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Chapter 286

IP4 belongs to the American Empire.

It has always been controlled by the American imperialists.

Looking at the rapid development of the Internet in Huaxia Kingdom now, it is only on the surface.

If the American imperialists are motivated, they can suddenly knock the Internet of Huaxia Kingdom to the bottom, because they control those root servers.

If you want not to let people get stuck in the neck, you need to have your own server, of course, this is not so easy, the American imperialists hold the initiative, if there is no accident, even if the Huaxia Kingdom has been laid out, it is impossible to push it up.

Huaxia Kingdom has been waiting for the opportunity and waiting for the opportunity to come.

This is an opportunity.

As Xiao Feng said.

“We’ll think about it.” The number two chief did not make a clear statement, but in fact there was already a tendency.

How could it be that Xiao Feng had not held a meeting by making this call?

An urgent meeting has been held, and the meeting has been clearly proposed to launch IP6, but it has not been finalized, it is only a proposal, and the meeting has not produced a result.

Waiting, waiting to figure out the whole thing.

Now Xiao Feng gave an answer.

This matter was indeed done by Xingchen Technology Group.

That’s a big help.

It can clear all obstacles to IP6 launch.

If you can knock over IP4 times, you can knock over the second time, then IP6 will be much easier to go online, and it can even be said that the water channel is completed.

Xiao Feng also clearly expressed support, then many conditional factors have been achieved, at this time, if you do not take the opportunity to let IP6 go online, you are missing a great opportunity in vain.

As the leader of the country, there is no need to doubt the courage, absolutely, this national leader, also has great courage, the character is even harder, of course, it does not mean that the previous national leaders did not have courage, no courage, but the conditions are not allowed, the situation is weaker than people, and some things have to be compromised.

Now that the national strength of the Huaxia Kingdom has matured and has the strength to challenge the US empire, it is natural to straighten up and harden.

And the maturity of these conditions and factors was created by the previous national leaders.

Every national leader has his own tasks, layout is indispensable, and you must also accomplish one thing during your term of office, that is, to create a good condition for the next leader and pave the way for the next leader.

Step by step to today, we have all the conditions for today.

The pursuit of progress never stops.

It can be said that successive national leaders, no matter what, have been credited to the people, and they have only one purpose, that is, to the complete rise of the Chinese state.

You know, IP6 has been laid out as early as thirty years ago, and there have been three national leaders in the middle, if one of the leaders cut this project, there would be no today, it can be said that this matter alone is enough to show the long-term vision of each national leader.

At least in the Internet.

Star Technology Group official network announcement!

A series of evidence has been cited to show that this situation will only occur when the total service of Star Technology Group is attacked.

The attack was initiated directly by the secondary root server.

Who led the attack?

There is no need to say more.

It’s the American Imperials!

Those news media, the first time to discover the announcement, then carried out a series of reports, including what is going on with the auxiliary root server, carefully reported one by one, so that the national civil network knows how the Internet is constituted and what is going on that led to the current disconnection from the world.

Yes, the domestic network in China can still be used, but it is just local.

After the end of the battle, everything was normal, and although the domestic network had some lag, it could still be used, within the LAN.

This late night was crazy.

During the day, I’m afraid it will be even crazier.

Six o’clock in the morning!

National TV!

“Now insert an update!”

The morning news host of the national television station said very rigorously, the picture switched.

A press conference!

The protagonist is the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China.

“Our Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is here to harshly dispatch the US empire, they control the lifeblood of the global Internet, but they violate the agreement and launch an attack on the Star Technology Group, bringing great harm to the global Internet, and the US empire is advocating every day that the Internet of Huaxia Kingdom brings them great trouble, however, all the root servers in the world are in their hands and used by them, and they are the biggest threat to global Internet security.”

“Now, the global Internet has lost its link for three hours, and it has not been restored until an hour ago, and we have reason to believe that this is a man-made incident, and there is only one person who caused this incident, that is, the US Empire, and we hope that the US Empire will give an explanation for this incident.”

“The Ministry of Foreign Education of the People’s Republic of China has lodged stern representations with the US Empire on this incident.”

“In addition… Here, on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, I announced that in order to avoid the Huaxia National Network, the global Internet is severely challenged, and such a thing happens again, we will enable IP6, which is the crystallization of the technology of the Huaxia National Internet, we have spent 30 years to deploy twenty-five auxiliary root servers around the world, and the major intercontinental are evenly placed, and will also promise that all auxiliary root services are delivered to the major intercontinental mastery, and Huaxia Kingdom does not interfere. ”

“There are strict regulations and it’s nice to have all the countries around the world involved.”

“In two hours, the IP6 server will be fully launched, and by then, the Internet of the entire Huaxia Kingdom will be completely divided from IP4 to IP6 server.”

The succession of words is not very smooth, but the general meaning is already there.

There is only one key point, that is, the IP6 server is officially online.

Huaxia Guo completely separated from IP4 and moved to IP6 servers, so that it could avoid the control of the American imperialists.

Of course, it’s just Huaxia Kingdom now.

Other countries, it depends on whether they want to join or not.

This is another confrontation.

The U.S. empire will never agree, and they will put pressure on countries not to use them, or to keep them unchanged.

But in this world, not the American imperialists have the final say, and not all countries are controlled by the American imperialists.

No, the press conference took less than half an hour.

The African Union, Africa’s highest body, held a press conference saying that Africa would join IP6, transfer African networks and abandon IP4.

After the announcement, a spokesman for the highest body of the African Union also answered questions from reporters, many of whom were embarrassed.

His answer was: Huaxia offers a fairer agreement, the four secondary root servers placed in Africa will be controlled by the African Union, and all major decisions will need to be voted on by all African Union member states to join the IP6, avoiding arbitrariness and arbitrariness.

That’s enough, isn’t it?


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