Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 524 borrowing money?

To blame, you can only blame these guys, although I know some of the information of Shaoyi.

But knowing!

Since it is "the strongest food god in history", it is necessary to have money.

But now ...

Will the rich people will open Mitsubishi? Obviously it is impossible!

So, I doubted it.

Shao Wing revealed his panic look, but also mixed a slightly astroic, and closed the car key. "This is our company's car, I don't know how to put the key into my pocket."

"I usually open the baby, this is my BMW key."

Shao Yi finished, put the fake BMW key from the roadside booth, took it out on the table.

That act, didn't say it.

The problem is on this BMW key, and it is bought on the stall, so don't expect how good quality is.

At a glance, it is very rough.

Sichuan, Sichuan, grabbed this treasure, "This key is not like it is true."

This guy should be with Shao Yi to be the same, but the relationship is very far.

"Give me a look." Bi Jie said out of his hand.

The key is in the hands of Jie Jie, Xiao Jie disdainful laughs out, "fake!"

"I thought you were really a fortune, it was CHE light."

"What is the strongest food god in history, is it speculation?"

"The variety show is not high, can you have more than 100,000? Is this not all open?"

I wish you a smile on the side: "What happened to Wuli? You don't want a small Wuling, it is also a joint venture brand!"

Others laugh, "? Wuling is still a joint venture?"

"Don't you know?"

"It's really just known."

The Shao Yi face is revealed, but it is a laughter, it is really ok.

I wish you a good friend who has been numerous than you have.

But now ...

These people are too realistic.

Shao Wing said: "Okay, tell you the truth, I am indeed a light of Wuling, after all, my person is low-key."

"I am this style, I'm close."

"Although I opened Wuli, I saw Pu Tong, but I was modified, and there was an east national sports car, and there was a calling war!"

"I changed this five-day light, spent nearly two million!"

"It's for low-key!"

Shao Yi said that he had a semi-halving, but also intentionally put "GTR" as "GRT", nothing more than further putting his own "silk" identity.

Further disguise yourself as a thing.

Everyone stunned, I immediately laughed.

"What about GRT? Should gtr?"

"I can't serve you, the skin of my face, my skin is really good!"

"Nothing, open Wuling's light is not shameless, put it? We can still jokes, you can't make it? This car can pick up the goods, can't go to the express delivery!"

"I heard that the running express TING make money!"

Looking at a table laughing at your own hair, Although Shao Yi is already from this situation, he is still uncomfortable.

I can only feel a sense of emotion, the realism of the real mother.

Since you reality, don't blame Laozi.

In the future, you are all passersby.

Don't tell what brothers like Laozi.

Feeding the so-called "brother love" that is worthless of the money.

At this time, the traffic of Shao Wing rang.

The voice of Ye glory is out, this is very good, "Hey! When is it?"

Shao Yi was put on a panic, looked at the person in the seat, then whispered to the phone: "Who are you looking? You are wrong."

The sound in the phone has a little bit, "Do you dress? When is it still money? I owe 3 million, do you want to pay attention?"

"Tell you, give you three days, don't pay back? Oh, I don't believe you lose you into the sea."

"Think of yourself, don't owe the money of Laozi!"

In order to cooperate with this play, Shao Yi even deliberately bought an inferior miscellaneous communication.

This communicator has a feature, which is the volume!

And open the speaker.

Ye Rong Yao's fierce voice, and the people who were already present were clear and clear.

When Shao Wong hangs the phone, this group of people is not friendly.

There is an ominous hunch in my heart.

Bi Jie, this guy does not give Shao Wing, "Shao Yi, you ask us, will not borrow money?"

"Also, don't pick it up? Do you have money to pay?"

"You won't want us to pay for money?"

Shao Yi smiled very reluctant, "I didn't owe my loan, this is a missed phone, really."

"What I want to eat today, I pay the bill, absolutely no problem."

"I have money, absolutely might, you all have you all kinds."

"Don't lie to you, look at the watch in my hand? Big million!"

As a result, Jacao was so laughing twice. "You have a watch, I have, I will sell three hundred, how much do you want to give you? Wholesale price!"

"Do you wear a menu, what big tail wolf?"

The scene is awkward.

However, this group of guys still started a dish.

After Bi Jie, I intended to have a few hard vegetables. They are very expensive. Whoever puts it inadvertently? "Everyone will click, who dares to eat the king meal? I let him see my energy! In this county town I have a magic whole! "

"I said that I have to ask, otherwise I will play the old man? I will come to the party in my busy busy, but I don't want to come and be puddy."

This is clearly said to Shao Wing.

One person points a dish, as for Bi Jie, I will have three!

Soon, a table is in a strange atmosphere, it is!


Shao Yi squinted, eat it, make it hard, and ridicule Laozi.

In the future, when Laozi is going to die, there is nothing to be embarrassed.

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