Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 687: Operation to crack down on Li Wei begins

Other people working in the hall were not surprised to see the assistant come out of the boss's office and then enter the archives room.

They continued to do their own things, and some of them even chatted through Blue Star, watching the cool beauties posing.

Soon the assistant came out of the archives room holding a box.

The office hall, which was originally a little noisy, became quiet in an instant.

Everyone stared at the box, and then looked at the assistant holding the box.

The assistant saw everyone's eyes and looked helpless.

He just walked into the boss's office, and the staff in the hall immediately started talking.

"Oh my god, what did I see?"

"What's the situation in society now? Why do you still need to use this box?"

"Is the old man inside really crazy!"

"It really may be because he is old and confused!"

Then everyone took out their mobile phones, edited the message and sent it out.

In the office.

The old man watched the assistant put the box on his desk.

"Okay, you can go out!"

The old man looked at the assistant standing on the side, and he waved his hand to let him leave.

He immediately opened the group video through the internal dedicated line.

Soon, more than a dozen people appeared on the big screen on the side.

There were white-haired old men, military leaders in military uniforms, and the speaker of the parliament. These people were all powerful figures in the Lighthouse Country.

And there were several videos that were indeed dark. The people in them could only see an outline, and their specific appearances could not be distinguished at all.

Even male or female, old or young could not be distinguished.

As soon as the video was connected, the white-haired old man immediately said: "Why did you suddenly open this special channel meeting? Didn't you say that it was not a special situation and could not be..."

The tone of the white-haired old man was very bad, and he was a little reproachful.

But when he was halfway through, he suddenly saw the box on the table, and his words suddenly got stuck.

The impatient expressions of the others also began to become serious.

"The current international situation is not favorable to us. We haven't shown our majesty for a while, and many countries have forgotten us. So I want to make some moves internationally, which can also divert the attention of the domestic people."

"Another point is that we must suppress Yidian Group. For Liu Sen, the founder of Yidian Group, we must use strong means. Now we have been too gentle."

"In addition, the country has been constantly threatened by polar bears. Many people have died accidentally."

"We must increase our support for the two bears. I believe this is what you want to see. These actions can greatly stimulate the development of military industry."

"Not only are there national interests, but some of your interests can also be obtained."

"So I hope to get your support."

The old man patted the box on the table.

The whole office was very quiet. The dozen or so people in the video did not speak, and some even left the screen.

These old men saw it all, and they were not in a hurry.

He just sat quietly in the chair and waited quietly.

After about half an hour, the people in the video appeared again.

"I agree with your proposal!"

"I agree too!"

"We all agree, but do you have a detailed target for the specific country?"

When he heard that everyone agreed with his idea, he immediately became happy.

"There is no target for now, but there will be one soon! I will just randomly pick one."

The corners of the mouths of the people in the video trembled obviously, but they did not speak to stop this seemingly absurd move.

For them, the countries in the box are actually the same.

It is a war box, which contains some small countries in sensitive areas. They can bully them. As for the power of the opponent, they, the Lighthouse Country, don't care at all.

After the old man finished speaking, he put his hand through the hole above the box.

After touching a note, he took it out.

But it was very coincidental that there was another note on the note.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

The old man saw this accident.

He didn't install it well, and an accident happened.

No matter what, his decision cannot be changed, and he will not draw again.

"This may be God's will. Let's attack both countries at the same time!"

The old man opened the two notes.

The names of the two countries were immediately displayed, one in East Asia and the other in Europe.

The old man turned the note over for everyone to see.

"Let's start the plan. We will directly attack these two countries and let everyone in the world know our hegemony and means again."

"Also, the weapons provided by Er Xiong will increase the strength. Anyway, they use resources to exchange with us."

"As for Liu Sen, start the eradication plan immediately!"

They did not talk about the specific implementation plan.

Because of these plans, the Lighthouse Country has already formulated corresponding attack or subversion plans for each country.

When needed, just follow the almost.

The box contains the names of countries that have been prepared with various attack and subversion plans.

And those subversions are usually accompanied by wars, so the box is also called a war box.

European T country.

A man was resting and suddenly received a very common advertising message.

He didn't care much at first, but after reading the message carefully, he was a little surprised, and then immediately adjusted his mentality and deleted the message quickly.

He immediately packed up his valuables, walked out of his residence, and drove away from the country.

At the same time, the embassy of the Lighthouse Country also received the message at this time. They also immediately packed up their things and left the country by plane.

At the same time, an announcement was issued:

[Received intelligence that the *** region may be attacked in the near future, so the embassy was urgently closed, and at the same time warned the citizens of the country to leave T country as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary harm! 】

As soon as this information was announced, everyone was confused.

What exactly caused the people of the Lighthouse Country to evacuate urgently?

Even the official T country sent an inquiry letter to the Lighthouse Country, but did not receive a reply.

Many people speculated that it might be because T country has recently leaned towards China, and the Lighthouse Country responded.

But then, in the afternoon of the same day, several pro-Lighthouse countries issued urgent notices, requiring their personnel to evacuate Country T.

Such actions left a shadow in the hearts of all the people of Country T.

They were always uneasy.

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