Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 550, Posteri, and Baijin

Shao Wing said: "It is going to play."

"Let's go, don't need to prepare anything."

"I have a wallet, you don't have to bring it."

Liu Xiaodai and Peng Xiaoling front, "Really?"

"Take us out?"

"The words said that I was so big, I didn't even have it."

"I am still better, I have been to the city."

Shao Yi suddenly had some pity these two little girls.

In fact, where you are not going, it is also a teenage, I have never been out of the county.

After all, the living conditions of rural areas are really very general.

Take these two little girls, if you are born in a good family, there is a good educational cause, growth environment ...

So, they may not learn well.

It is not necessary to have more versatile.

It is not necessary to have a so-called "education".

It is not necessary to be "goddess" in the minds of countless people.

now what? The value is still the top.

But thinking? habit? Three Views?


You can't fit them.

Shao Wing said: "You have no passport, that can only play in China, just pick you."

"Northern, you can."

"Is wrong, still don't go to Yancheng, the fog is too serious, don't go to Shanghai or Pearl River Delta to play."

Shao Yi hurriedly added a sentence.

It's not really because Yancheng smog seriously.

Mainly, many women are in Yancheng.

It's not convenient, in case you meet?

It is still trouble, which is exempt from complaining, and it is embarrassed.

The two little girls are,, finally decided to go to Shanghai to see.

If you go, let's go, let a ticket, I went to Shanghai.

It is so speed.

Two rural girls have grown up, the first time I came to Shanghai, I have an international most important market, and my eyes are not enough.

Even when I just arrived, there was a trace of cautious, there is a trace of ...


Can't open it.

Shao Yi smiled, wanting to have confidence? Very simple, then ...


Anyway, its own purpose is to let them see their own "financial resources".

Let them completely become a woman who is "Baijin".

As a man, not a woman who doesn't like women, just don't like ... I am not the money.

Otherwise, if you have a wandering, rich in the world, the woman in the world is paying, isn't it more cool?

The first thing is to first engage in a car.

The Winghuang Inn has a branch in Shanghai, and there is a car in the store.

But only hundreds of thousands of cars, Shao Wing is not enough to discard the grade.

But fortunately, the branch here has a license indicator.

Shao Yi took two chicks to the car, bought a Rolls-Royce in the name of the company.

More than 7 million!

Then opened the car, went to the most prosperous shopping mall in Shanghai, and bought them two children.

In the case of buying clothes, they certainly like it.

But I looked at the label, the price, they were stupid.

This discovered that it is the maintenance fee for 20,000 for a month, if you buy clothes here ...

On the matter of a few clothes ...

Is money?

"Let's go? If you buy a place, there is no need to buy it here." Liu Xiaodai whispered in Shao Wing.

Peng Xiaoling also attached: "Yes, this is too expensive."

I bought a dozen clothes?


Think of those money that spend the flowers, they are very distressed.

"It's too expensive. If you can choose it yourself, I would rather money. I bought clothes, there are hundreds of dollars clothes, I can save money, I can ... can play games! Buy a room! You can buy Car! Can ... can do a lot of things. "Liu Xiaodai said.

Peng Xiaoling also said: "Yes, spend hundreds of thousands of buying clothes, but also let us change, wear such expensive clothes, I will not walk, I am afraid to give it, broken."

"And this pair of shoes, 50,000 pieces! I don't know where the value is so expensive!"

"50,000 pieces, can you buy a car?"

Shao Yi is very speechless, "What a few more money?"

"Is a small money."

On the side, I went to the Wing Jewelry while driving.

This big city in Shanghai, of course, is also the key market of Wing Huang Jewelry.

With two chicks into the store, Shao Wing said: "Jewelry here, you are picking up."

Which woman does not like jewelry?

Liu Xiaodai and Peng Xiaoling are bright, "Just pick it? Should it be very expensive?"

"Just, it's still a lot, I have already spent a lot of money today."

Shao Wing said: "Nothing, there is money, let me."

They are all nearly 30 years old, they are coming to buy wedding rings.

Originally, if it is normal, the average person will not be blended, and the most is ridiculous.

So he smiled, "Blowing! Where is this dead liar, lie to the little girl?"

"You know how much does it cost to buy this store?"

"This store, plus the jewel here, not dozens of billions, even hundreds of billions, I don't want to think!"

"Do you think you are a national husband?"

"The son of the richest?"

Liu Xiaodai and Peng Xiaoling are all in the county. If it is in the county city, some people dare to talk to them like this, they have already blown up.

But I came to Shanghai, and I have a good time.

After listening to this man, I was shocked.

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