, and it can be ranked in the top five.

Other wine companies have worked hard for decades or even hundreds of years to achieve such results. If people know it now, they will doubt their lives.

"You guys are really good at keeping it secret. No one has noticed that you have grown so big."

"Uncle Jin, this will be exposed soon. After all, once you pay taxes, many people will know about it."

"That's true. You paid too much tax. It's because your company is just starting up and not many people are paying attention to it."

"So I want to wait until the tax is paid, and then do some operations. The company's reputation will definitely explode. At this time, I will launch Shangqing wine, give back to customers, and sell at a discount."

"This is really good. It's much better than direct discounts. At least there is a legitimate reason."

"Asen, I saw that your wine has been sold abroad." Jin Zeming asked after seeing the data and foreign income.

"Uncle Jin, this is all thanks to Shu Ya's lead."

Liu Sen told Jin Zeming the cause and effect of this matter. After listening, Jin Zeming showed a gratified expression on his face. Shu Ya is still very useful when studying abroad.

Jin Shuya is studying abroad, and Jin Zeming is very afraid that she will learn bad things abroad. He has several friends whose children have returned from abroad and have many bad habits.

"Asen, wait until the end of this quarter before paying the tax. After all, your tax payment will definitely cause a great impact. Your company has just started, and you need more development and lay a good foundation. If it is exposed now, it will arouse the vigilance of other wine companies, and they will definitely target your Yidian Wine Industry." Jin Zeming thought for a while and warned.

"Okay, I know."

Although Liu Sen is not afraid of competition from other companies, because his company has a high technological content, core competitiveness, and very strong barriers, it is definitely better to have less trouble.

Wouldn't it be nice to save some time to deal with troubles and use it for research and playing games with girls?

"Do you have more of that Shangqing wine?" Jin Zeming asked.

"Because it has not been officially produced yet, there is only a batch I brewed for trial, about 100 bottles."

"Well, if you have no other use for these, give them all to me."

The reason why Jin Zeming wanted it was not because he wanted to drink it, but because he wanted to send some to the elderly at home. The elderly at home like to drink, but now the high alcohol content is not suitable for the elderly.

Now this Shangqing wine is just right, with a low alcohol content and a very good taste. Although the previous Qingfeng wine is good, it still lacks something.

This can also better help Liu Sen to make a name for himself in the upper class. After all, he knows the character of the elderly at home very well, and he will definitely show off to those old friends.

"No problem, I will send it tomorrow." Liu Sen agreed without thinking.

"By the way, uncle, this wine is different from Qingfeng wine in that the taste of Qingfeng wine will improve over time within three years, up to three years. However, the taste of this wine is still a little less than that of Shangqing wine, while Shangqing wine will improve over time within five years, up to five years, and will light up five golden stars."

"You really have a good brain, and this design is also very good. Five golden five-pointed stars in the red sphere of China, this meaning is very good."

Liu Sen told Jin Zeming about his previous idea of ​​building a personal laboratory, wanting to hear his ideas.

The answer he got also made Liu Sen very happy. In fact, this cannot be regarded as an independent laboratory, but only a laboratory affiliated with the company. It is all for internal project experiments and research. As long as the company does a good job in the project approval related to the operation, it can purchase a lot of materials.

Of course, some restricted materials are still difficult to buy, and if there is a separate demand, a separate application must be submitted.

I am also very happy that Liu Sen wants to put such an important research laboratory in Rongcheng, after all, this will definitely attract many high-level talents.

Many companies set up their research centers in economic centers or academic centers, which makes it easier to recruit talents.

Jin Zeming said that he would communicate with the government departments first, and believed that they would strongly support Liu Sen's ideas.

The two talked a lot, including the future economic trend, the future of industry, and the future of Rongcheng.

Many of Liu Sen's views were praised by Jin Zeming, and through chatting, he also learned about his love for this country.

Soon it was midnight, and Liu Sen slept in the guest room for a night under the strong persuasion of the family.

The next morning, Liu Ying and Yin Dan drove to the community, followed by a van.

Liu Sen called the two last night and asked them to deliver the wine here in the morning.

At this time, Liu Sen had already finished washing up, and walked out of the villa after receiving Liu Ying's call. At this time, he saw the two women just getting out of the car.

"Master, please move a dozen more boxes of wine in," Liu Ying said to the van driver who was following them after getting off the bus.

"Ying'er, Yin Dan, you two have worked hard." Liu Sen stepped forward and said to the two of them.

"Brother Sen, it's not hard." The two of them smiled in unison.

After all the transportation was completed, the freight master left, and Ying'er and Yin Dan were also invited to have breakfast together.

"Uncle Jin, the wine is all here. You can handle it. There is only so much for now." Liu Sen said to Jin Zeming.

"That's enough. I'm just sending it to my family to promote it and make you famous."

Akira Kanazawa smiled and said that he just gave some to the old man at home, but he still had to rely on the old man for publicity.

Soon after finishing the meal, Liu Sen's cell phone rang. He took a look, suddenly his face lit up, and said to Ying'er and Yin Dan.

"I'll just book a flight to Dongguan or Shenzhen in the afternoon, and the three of us will go together."

Liu Sen gave Liu Ying instructions, then turned to Jin Zeming and said apologetically.

"Uncle Jin, there's something going on at the company, so I'll leave first."

"If you have something to do, go ahead and get busy."


"Shu Ya, the company's taxes will be paid at the end of this quarter. Also, help me calculate the taxes I have to pay personally. I will also pay them at the end of the year, including the money I earned from gambling on stones last time."

When Liu Sen was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, stopped immediately, and said to Jin Shuya.

"Don't worry, I will take care of everything." Jin Shuya replied decisively. These are small things and the solution is very simple.

Liu Sen, Yin Dan, and Liu Ying drove directly back to the house and entered the house.

"You all pack your clothes and daily necessities. We are going to Petal Company and we should spend a lot of time there. After you pack your clothes, help me pack them too. I still have some things to deal with." When he entered the house, he faced the second daughter. said.

After hearing Liu Sen's words, the two women responded and went back to their rooms to pack their things.

Liu Sen walked into the studio, printed out some information, and put some samples away in boxes.

This decision was made because I received a reply to my mobile phone mailbox in the morning, and Yu Dazui from Huaban Company replied to the email.

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