Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 574 Brook, let your girl waiting

Wei Ni didn't talk, just swallowed, as if it was crying.

Shao Wing said: "What's wrong? Who is bullying? Tell me, I will help you vent."

Wei Ni finally couldn't help but cry, "Dear, wings, sorry, all I harm you."

"I know what my brother is virtue, I should not let you see him at all."

"Then you will bet with him, this gambling is very unfair to you."

"I blame me, it is my fault."

"I will not know my brother again, I will not recognize him this brother."

"Where are you? I am looking for you now?"

Shao Wing is wondering, "What happened? Don't cry, there is something to say slowly."

"Is there anything happening again?"

Wi Ni crying: "Your new drug is refused to listed by the Health Management Organization, I have already known, oh, sorry."

Shao Yi brows wrinkled, how did Veien know?

I have just left the health management organization without twenty minutes.

I didn't ask Wei Ni, directly using the super monitoring equipment, explored her inner dynamics.

Then Shao Wings have a big sentence, "fuck!"

It turned out that he had a health management organization, and Brooke has already issued Weibo.

"@ , I heard that your new medicine is approved. It is rejected by your health management organization? Hahahaha, I have to say, your Jiuzhou country's big people, very clean, give them a bit! I should stick to the bottom line By breaking your unrealistic fantasy of this kind of trail, so that you have been suffering from the patient suffering from the disease. "

The following is comments.



Shao Yi has been completely shaped as a fool on the Internet.

It's just a group attack.

The mouse over the streets people shouting the trend.

Shao Yi also explored the dynamics of the high-ministest heart and found this thing.

He also just knew that this thing was smashed online, it was in the office.

"Give it to it! Who is it to reveal the news to Brooke!"

"I must give me it out!"

"Then let him go home to sell sweet potatoes!"

"Is there such a close relationship with foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers? There must be a tantry!"

"Let the superior discipline inspection organization department to do this, no matter who, this thing I will never cover the cover!"

The high minister is really anger.

He was worried about the inspiring of the doctor.

Just thinking about what way to remedy and the relationship between the doctor.

who knows……

Ministry and give yourself a lot!

Can he not angry?

He is very frightened, the doctor saw the situation on Weibo, under anger, mound himself, then the cup.

How do you seek medical treatment in the future?

It is said that the doctor has one hand to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, but the blood pressure is high, in case of the wind?

Also expect God medicine to give a needle.

If you know the reason, Shao Yi can only feel sad.

It is very a bit of my shepherd dog. I have seen it in the past. I have a face to make up.

It's so glorious to give a foreign man as a slave?

The motherland is indeed unbelievable place, scientific and technologically, which is indeed a lot of backward places.

But it is already trying to catch up!

There are countless science and technology workers to pay hard and efforts.

It is not never hoped to catch up.

Why bother to stay TIAN foreigners?

You call someone, people promise?

Shao Wo said to Wei Ni: "I am fine, you don't have to worry."

Weida: "Where are you? I will go to you now."

Shao Wong said: "Don't, you are waiting in Island City, waiting for me to finish this paragraph, I will see you."

"You come to Yancheng now, I still don't worry, I am afraid that you are dangerous."

Wei Ni crying: "Don't you want me?"

Shao Yi head is big, woman, your name is trouble.

However, it is very cool when playing with people, this time is a bit annoying, but only ...


Shao Yi is a smile, "How can I not want you? You are so fascinating, and that tight, it's so long, still like a woman, I like it very much."

"It's impossible not to you."

"Even if you want to break up, you have to run away, the end of the world will come back!"

The phone is red, and the face is red.

Troad of the old, Laozi will make you good fruit?

Live live, you, you are so stupid!

Shao Yi thought about how to retaliate Brooke.

After all, once lost, this time is really shameful.

Pulling your face all over the world.


It's completely a laughter.

I haven't so bad in the future, and the loss is big.

Shao Wing is a little extreme, not to mention the system in hand, can't stand it.

That anger, what is it?

Even consideration, do you want to give Gilide's medical production base to a large earthquake?

Of course, when Brooke is there.

Let this guy lost directly in the earthquake.

At that time, Wei Ni got the bust of the brooke girl with a aunt.

I am using my father's identity ...

Cough! I want to be too far.

Shao Wing hurriedly stopped his farther thoughts.

It's a pity that this white skin is dead.

Laozi, haven't lost it yet!

still have a chance!

Even if there is only the last day, Laozi will not easily accept it!

As long as there is a line of life, it is necessary to fight.

With a few words, I said a few colored jokes, laughing this chick, and Shao Wong hangs.

Then I got a heart, what kind of magic did you think?

How can I solve the dilemma of the eye.

Special effect anticancer drugs? Immediate effect?

Is it possible to get this medicine?

It's really can't, you can upgrade the current cancer targeting medicine, try it.

If the research and development of this medicine is right, the future special medicine is also successful in this basic research and development, then the Shao Wing upgrade upgrade is upgraded ...

It really gave a cancer special medicine, which can be cured.

If the research and development direction of this medicine is wrong, then how to upgrade, and also white.

What is the direction of cancer issues? No one is not allowed!

"System? Don't you kill it?"

"Can you give a support?"

"Your sister, this prouder system."

"Don't see it? It's too unified."

Show is helpless, and it is required to rescue the system.

This guy may be the most irresponsible system in history, and it is found in the next day!

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