The pharmacodynamic effect of poison is very fast.

Therefore, a meal has not been finished, and the money family discovered the situation wrong.

"What's going on? I suddenly feel, I have soft."

"I am also, my arm is not upset, the chopsticks are unstable."

"Call the health doctor!"

The whole family is panicked.

The level of Qian's father is equipped with a doctor. Soon doctor rushed over and quickly checked the father.

But I can't check any reason!

"Strange! I can't check it because?"

"Hurry to the hospital!"

"Right, save the food, it may be ... food poisoning."

"Although it is really strange, there will be such a performance in food poisoning."

Health doctors think that they are not enough.

After all, it is a level of leaders. I quickly arrived at the hospital. I was also unimpeded in the hospital. I quickly checked it.

"It feels like poisoning, neurological poison!"

"Hurry to take dinner to test."

It's a lot of movement.

Even the money is doing dinner, the babysitter of the tea is poured, and the person who has purchased is all taken.

After all, if it is really food poisoning, they are most suspicious.

Who can think of it, Shao Wing can operate this?

First of all, there is no progress, no useful information from the babysitter, chef, purchasing these staff mouth, get any useful information.

Second, there is no specific poison from meals!

This is the most powerful place in Shao Wong.

Not only colorless!

Western medicine, you can find the ingredients. If you are cyanide, you can of course find an ingredient.

But what about Chinese medicine? What can I find out?

Herbal drug made of toxic? Check the component? chemical composition?

It has exceeded the scope of understanding of these doctors.

The most important thing is the third point!

Not only did not find the specific reasons for poisoning, what is poisonous, or even ...

There is no condition to live money.

One night, everyone's condition is very serious.

Very strange!

They can't all move!

The limbs have soft, which makes it uniform.

Even if you talk, you can only barely open, send out a silk mosquito called a general voice.

If it is not sick, it is clear that the people of the money will become ...

It is better than the vegetative person, at least there is a consciousness.

On this day, Yancheng's coming, after all, Qian Master is special.

What Wellness, Chinese Medical State, I have seen it.

There is no progress.

This is a precedent who have never had a world's medical book, all all fight.

At this time, Master Qian said.

However, the sound is too small, and there is no one to listen to it.

However, some people hurriedly attached to the ear, only listening to the money of the father with a weak voice: "God doctor ... God doctor ..."

"Be sure ... to put ... God doctor ..."

"Please come over ..."

God doctor?

who is it?

I didn't know at the beginning.

However, when the status of Qian's father, especially when Shao Wing came to Yancheng, for some top characters.

Therefore, the identity of Shao Yi is not a secret.

I quickly figured out who is the doctor.

Got, this thing is too big, and some people have been alarm.

No way, the status of Qian Master is there.

"You see, can you enter Beijing as soon as possible? Give the old man put the pulse?"

Shao Yi naturally agreed.

At this time, you don't have to take it.

After promising, the security headquarters directly sent people to receive Shao Yi, after going to the military airport, directly helicopter into Beijing.

Shao Yi smiled, this treatment!


So in the evening of the incident, Shao Yi saw a family of Qian's father.

In a leader, the staff, the public, and the Shao Wing is equipped with the Master of the Lord.

Installed for three seconds, then put down the hand, faintly: "By poisoning, small problems."

piece of cake? Everything is reluctant to listen, what to joke?

We don't know what conditions, don't know, but you say small problems?

A Western Medical Thai voice is not good: "Small problem? Can you cure?"

Shao Wing, this is not nonsense?

The poison is under Laozi, and the old man can rule!

However, certainly can't be said directly, otherwise it is not a fool?

Shao Yi faintly said: "Can cure, very simple."

We are all speechless.

A certain leader: "Since it can be cured, the trouble Shao Dafu rushed to the father of the father."

They also have said: "Yes, hurry to treat diseases, let us open their eyes."

"We all learn to learn and see the matter of Chinese medicine."

Even the Chinese medicine also satirous: "We are seven old eighties, learn from the art, today I will learn from this small comrade."

Do not believe that Shao Yi can treat this disease.

What is joking?

Medical skills, the most time, no decades, you dare to say ... God Doctor?

Especially Chinese medicine!

Do you have a twenty-year-old young man?

God doctor?

Can't it be a liar?

How it is?

Shao Yi faintly said: "I just said that I can cure, but ..."

"I have no promise to treat them!"


Can you cure?

But don't give it?

They are all determined, this is a liar.

"It's a ridiculous! I'm lie here!"

"Do you know what is the identity of Qian Master? Who is lie? Do you dare to cheat the father?"

"It's really dying!"

"This liar is too stupid!"

They all open a ridicule mode, because they think that Shao Wing is a liar, and there will be no good end.

What is the identity of Qian Xia?

How can the country allow you to deceive this?

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