Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 554 Take Money Roll Egg

Sitting on Rolls Royce, Shao Wing to Peng Xiaoling: "Call you for your ex-boyfriend, let him come to Kun Yu Inn."

Peng Xiaoling "Oh", then take it.

The phone is very fast.

Peng Xiaoling also knew the preferences of Shao Yi and opened a speaker.

"My boyfriend makes you come to Kun Yu Inn, do you dare to come?"

A tender voice in the phone, "finally dared to show, waiting, I took some people, hacked you this pair of dog men."

After that, the phone hangs.

Peng Xiaoling worried about Shao Yi, "He knows some people in some society ..."

"Do you want, let's first call?"

Shao Wing said: "No need."

Because the airport is far from the county city, I waited until the Kun Yu Inn, it was already over more than half an hour.

Sure enough, the inn is waiting for a dozen small players.

Steel tubes are also mentioned in their hands.

They saw a car on a far away.

"Rely! Rolls Rolls! This is definitely rich."

"Strap, can live in Kun Yu Inn, of course, is rich."

"But this Rolls Royce is seven million? No billion assets can drive the car?"

"Hey! So expensive? Can be opened for a lifetime in the Internet cafe."

What makes this group of homes have never been thought about that Rolls Royce stopped them.

The door opened, Shao Yi, Liu Xiaodai, Peng Xiaoling, from the car.

"The goods!" Peng Xiaodi's ex-boyfriend saw it!

He didn't expect that Peng Xiaoling actually dropped from the Rolls Royce.

Going back God, a waving, "It is this pair of dog men and women, kill them!"

However, look back ...

This group of "brothers" no one hand.

"Brother, this is Rolls Royce, let's ... can't help."

Peng Xiaodai's ex-boyfriend is also jumped, but it is still uncomfortable, "I can't afford to have money? I am afraid of a ball!"

"The rich man also also three arms? Not afraid of death?"

"Laozi's white knife into it, still is a red knife!"

Shao Yi gave himself a root smoke, smoked a bit, faint: "Good, but ... this, I ask you, do you know Bi Jie?"

Peng Xiaoling's front boyfriend said: "Bi Ji Bi brother? Of course!"

"That is my big brother, covering me!"

"How? You also know Bi Brog? Through Liu Xiaoxue know? Want to settle?"

"Want to make Bi Brown Pace?"

It seems that this kid still doesn't know that Jie has entered.

Shao Yi is very speechless, this news has to have multiple clocks!

Shao Yi faintly said: "There is also a man in front of the day, holding a machete, to kill me."


"Now he has entered, it is estimated that this life will not come."

Peng Xiaoling's ex-boyfriend, "You lie! Bi brown energy is very large, how can you go in!"

Liu Xiai loves to be laughedide, "Do not believe in inquiring, I can tell you clearly, Jie Jie really goes."

"I have the relationship between my relationship, do you know? Can I not lie to you?"

"You still don't roll? Do you want to go in?"

Peng Xiaoling's ex-boyfriend is stupid.

A group of small hoursens behind him is stupid.

Strictly speaking, they can only be idle.

There is no qualification for the protection fee.

Can only scare people with iron rods.

For example, Bi Jie, I know a few defeats, so there is a bit "industry"

Earn some money.

And what about these guys?

Even these "business" is not.

Just don't learn well in the school, I don't want to go in, I will play the game, play the game, fight, pull the gang, is deteriorating.

But true bad things, I haven't done it.

This suddenly made Shao Yi have not interested.

Originally thinking, if these guys are the same as Bao Jie, it will all packed up.

It is just to remove it for the people.


A group of small pieces that have just been wean!

There is a fart!

Shao Wing said: "It's all energetic, you will roll!"

"After Peng Xiaoling is my person, you don't appear in front of her, I don't want to contact her."


"Oh, fine skin tender meat, close in the day, chrysanthemum can turn into sunflowers, why."

Peng Xiaoling's boyfriend's face is white, and a sentence can't say it.

If you change to others, he will not believe it.

I feel that it is in a bluff.

But this Rolls-Royce will not be lie.

Moreover, Liu Xiaodai said, and Jia Jie has entered.

That is her brother!

She will not take this to deceive people.

It seems that this person in front of you can really can't afford it!

I can't recognize this, turn around, isn't it very faceless?

I'm retreat.

It seems that it is necessary to put it, save a little face, and then withdraw it.

Thinking of this, Peng Xiaoling's front boyfriend said: "The buddies, the hate of wife today, he is still in the day, remember my name, my name ..."

Shao Yi interrupted his words, "I am not interested in knowing your name."

"You don't match me shoes."

"Looking for me to revenge? There is no play in this life, even for life, you don't play!"

Peng Xiaoling's ex-boyfriend is not convinced, "thirty years of river is 30 years of Hexi, Mo to deceive a boy!"

Shao Yi is speechless.

What is the novel of this mother?

Before Hou Meng also took this sentence to Qian Yue, but now?

Hou Meng has been sent to ancient ancient times.

Shao Yi slammed with this stupid than nonsense, turned around the Ye Rong Yao: "Is there a money on the car?"

Ye Rong Yao said: "Yes."

This is also a habit of Shao Yi.

The trunk on the car likes to put a few leather boxes.

After all, you don't have money on your body.

Shao Yi let Ye glory take out a suitcase, open, take out more than a dozen bales, throw it on the ground.

One bundle is 10,000.

Shao Wong Road: "Give you two options."

"First, you can try to play with me, see who can play and die."

"Second, the guarantee will never harass Peng Xiaoling before, then these money is yours, immediately hold the money!"

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