Business Empire: Black technology has more than 100 million

Chapter 881 US Dollar, Renminbi, Electricity

At this moment, the first thing all countries did was to sell off the US dollar.

It will be difficult for the US dollar to be strong in the future.

The world currency of the future will be the RMB.

As the current superpower, the RMB also began to bind with the Life Evolution Liquid.

The RMB will be extremely strong.

The next moment, an epic earthquake occurred in the world financial market.

The US dollar began to depreciate crazily, while the RMB continued to appreciate.

The people of the Lighthouse Country also saw this phenomenon at this moment.

The people of these big consortiums looked at the curve chart on their mobile phones, then looked at each other, and began to sell off the US dollars in their hands and constantly bought RMB in the market.

They were still hesitating just now, after all, the US dollar is the currency of their country.

At the same time, they have a lot of it in their hands.

But after just a moment of hesitation, it has depreciated by 5%.

This time they couldn't sit still and started to join in. Only in this way can they reduce the loss of their money.

As for the shrinking assets of other people in their country, it has nothing to do with them.

It doesn't matter if the national assets are damaged, as long as they lose a few billion less.

And now they can exchange it for RMB, so they can get more Life Evolution Liquid today.

When they return to China, they will make a fortune by reselling it.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared in the world's financial market. The exchange rate of the US dollar against other countries did not fluctuate much, but there was a very large fluctuation against the RMB.

At the same time, the RMB against other currencies was also changing.

[Fuck, what's going on! Is the RMB taking hormones? It's rising wildly! ]

[It has risen by about 10% in just a moment. ]

[I saw it rise by 5%, so I started to short it. I didn't expect it to rise by another 5%. I didn't even have the opportunity to sell it, and I went bankrupt! ]

[What is going on? Why did it rise so much? ]

[I guess it must be related to the world leaders coming to China! You can see how powerful China is now in the live broadcast just now. ]

[This is too strange. Could it be that China was jointly sanctioned by countries all over the world this time? Just like the previous Plaza Accord of Fuso, the Fuso currency appreciated significantly, which directly dealt a huge blow to the economy of Fuso! ]

[It is impossible for the Fuso thing to happen. After all, China's national strength is very strong now! 】

【What a pity, the live broadcast has been shut down! We don't know what happened! 】

【This must be the case when the whole world makes the same decision at the same time. 】

【Is the appreciation of the RMB good or bad for China? 】

【This will make the RMB more valuable, and it will be more cost-effective to spend abroad. At the same time, it will be cheaper for us to buy imported goods! 】

【The only bad thing is that export-oriented enterprises will have a lower advantage in global competition. After all, foreign countries will have to pay more for our products. 】

【It all depends on China's future national policy, whether to increase domestic demand or strengthen exports! 】

People on the Internet have been discussing it for a long time.

They expressed their opinions.

But the action was not slow at all, and they quickly exchanged the money in their hands into RMB.

Only in this way can their assets shrink less.

However, most of these people are rich and resourceful, and they have ways to quickly exchange to RMB.

Especially those countries that have signed cooperation agreements with China a long time ago, and they have RMB swap agreements with China.

At this moment, they knew that the overwhelming wealth fell directly on them.

Ordinary people can only stare blankly at this moment.

Watching the money in their hands begin to depreciate, especially since about 70% of the products in their lives are Chinese products, the appreciation of the Chinese RMB will directly lead to a substantial increase in their living costs.

And 70% is already a small amount, and the maximum may reach 80%-90%.

Just like this, more than an hour passed, and the dollar of the Lighthouse Country directly depreciated by 15%.

"Fuck, this TV was only sold for $400 just now, and now it has directly risen to $460. You are a group of robbers!"

A middle-aged man named Han York looked at the price of the Chinese TV and complained to the supermarket staff.

He had been optimistic about this TV before, but he thought that the price would drop, so he was waiting and watching.

Han York found that the US dollar began to depreciate against the RMB, and was afraid that the price would rise later, so he immediately ran to the supermarket to buy a TV.

Unexpectedly, the supermarket was faster than him and the price had been revised.

No, he has many Chinese products in his life. If he does not change his money into RMB, his future consumption will definitely increase a lot.

He began to look for all the Chinese products he was involved in.

Mobile phones, clothes, electrical appliances.

Suddenly he thought of something, he immediately turned on his phone and opened the Wuyou APP.

He looked at the RMB exchange function.

This still works.

He started to exchange immediately, but he only exchanged 10,000 RMB and could no longer exchange.

Only after consumption, when the RMB in the account is less than 10,000 yuan, can it be exchanged again.

"Fuck, there is a limit! It seems that Yidian Group should have thought of this a long time ago, afraid of being fleeced! Therefore, the limit was set in advance."

He immediately started to buy goods with the RMB here.

He picked for a long time and finally found a product.

That is electricity, and there is no limit on electricity.

He immediately used all his money to buy electricity, and he would never have to worry about using electricity in the future.

The most important thing is that the electricity can be returned and exchanged for RMB again.

This is really great!

He exchanged all his dollars for electricity.

He was so happy that he immediately informed his relatives and friends of his discovery.

Then he recorded the incident into a video and posted it directly on Blue Star Chat.

Soon his video was discovered by many netizens and immediately caused a huge sensation.

In an instant, everyone around the world began to convert money into electricity.

And after switching to electricity, they feel that the money has become very safe, and they can exchange it for shopping anytime they want.

There will be no incidents of being stolen or robbed.

And it becomes easier for all of them to trade with each other, as electricity can be traded directly and there are no longer transaction barriers.

The same is true between countries.

At this moment, they discovered that they had immediately entered the era of all-digital transactions.

As the first person to discover and spread Chat on Blue Star, Hanyok gained huge benefits.

He has gained a lot of fans and a lot of chat points because of the number of clicks.

At this moment, in the conference room where the world's top leaders from China are, all countries are discussing the specific distribution of life evolution fluid.

Liu Sen received information about a huge amount of electricity being sold.

Looking at the message, he smiled.

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