Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 865: In this sudden situation, the situation changes again and again

The big leader's words fell.

Everyone raised their hands.

"Very good, all support! Then we congratulate Comrade Liu Sen!"

The big leader took the lead in applauding.

The next moment there was applause in the conference room.

Liu Sen stood up and nodded to everyone.

"I will definitely do a good job and will not disappoint everyone's expectations of me!"

"Well, it will no longer be limited to the earth!"

The big leader clapped his hands and moved on to the next topic.

"The reunification of our country must be completed quickly, and we cannot keep our hands tied."

"Well, I support it too!"

"It just so happened that during this period, leaders from many countries were visiting, and we just happened to communicate some things well!"

Liu Sen looked at the big leader and said, "I think we need to make our stance clear now!"

"Well, our country has always been thinking about peaceful development and common progress. We don't want people from all over the world to go through internal friction and consume the strength of our planet."

The big leader sighed and said again: "That is to say, the Lighthouse Country has always been a shit stirrer, constantly stirring up wind and rain."

"The reason for all this can only be said to be the short-sightedness of the Lighthouse Country! Another possibility is that they have never landed on the moon at all, or they have landed and found no objects suspected of extraterrestrial civilization."

"We'll have a chat after the old man comes this time! If the other party still doesn't cooperate, then we have to prepare for the follow-up cleanup."

Liu Sen nodded after hearing this.

The back garden needs to be straightened out.

Otherwise, we don’t know when aliens will arrive, and the Lighthouse Kingdom will stab us in the back.

Although I'm not afraid, I don't want to be on guard every day.

While they were constantly discussing the focus of their work for the next period of time.

Suddenly, he saw a new piece of information appearing in the database in front of him that was dedicated to recording suspected extraterrestrial events.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

Liu Sen and others glanced at it, and were instantly attracted.

[Major discovery: 930,000 years ago, human ancestors were almost extinct. According to various analyses, it was found that 98.7% of the members died in a short period of time. 】

Everyone's expressions immediately became serious.

If you see this news elsewhere, it is news.

Just take a look and pass.

But it's different here, especially the information updated in this database.

This shows that this incident is related to so-called aliens.

Liu Sen immediately opened the message.

Immediately, one piece of data and one piece of evidence were put in front of your eyes.

The more Liu Sen looked down, the more serious he became.

The data in the document shows that a certain civilization once appeared on the earth, and technology has developed to a level that is not much different from today.

But in that catastrophic disaster, they were almost wiped out.

In the end, it took tens of thousands of years to develop to the present level.

I have finished reading the contents of this file.

The conference room fell into silence, with only shock and fear in everyone's mind.

Just now I was very motivated, but now I just feel full of powerlessness.

The difference between a civilization that has just stepped out of the planet and a civilization that has been able to conduct interstellar navigation tens of thousands of years ago is too huge.

The comparison of strength is like a chasm.

It is estimated that sending out a random spaceship can crush the earth.

Liu Sen's mind was still in a mess at this time, even if he had a golden finger.

It is impossible for this technological improvement to complete such a big leap in a short period of time.

This is just like the Earth in the Three-Body novel facing the Three-Body civilization, which is too weak.

The gap between the two is even greater.

This time span is too big.

Once again, he thought that there was not just this one civilization in the universe. There must be many other civilizations including their earth, the one from 930,000 years ago, and the one from 234 years ago.

How should they, a baby who has just walked out of the earth, like a baby who has just learned to walk, deal with it?

The moon that appeared unexpectedly hundreds of years ago can still fight if he tries hard.

Is the civilization that once wiped them out still staring at them?

Once they actually land on the moon and truly step out of the earth, will they be wiped out?

Thoughts came to mind one after another.

At this moment, a sonorous and powerful voice woke him up.

"No matter which civilization it is, we in China will never give in! We have come so far under such difficult circumstances and have become the world's leading country! Then we can do the same in the universe!"

"I believe in our people and our government!"

"We are the best!"

"Whoever wants to ride on our head, we will chop off his head!"

The big leader stood up, slapped the table and said loudly.

"Yes, no one can bully us! Our people are never afraid of difficulties or the strength of our enemies!"

"We will fight anyone who bullies us!"

Liu Sen looked at everything in front of him and was shocked.

They are all ordinary people!

They have no golden fingers!

But they just dare to resist and show their swords!

This is the inheritance in the heart of China.

At the same time, Liu Sen is full of admiration for them. As people who lead the country forward, they are the most responsible.

At this moment everyone looked at Liu Sen.

Waiting for his statement.

Because they know that Liu Sen is actually the most important here. Only Liu Sen can lead the rapid development of human technology in a short period of time.

They watched Liu Sen go from scratch to improve various technologies for decades in less than two years.

"Fuck it, we will definitely be able to make a mark in this universe. We Chinese people can do our best no matter where we are and at any time!"

Liu Sen no longer wants to mess with things at this moment.

He has a golden finger, which is his biggest weapon at this time.

Once upon a time, the country was in poverty and poverty, and it came step by step with wooden guns, big blades, and fire blunderbuss.

Shine the world.

Why can't he take the country and shine in the universe again?

The big leader looked at Liu Sen's expression and couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

He knew how heavy the burden and pressure was on Liu Sen's shoulders at this moment.

These leaders are much less courageous. After all, they are already quite old and the possibility of encountering aliens is actually very small.

Instead, Liu Sen will carry the country's banner.

"I will personally participate in next week's moon landing. I will go to the moon with other astronauts, and I will personally explore those suspected alien debris."

Liu Sen said solemnly.

He wanted to verify those things for himself. Only by obtaining more things could he have a better grasp of the situation of extraterrestrial civilizations.

"No, you can't go! If an accident occurs, it will be a loss to mankind!"

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