The speed of the landing capsule, which was originally falling rapidly, was instantly reduced a lot.

When it was still a hundred meters away from the ground, the landing capsule immediately sprayed flames and made a simple attitude adjustment.

A few seconds later, it slowly landed on the ground.

A large amount of smoke and dust suddenly appeared on the moon, which was originally very calm.

"The sensor of the landing capsule sorting structure of Group A is normal!"

"Group B is normal!"

"Group C is normal!"

The launch command center of the space rocket in Rongcheng, Earth, at the moment when the landing capsule landed.

Everyone began to self-check the landing capsule.

After confirming that there was no abnormality, everyone finally cheered.

"Ah, great!"

"We succeeded!"

A young female engineer in work clothes excitedly hugged a young man wearing glasses beside her.

Others were also excited at this moment.

After a while, the dust caused by the landing of the three landing capsules on the moon finally landed.

The three lunar landing capsules that landed in a triangular shape were clearly shown on the screen.

At that moment, everyone in the live broadcast room was quiet.

Now seeing the safe landing, everyone was excited.

[Fuck, it really landed safely! ]

[I saw that the landing posture of this lunar module really looks like the recovery of a rocket, it can be said to be exactly the same! ]

[The ability to complete such an easy landing is entirely due to the technical accumulation of Yidian Aerospace's many rocket launches! ]

[I can only say that Yidian Group is the eternal god! ]

[YYDS! ]

[It is pleasing to the eye to watch the god, it feels so easy. ]

[Suddenly I wonder why such a simple thing is so difficult for so many countries to do! ]

[This is called easy for those who know how to do it, but difficult for those who don't know how to do it! ]

Watching all this on the Internet, the people who were most touched were actually the Chinese, and those countries that had failed to launch rockets many times.

Just as they were amazed.

The three lunar modules began to change, and a vertical elevator suddenly appeared in the center of the bottom of the lunar module.

The elevator slowly descended to a height of 10 cm from the ground.

The entire elevator is supported by two metal frames, and except for the bottom, other parts are high-strength glass.

Through the glass, you can see that the elevators of the three lunar modules are actually different.

One of the things inside is very familiar to everyone. It has appeared many times in the space station where Yidian live broadcasts. It is the space suit unique to Yidian astronauts.

Yidian space suits are very recognizable. On the one hand, there is the company logo on it, and on the other hand, the space suit is really light, which is completely different from the bulky space suits that everyone knows.

The glass of the elevator opened, and the person in the space suit walked out.

He was holding a metal box in his hand.

He took a light step on the moon, leaving a clear footprint.

The astronaut did not stop, but slowly walked towards a hill not far away.

The people in the live broadcast room saw this picture and felt goose bumps.

This is the so-called one small step for a person, a big step for mankind!

The astronaut quickly came to the hill, then squatted gently and slowly opened the box.

Suddenly a touch of red appeared in the picture.

It was very conspicuous.

Everyone was attracted by the touch of red in the live broadcast picture.

The astronaut gently took out the red thing and slowly unfolded it.

At this moment, everyone knew what it was.

It was the national flag, the Chinese flag.

The astronaut began to stretch the flagpole, which became longer and longer, and finally several times taller than him.

Then he planted the flag on the hill.

A few seconds later, the flag began to flutter, as if the wind was urging it.

At this moment, countless people in China who were broadcasting the live broadcast suddenly straightened up and waved their fists.

At this moment, they seemed to be standing on top of the world.

Some people even roared with excitement.

"We have stood up and will no longer be bullied!"

They even began to sing the national anthem one by one.

"Rise up! People who don't want to be slaves!..."

The live broadcast room has been flooded with lyrics.

The Chinese are proud, but those foreigners are very envious at this moment.

Envy of China's strength.

"Fuck, they actually did it, they completed the moon landing!"

The old man in the white house was furious.

"Mr. President, now they have only landed on the moon. There are more difficult levels waiting for them. Returning is the most difficult! They may not be able to do it!"

Seeing the old man like this, Eskaan immediately comforted him.

After listening to him, the old man felt that it made sense, but he still had an idea in his mind, that is, they might really succeed this time.

Every step they took before was really too easy.

Just like eating and drinking water.

"And I have some doubts, are they filming in a studio? You know, there is no wind on the moon, how did their national flag flutter and dance?"

Eskaan raised his doubts again.

Everything in front was really too similar, and they did monitor the launch of the billion-point rocket.

But the waving of the national flag was really unreasonable.

"Yes, there is no air on the moon, how can it dance!"

The old man seemed to have found a loophole. You know, because of the national flag, their original landing was also questioned by many people.

"Hurry up and arrange the water army to send this billion points to the live broadcast room. It must attract everyone's attention!"

The secretary Mo Lika on the side immediately made a phone call.

The next moment, many questions about this aspect suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

[This live broadcast is a scam. There is no air on the moon. How can the national flag flutter! ]

[I suspect this was shot in a studio. ]

[The above is messing up the rhythm. The rocket flight in the front was discovered by many people and many countries in the world. It was only at the request of our netizens that the live broadcast began. How can this be a scam! ]

[Everything else is fine. How to explain the fluttering of the national flag! ]

[I think that if this can be broadcast live like this, there must be no problem with the moon network. The space station can broadcast live. Can the moon also connect with astronauts live! In this way, many things can be directly proved! ]

[What do you think above? At such an important moment, let astronauts connect live. Isn't this nonsense! ]

[Why not? The space station can. Didn't the previous beacon country also conduct online dialogue when it landed on the moon? 】

The comments on the Internet did not affect the exploration of the moon.

After the astronauts raised the national flag, they began to explore the surrounding area.

Command center.

"After this period of verification activities, as well as the data sent back by various sensing devices in the space suit, the various functions of the space suit on the moon are all normal!"

"The safety index of various data has exceeded several times. We can completely improve the space suits for working on the moon again to make it more convenient for astronauts to move on the moon!"

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