Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 815: Withdrawal requires a respectable reason

Many people understand very well the urinary nature of the Lighthouse Country.

There must be something they go to rescue that the general public doesn't know.

Lighthouse in a white house.

The old man sat up from the sofa with difficulty.

There was a hose connected to his nose and an oxygen tank to the other side.

There were several doctors nearby who were examining the old man.

After some examinations, several doctors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The president has no major problem. He was so excited just now that he fainted."

"Okay, it's okay!"

The secretary on the side, Molika, finally smiled.

When Molika saw the old man who was still a little confused, she immediately poured a cup of spiritual tea.

He walked up to the old man and handed it over.

After the old man drank a cup of tea, his eyes finally stopped wandering.

The old man felt a little guilty and regretful at the moment.

Just now, he suddenly received news that a huge earthquake had occurred across the country. The tragic video and satellite pictures all showed that it was an unprecedented earthquake.

Fuso Kingdom is finished.

Not even one out of ten people can survive this earthquake.

Just when he was shocked by this, he received a phone call.

That was the call from the group of people led by his son.

He only heard one piece of information, that is, his son Bieber did not leave Fuso Country on time and he was still in Fuso Country.

His son Bieber is experiencing a huge earthquake like those in Fuso.

Probably dead.

He was so excited when he suddenly got the information that his blood pressure rose and he collapsed.

At this moment, I finally recovered.

Bieber went there for the revitalization of his family and brought many people with him.

It turned out that everyone else was fine, but something happened to his son.

Now life or death is uncertain.

Why the others didn't die.

"Mollica, immediately arrange a large number of personnel to go to Fuso Country to rescue my son."

The old man's deep voice made Mollica shiver.

"And those people who accompany my son, I don't trust them! If there is no problem with my son, fine, if there is a problem with Bieber, then let them be buried with him. It is normal for some people to die in such a big earthquake!"

The old man's words were very cruel.

After hearing this, Molika immediately walked out and began to arrange the old man's orders.

At this time the phone rang.

The old man picked up the phone.

"The disaster in Fuso Kingdom was very serious this time, and our military base in Fuso Country was also seriously damaged. All facilities have been basically damaged. Nearly half of our 50,000 troops stationed were injured, and the death toll has reached 1,000. They just We have called for help and hope that the wounded from the base can be sent back to the country for treatment.”

"Of the 30,000 people stationed in the Kimchi Country, the death toll also reached nearly a thousand, and the facilities were almost damaged."

The old man fell into silence after hearing this.

Why is there such a situation?

Didn't the earthquake happen in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta in China?

Is it possible that this earthquake was offset like the last earthquake in Country X?

But now is not the time to think about this, but to think about how to deal with the aftermath.

That is not their country, but it is the Asia-Pacific region where they focus their efforts.

This time, all their allies were completely shocked.

What a coincidence!

But their target, China, has nothing to do?

"Immediately mobilize some people from the country to support the past, and at the same time bring the injured back! That is an important strategic area for us, and we cannot withdraw yet. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to get over."

"Well, I'll arrange for the army to go there right now!"

Phillip had just agreed and was about to disconnect.

Suddenly his expression changed drastically. He just saw a message flashing on his phone.

[Information released by North Korea: We have just received a request for help from the government of Kimchi Country. As a country of the same clan, we deeply sympathize with the disaster that has occurred in Kimchi Country. Based on the feelings of the same clan and clan, we will immediately dispatch 200,000 troops to help with disaster relief. 】

Damn it, are you here for disaster relief?

And the government of this kimchi country has no brains?

It is better to beg us than to beg their northern dynasty!

He immediately asked the president: "Your Excellency, have you received a request for help from the Kimchi government? North Korea sent a message to send 200,000 troops to rescue!"


The old man was shocked.

Once these 200,000 troops arrive, can Kimchi Country still be called Kimchi Country?

After the rescue, the other party will definitely not leave.

He immediately called the president of Kimchi Country.

But no one picked up.

His heart was raised, and he immediately dialed the number of the prime minister and several other high-level government officials.

No one got through to them all.

"It's over. The Kimchi Country government won't be wiped out in this earthquake!"

At the same time, he immediately thought of their garrison, and immediately asked Philip: "Where are our 30,000 garrison, and how much combat power do we have? Can we withstand the 200,000 troops coming from the DPRK?"

Philip shook his head.

This earthquake was really weird.

North Korea and Kimchi Country are on the same peninsula. Kimchi Country experienced a magnitude 9 earthquake, but North Korea had no problems at all.

Not even a symbolic shake occurred.

Before the earthquake, their garrison in the Lighthouse Country would definitely not be afraid of the North Korean army, let alone the Kimchi Country's own army.

But after the earthquake, almost all of them were injured, and their heavy equipment was almost destroyed.

All the planes, tanks, cannons, and missiles were almost all lost in the earthquake.

The Korean country is probably the same.

"We definitely can't win. Facing the opponent's planes and cannons, we have almost no resistance."

"Damn it, they are taking advantage of the fire! They invited the Korean government, but how can they invite the Korean government when they are dead! They just want to make it so that no one can stand up and say they are lying!"

"They can know this situation so quickly, they must have their undercovers in the top level!"

The old man cursed.

He felt that nothing he did was going well recently, and he was too frustrated to be the president of the world's most powerful country.

"All our troops in Kimchi should withdraw to Fuso as soon as possible, and don't meet the army of North Korea! They are a bunch of lunatics, and their attitude towards us is very unfriendly. Maybe they will take this opportunity to directly wipe out all our troops."

"After all, it was such a big earthquake. If everyone died, they would say they died in the earthquake, which would be a bit of a quibble."

At this point, he sighed.

"Now in Asia, only Fuso can be of some use in the future. It is our last place to restrict China!"

"After all, it is an island, and it is not so easy for ordinary people to run over."

"Also, issue a notice that we let the Kimchi garrison go there in order to rescue Fuso with all our strength!"

They, the Lighthouse Country, must have a decent reason to withdraw their troops.

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