Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 570 lets you see the miracle of Kyushu

Liu Yushen returned to the auditorium.

Can he not worry?

He doesn't understand what Shao Yi is going to do? It can be said that this thing makes him very difficult.

If Gillide acquires the life of life, it is certainly a strong achievement of his performance.

Is it successful for Shao Yi's acquisition?

Life Pharmaceutical? Can you die?

Can you create jobs?

Can you pay more?

Can you pull the chicken drop?

The answer is obvious ...


Brook has not seen Liu Yu Dang face, urge: "Liu, should we sign a contract?"

Liu Yuwu said: "Sorry, please wait a little."

Brooke: "Why?"

Liu Yu Party is a bit difficult to open.

Because of it, Brooke must be angry, then it is not good.

Want to delay? Say Brooke?


There is a fart!

Liu Yujian can only barely smile, "Sorry, Mr. Brooke, unfortunately inform you, you have a competitor."

"There are other companies, I also look at the pharmaceutical industry."

"I want to compete with you."

"I wanted to push it."

"But I think, your gilled medicine, is it impossible to fear any competition, right?"

This is very horizontal.

It is also a changing compliment that bruzzy and gilid medicine.

Brook frowned, "Is there anyone to compete with us?"


"Is Pf Rui? Or GlaxoSmike? Is them right? This group of damn little pool!"

Brook did not feel the gentleman, and it was broken.

Liu Yu Dang said: "Not them."

Brooke is still anger, "Who is it? Is it a national ?"

"This group of damn guys, there is a pseudonym? Is it not endless?"

Liu Yu Dang touched his nose, "is not a national man."

Brooke, "Who is it? Who is it?"

Liu Yuwu said: "It is a pharmaceutical company in our country, as for the name ..."

Cough! Liu Yu party does not know!

"Should you call the Wing Huang Medicine?" Liu Yushu guess the road.

"What?" Brooke is completely stunned.

"You didn't joking me?"

"Your Kyushu Pharmaceutical Company? Hahahaha!"

Brook suddenly laughed, "This is what I heard, the best laugh is."

"It is a medical company of Kyushu, is it to compete with us?"


"Dear Liu, you are confirmed, did you joking with me?"

"Are you joking?"

"Well, this joke is not laughing at all, so now, we sign the contract?"

At this time, the door of the auditorium was pushed away.

Shao Yi came in with a cigar.

Recently, Shao Yi likes to smoke the cigar, because so, put up for a more feeling.

And brother with the movie.

Shao Yi faintly said: "Who is joking with you?"

"This life is a pharmaceutical industry, I bought it."

"As for you, Brooke, sorry, don't compete with me."

"Good, I am your brother."

"Is it right? We are relatives."

Brooke is stunned.

He didn't expect him, it turned out to compete with him to compete with him.

How can this be?

Brook said: "It's really active, are you idiot? Do you know that I am a gilled medicine!"

Shao Yi faintly said: "Can Geelide can't afford?"

"Liu Shou, ten billions, life, my pharmaceutical industry, I bought it."

Brooke, "I have 12 billion!"

Shao Yi smiled, "I have a 15 billion!"

This is a few words, the life of the pharmaceutical industry has doubled.

Liu Yu's mood, suddenly a bit beautiful.

Life Pharmaceutical, is the industry in the county.

The more money sold, the county is nature is a good thing.

Liu Yuwu is that Brooke can continue to increase the price.

Unfortunately, Brooke can do the middle layers of gilled medicine, enough to explain him is not idiot.

Moreover, the middle layer is not a major shareholder of Geely Medicine.

If the premium is too high, then Brooke has no right to play.

Brook smiled: "Is this a means of your Kyushu people?"

"Shao, are you coming to do? Want to lie to me? How many spend?"

"It's really disappointing, Wei Ni likes you."

"Your money, is it earned in this non-conducting means?"

"You will not be stupid, will I continue to increase the price?"

"Hahahaha! Tell you, you failed!"

"Life Pharmaceutical, our Geely, give up!"

"Although you are not worth mentioning in front of us, we will not put you in your eyes."

"But because of the private relationship, I will continue to observe you. See what you have used after you have acquired life pharmaceutical industry?"

"You won't use it ..."

"Is it possible to produce health products? Haha, you know how to produce some health products can only be produced, and I can deceive the old ages."

Brooke is very rampant.

It's hard to listen to the words.

All Jiuzhou people in the field are very angry.

Includes Shao Wing.

However, it is weak to refute.

Because Brooke said, it is actually true!

Pharmaceutical R & D, for Kyushu Country, is a weak industry, and research and development is too far.

With the top-class pharmaceutical companies with Geely, there is no better than the other.

Shao Yi faintly said: "Brooke, you have this white skin, you will listen to it."

"Our Kyushu State has an old saying, called Shizhi three days, then look at it."

"If you don't understand this sentence, you can go back to ask other people."

"One month! Give me a month!"

"Within a month, I will take out products that exceed your gilled medicine, let you know, what is the miracle of Jiuzhou!"

"Do you understand? The damn Amei Gasu!"

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