Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 526 Sending the Beauty

Shao Yi took a while in the van, and the mood quickly calmed down.

I am sighed in my heart, I have changed it all.

No, I haven't been myself.

Even if you move, just touched for a while, soon calm and dull.

Is the heart that is cold as I steel?

At this time, the phone rang.

Call display a name, Fang Yong.

It is also one of the few days before the number and Shao Yi relationship.

Shao Yi took the phone, "Hey?"

Fang Yong's voice came, "the county forest burning, I am waiting for you here."

This is straightforward.

Shao Wing said: "Just finished, you will not go, have the opportunity to gather again."

Fang Yong said: "And those guys, can you eat? Come and sit, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"Let's talk."

Shao Wing said: "That line."

I launched the car, I was not familiar with the county, set navigation, hang, departure!

The county is not big, it will come soon.

Seeing Fang Yong, this guy looks not big.

Shao Yi did not eat grilled, but he drank two bottles of beer under his greetings.

From beginning to end, I didn't say anything else, that is, the interesting things in the village.

Finally, I have enough to drink, and I pay the bill, and I went out of the hotel with Shao Yi.

Fang Yong said: "Do you know why? I didn't go to Kun Yu Inn tonight?"

Shao Wing Road: "Why?"

Fang Yong said: "Can I go? Tonight, it's all mixed."

"Public officials, sir, doctors, institutions, or don't do big business, millions of people!"

"They will play together."

"I am mixed with this? I'm not interested! Going to find it."

Shao Yi understood, but did not say, just said: "No,?"

Fang Yong smiled, "Not so? Then you don't know? Forget it, say these is not interesting."

Fang Yong took the bag and took out the money, and went to Shao Yi.

Shao Yiyi, "What does this mean? What is it?"

Fang Yong took the shoulders of Shao Yi, "I still put it with me? What can't I say?"

"Do you owe money?"

"You don't know? You gathered, Jie Jie also built a group, and pulled it in all people outside you."

"Say you owe money, come back as long as you borrow money."

"Let us don't do it, you will, who is looking for, don't be careful! Don't take care of you."

"If you don't know how you owe money?"

"I can only help you five thousand, don't you have less!"

"If you can't do it, you will tell me again, I will give you one hundred thousand, the problem is not big."

Shao Yi said that it would come.

Bi Jie, Bi Jie, your sister!

It's okay!

Shao Yi did not refuse, and the five thousand dollars of Fang Yong came down. "This is, I will record it."

Fang Yongyi is unhappy, "What is the love?"

"I will help you, I am looking at the brotherhood."

"Not for everyone!"

"Let's mix it! On the debt, you are not a cooking? Find a restaurant, you will have a few years, the days will slowly get better!"

Shao Wei nodded, "Well! I know."

Fang Yong didn't know now, Shao Yi said "owing you a person", in the end, most of the money!

Shao Yi is also the suspicion of the Super Monitoring equipment, and the suspicion of Fang Yong and Shang Meng Meng, it is definitely not to know what information, deliberately please.

You can't weird Shao!

Others help themselves, there is still a skeptic, shameless.


I can only say this location in Shao Wing, this identity, this question, if it is simple, it is easy to believe in people, easy to move, easy to shake ...

Then, there is a system that has a rebellion, it is estimated that it is also necessary to make up for the shortcomings of insufficient IQ.

I have already believed in Fang Yong and Shang Meng Meng, I really look at the emotions of the past, help myself.

Shao Wing will definitely be able to lead.

returning a Favour many times more!

This sentence is not talking.

Drinking wine, Shao Yi called directly to drive, opened the car back to Kun Yu Inn, opened a room.

Just lying down, I haven't come to have a bath, I heard the landline.

Shao Yi took the phone and didn't talk.

A good voice in the phone, "Mr., do you need to serve?"

I go!

This is too thoughtful.

Shao Yi is of course ...

"Sorry! No!"

After that, Shao Yi hangs the phone.

But can you also understand that Xiaoguang City, this industry is definitely existing, as for umbrella? Interest collision? Not much to say.

A wine, of course, I have to take a shower.

Shao Wing accommodates, never take a shower at the inn, because it is too tit.

In fact, the bath towel is very dirty! Some people are thrown directly up to the ground while preventing slip pads.

Then will be washed clean?

Don't be naive.

There is also the electric kettle of the inn, some people are brought as a sputum, some are still urinating!

If you take it again?


Don't think that this is a dramatic! After all, the quality of this thing is to do it yourself, don't have too high expectations for others.

So Shao Wong is thinking about taking a shower in the Water Margin World.

After all, in the modern building of the Water Margin, it can be very luxurious.

Not more than the top-world inn, don't make more!

There is so much simple, princess, Pan Jinlian, , help yourself take a bath!

I took a shower and helped them.

Especially use a stick to wash themselves where they can't wash them, they are happy, more cool.

What enjoyable?

Shao Wing is going to wash it up for up to three days, it is simply exclusive toilet center.

Shao Wong is planning to send it, the result, , door!

Someone knocks on the door!

"Who?" Shao Yi asked.

There is no sound outside!

Still knock!

Shao wings started with Chuang, let's take a look at the cat!

A big beauty! Stand outside the door!

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