After Old Man Ni finished speaking, he dialed a person with considerable influence in the Lighthouse Country under the eyes of everyone.

"Mr. James, I am Ni Zhong from Macron Semiconductor!" Ni Zhong's tone was very enthusiastic.

"Oh, Mr. Ni! What's the matter?" Faced with Ni Zhong's enthusiasm, the words that came from the microphone were very dull.

However, no one present found anything strange about this.

In their usual interactions with people from the Lighthouse Country, this attitude is already quite good!

There are some worse ones.

Many people have a certain amount of contempt, as if a superior person treats a subordinate person.

"Mr. James, I have now rejected the Chinese identity and now only have the lighthouse nationality! I am now afraid that when I return to the island, I will not be able to enter the country normally! This is not conducive to the management and development of my company, so I hope that when I encounter problems, Could use some help from you!”

"Sorry, we can't help you with this! China is not another country!"

"How is that possible? Lighthouse Country is the most powerful country! With your influence in Lighthouse Country, as long as the government appears, China will definitely give you face!"

"If it was a year ago, we might still have some influence! But it's really not the case now!" The other person's words were very cold.

"James, we have known each other for such a long time, but we have feelings for each other. You must help me! You must know that the interests of the company also include you!"

Ni Zhong has heard that the other party will not help him at all, and is not even willing to be a lobbyist.

Later, his voice became louder and louder, and his breathing became faster and faster.

The other party was silent for a few seconds.

"Ni Zhong, for the sake of the past, let me remind you! China is no longer the same, and your vision is too low! Our upper management has already reached a tacit understanding and started to move closer to China! We can't go there for you. It is impossible to go against China!”

The other party's words were like a thunderbolt, shocking Ni Zhong and everyone present.

I felt like I heard something incredible.

My head is buzzing.

There is only one question in everyone's mind.

How can it be!

Now the Lighthouse Country is beginning to move closer to China.

They heard it, so what does it mean to get closer?

This is a nice way of saying it, but a bad way of saying it is to take refuge.

China used to be so weak, but in just a few decades it has developed to the point where even the most powerful country, the Lighthouse State, has begun to grovel.

What SB decisions have they made before.

Other juniors began to worry about their future. Their previous actions could be said to have directly slapped China, the invisible world's number one power, in the face.

Even if they still have a lot of money.

But the money will eventually run out.

Even if they use their original experience to build factories elsewhere, they will probably be suppressed by invisible forces.

The young man's face turned pale.

Compared with the young people, the old people have really complicated expressions.

A thought kept popping up in my mind.

Damn it, is God against them?

Every decision they make is wrong.

Last time on the eve of the founding of China, they chose bald heads and followed them across the ocean.

In the end, they are getting worse and worse, China is getting stronger and stronger, and the world's right to speak is getting more and more weighty.

And now, at a critical moment, when China has reached the top, they have chosen to give up their identity as China and completely embrace the Lighthouse Country.

But the top leaders of the Lighthouse Country have actually surrendered to China.


Both times, the worst result was chosen at critical moments.

The other end of the phone waited for a long time without receiving a response, and knew what might happen here.

He felt sorry for Ni Zhong, but he would never help them, let alone say a word to them.

"If you just simply gave up your nationality, then the problem wouldn't be big. But it's a pity that you directly provoked and even openly slandered the government! You know too little about China's science and technology and military! Well, I can't say what I can say. Yes, I said it too! Our friendship is over now, and you don’t need to contact me anymore! Regarding the previous investment in your company, I will arrange for people to divest it as soon as possible."

Then the phone was hung up and a beep came from the receiver.

Ni Zhong knew that the backer he thought he had was gone.

The last hope is gone.

"Quick! Log in to your account immediately and post an apology message!"

He must apologize immediately!

Otherwise, ordinary people would not let him go!

Now he has slapped the Chinese government in the face. Without China taking action, there will definitely be many national companies who will take action to gain the favor of the Chinese government.

He is apologizing immediately so that he can open a company and live in other places without being targeted by those countries and companies.

In an office in Lighthouse Country.

James hung up the phone.

There was a look of disdain on his face.

"This person really has no vision at all, and he really has no foresight about the world situation at all! He has reached his current position all because he happened to be at the forefront of the times, so he feels how great he is!"

"I don't even know how much I weigh!"

But this person still has some uses.

He has a lot of black materials about Ni Zhong, and with the black materials, he can definitely get more benefits from China.

It would be great if I could get a few more bottles of No. 2 Life Evolution Liquid.

Thinking of Life Evolution Liquid No. 2, his heart was filled with heat.

Not long ago, these government officials and consortiums just held a small meeting, and the 11,000 No. 2 Life Evolution Liquids obtained in China have just been distributed.

He only received a quota of 50.

This is probably enough for him, and he has family and children.

He immediately contacted the Chinese high-level through the Lighthouse Country high-level team in China.

He told the matter.

Soon he got on the phone with Liu Sen.

"Admiral Liu, this is James! I just saw what those people who refused to be Chinese over there did. They are too mean! I have some of their information for you, I hope it will be helpful to you!"

James' tone was particularly enthusiastic, even mixed with some humility.

"Well, I'll give you an email address, please send it to me!"


The next moment Liu Sen saw the message and immediately smiled.

Haha, these people can't run away now.

"I saw it, very good! So you can publish these things directly on the Internet! Let everyone see it!"

James heard Liu Sen's words and immediately understood the meaning.

In this way, the whole world knows about these people.

Then he asked someone to guide the Chinese government to deal with these traitors immediately, so that China's fate would be reasonable.

This would directly allow China to get rid of the reputation of retaliation.

"Okay, I'll arrange it immediately!"

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