Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 867 The last glory, a warning to them

The old man understands very well that the strength of the countries on both sides is constantly changing.

I used to be able to hold conversations based on my strength, but I can no longer do so.

He answered the phone: "Hello, congratulations on your success in landing a robot on the moon and back!"

"Thank you!" The big leader extended his hand to avoid hitting the smiling person, and politely said thank you to the other person's congratulations.

"We haven't spoken directly for a long time. I wonder if there is anything that needs to be communicated this time?"

The old man asked directly.

He was actually very surprised, knowing that he had already confirmed that he would visit China the day after tomorrow and had already communicated it through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"There is a very important matter that I need to confirm with you!" the big leader said solemnly.

"Well, tell me!"

"Have you ever actually landed a man on the moon? I hope to get a definite answer! Your answer will determine the future fate of the earth to a great extent!"

The old man was silent.

He really didn't want to answer this question.

This is related to their image as a lighthouse country.

Although Huaxia is now powerful, he wants to sell well to Huaxia so that he can personally obtain sufficient life evolution fluid.

Let him live longer and his body functions become younger!

Allowing him to become fertile again.

Continue the legacy of the family’s descendants.

But that is in the future, rather than digging into the past glory of their lighthouse country.

He still hoped that the former glory of the Lighthouse Country was pure, rather than full of misdeeds and lies.

Even if it is false!

After a while, the big leader didn't hear an answer.

Although everyone in the conference room did not hear the answer, they actually got the answer they wanted to know.

That is that the Lighthouse Country did make false claims before.

They never completed the manned landing.

"Okay, thank you! We already know the answer. We welcome you tomorrow. We will have something very important to tell you then."

After the big leader finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone.

However, at this moment, a sentence came out of the microphone, which shocked everyone.

"No matter what happened in the past, we will be the first country to land manned people on the moon in the future! We will be ahead of you, and our rocket will be launched soon! You are welcome to watch the live broadcast!"

"What, you can't do this!" the big leader said loudly immediately.

"There is nothing impossible, even if we fall behind, we will still seize the final glory!"

The president of the Lighthouse Country said with a slight smile.

Although he wanted to have a good relationship with China, he still hoped to do some deeds that would be remembered by human history during his reign.

Then his family will become more prosperous and will definitely catch up with those super-class families in the Lighthouse Country.

"You can't do this. If you do this, it will not be glorious. Instead, you will become a sinner of mankind! Your actions may destroy the earth."

"Haha, you just don't want us to steal your first place! This is our last glory. I will go to your place tomorrow to have a good communication. We will cooperate and win-win in the future!"

"Really, you can't do this! You can launch it later! You come to us tomorrow and we will show you something and you can make a decision then!"

"You are delaying! We have calculated that according to this time, we can complete the manned landing just ahead of you! If we are a few hours late, Yidian Aerospace will complete the manned landing before us!"

In the white house office, the old man spoke with a hint of pride.

He felt that he had exposed the Chinese people's plot.

This is not easy.

After hearing what the other party said, the big leader didn't know what to say at this moment.

Even if he informed the other party of the true situation now, the other party would probably think that this was a delaying measure.

It seems that persuasion is not possible, so I can only give a direct warning.

"I'm not kidding you. We have found traces of alien civilization! We guess that if humans set foot on other planets, they may be attacked! This may be the destruction of human civilization more than 90,000 years ago. You can check it out Chinese scientists just published a study not long ago, and you know how to do it.”

At this point, the big leader's tone changed, and then he said: "If you still don't believe it and insist on launching manned rockets to land on the moon, then we will regard this behavior as posing a serious threat to human existence! We will directly Shoot it down!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for the other party's answer.

White house office.

The old man listened to the busy tone from the phone and his mind was in confusion.

Hua Xia actually hung up the phone on him unreasonably.

He hung up the phone so rudely.

And he also threatened to shoot down the manned rocket.

Anger surged up in an instant, and he swept the documents on his desk to the ground.

He is the president of the lighthouse country after all!

Doesn't he want to lose face?

He immediately picked up the hotline.

He wanted to fight back the anger he had just received.

But suddenly he thought of what the other party said.

My heart suddenly became quiet again.

Hua Xia has always been very peaceful and usually does not say threatening words.

Moreover, many historical records of manned landing on the moon have mentioned that they were a lighthouse country. Even if China has manned a landing on the moon, it may not be considered as the first person to land on the moon.

Therefore, China really doesn't need to compete with them for the manned landing time.

That is, they know that they have never landed before.

That's why they care more about this so-called manned lunar landing.

They just hope to be able to implement the first manned lunar landing. At that time, even if their fraud is exposed, there will be no big problem.

After thinking a lot in his mind, he finally confirmed that what China said about alien civilization is very likely to be true.

Although he has realized it, it is not his decision to suspend the launch of manned rockets.

This matter has been recognized by many people in the consortium.

They hope to recover some of their declining trend through this.

They want to gain some bargaining chips in future communications with China.

After all, if you want to gain the respect of the enemy, you need to have corresponding strength.

Therefore, this manned rocket launch and the completion of the manned lunar landing are actually a display of strength.

It is to hope that it can be recognized in the future and obtain more resources.

He looked at the time. There is about an hour left before the rocket is launched.

"No, we're running out of time! We need to hold a video conference right now!"

The calls were made one after another, and people quickly gathered on the Internet.

The old man looked at everyone, and then said, "I'm calling everyone together urgently because there's something I need to discuss and decide with you!"

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