Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 578, my mother is sixteen years old

Qianlong's , a crying, but there is no one to stand up

Funeral? It is easy to say.

It's better to die!

I am afraid to die!

Shao Yi smiled

"Well, you are all time to know."

"Reassured, I will not laugh at you."

"Women do not necessarily want to be a man's attachment, but there is no need to make a dead person."

"You should pursue your own happiness."

"I want to think about the next half of you."

They just cry, don't talk.

However, Shao Yi has no heart, maybe they will thank yourself.

There is still a lot of time.

Is this a lifetime? What a pity?

And those who are twenty years old, how good, no one cultivation? That is a waste, violent heaven.

Zhang Zhaozhong was put on, and three were selected.

I didn't expect this to like young women, and three of the elections were more than 30 years.

Shao Yi is also drunk.

Shao Wong said: "Okay, with your new lady, just find room, go to the hole."

Zhang Zhaozhong hurriedly said: "The slave is not anxious, here ... is still full of danger, slavery to protect the security of the emperor."

This is a hit.

After all, so many years is not white.

? Post your sister!

Shao Wing chicken skin is all up, and he said: "Hurry and go."

"Laozi protects you?"

"At the end of this day, people who can kill me are not existed."

"Laozi's means, is you what you can imagine?"

"Hurry, take your three new ladies, enjoy it."

Zhang Zhaozhong saw that Shao Yi did not seem to be pseudo, said: "Yes, slave is fault."

Then I took three still crying.

I was still tied aside, she yell: "Why don't you be accompanied by the emperor?"

"Why don't you hold the clerics? Why is you more than you die!"

"You are mixed!"

"The face of the big name, let you lose light!"

Shouting very scream, and madness.

Shao Yi glanced at this old monster, "shut up!"

"Noise ..."

"You still don't get sixty years old?"

"How? I don't want to find an old companion?"

I was stunned and I didn't dare to talk.

Find an old companion?


madman! This is a madman!

Shao Yi did not take care of her, turned around Li Xiuxi Road: "Lao Li, how? Do you want to pick three?"

Li Xiuxi said: "Slave ... Xie Chu Ben!"

Then, the past choose on the past.

Take Shao Yi.

This old guy.

Don't look at how old, still in the spring heart?

Are you married?

What makes Shao Yi didn't expect that Li Kewei actually like Loli? Picking up three old ages.

Shao Yi is somewhat unbearable.

Old cattle eats a teenage?

Shao Wong said: "You are old, do their dads are too big, don't you change others?"

Li Kewei smiled: "Slave ... very much like these three ... often."


Shao Yi didn't say anything.

Eat a teenage grass.

Anyway, after Li Kexi is mixed with himself, and there is Li Wei's relationship, and it is definitely flying Yellow Tengda.

These three little sisters have not been finished.

It can follow Li Kexi to eat a spicy, life level, not much less than in the hometown, and it is also their luck.

Besides, why is Li Wei so beautiful?


Li Koke, although it is Wu Mun, but it has long been eyebrows, and there is a meat with the later generations.

If this is given to Li Wei, add a cousin?

Isn't that a small scorpion?

Waving Li Xiu, "Roll, play with them."

"Your old guy, can you eat?"

"Don't let three little girls drove you."

Li Kai Xiu a little bit of the character of Shao Yi, so it is not afraid, smiling: "Nothing, nothing, slave is good, absolutely no problem."

Other guards look very eye-catching.

However, they feel that this kind of good thing is certainly not related to them.

After all, they are actually very low-level guards.

I was with Li Xuxi very early, Li Kai Xiu was not the flag.

In the Grand Qing Dynasty, the status of the flag is very high.

Han Guard? Of course, it is the lowest level.

In terms of treatment, it is far away.

However, I didn't expect them that Shao Wong made a big hand, "According to the level, one is coming."

"I said it was not married, and I was getting married."

"Just pick it."

"Also, one can only pick one! Don't be greedy!"


I haven't heard it wrong?

These guards are all crazy!

It's too excited.

They never thought, there is a day ... Women who can sleep?


And dream.

Half an hour later, Hongli's embarrassment was taken.

And it is taken into the cave.

Six thousand guards, this is far away.

There are also more than 5,000 hungry people.

How? Since ancient times, it has not been afflicted, this is the truth that is struggling.

One hundred households, crying in front of Shao Wings.

The next one will queue to him, and the result is spurred.

This hundred households: "The emperor ... emperor."

Shao Wong Road: "There is a fart!"

He is embarrassed, "The emperor, if it is not ..."

"It's really not ..."

"Emperor Hua, I am not disappointing."

Shao wing is okay, "You didn't make a mistake? The Empress Dowager is more than 50 people, you are not discarded?"

"I see you age, or twenty-five or six?"

This hundred households are red, "slaves, slaves like women who like, old yellow words."

Shao wing is good, it is really a big forest, what bird has.

But still intended to persuade, "Although the emperor's embarrassment is picked, the palace is still, I gave you a young?"

This hundred households: "Xie Huang's huge slave, but ... slaves like to be old."

Shao wing was worn.

Forget it, then care for the elderly.

50 years old, only ... cough, can also be a middle-aged!

It is also important to come!

Moreover, Shao Yi didn't like the Empress Dowager.

She is poisoned, and the king of fruit is doing ...

Although there is a cause, there is a feeling of love, but Shao Yi still doesn't like it.

So Shao Yi waved, "That line, take away."

This 100 families are big, "slaves are the mainstream!"

Shao Yi had to remind him, "You are a little bit, this old monster is very powerful, you can don't break the people in the whole family."

Hundreds of households: "The emperor is assured, the slave is clear."

Shao Yi also reminded the Emperor of the Emperor, "You, I want to open."

"I know, you are a strong woman."

"Now you have to figure out, Daqing is complete, no more play."

"And you are all ... it is also my cheap man."

"As long as you are constant, I will not target you."


"If you dare to have a small action, you don't want to die, you still have to tired your girl, understand?"

The Emperor was originally smashed, but he listened to the words of Shao Yi ...

Suddenly discouraged.

Tears, from turbid eyes, flow.

Silent cries.

Shao Yi is very unhappy, crying? Wu Zetian is more than your cow? When the Queen is young, it is not a group of people.

Zhang Jia brother.

Xue Huiyi.

and many more.

It's just the night of spring! It's so hard.

It can be seen whether men or women, as long as there is an opportunity, there is right, cough ... will become bad.

In the past, you can't worry because of the emperor's identity.

right now……

After that I have opened a happy old life, I am grateful to me!

Next, Shao Wing originally intended to assign the palace girl to his own guard.

That is not interest.

Asked, is there any willing to take the initiative to marry my own guard? result……

Ok, the result is already expected.

No one is willing.

Looking at more than 5,000 guards, disappointing eyes, Shao Wing waved, "Let's go outside."

What military machine ministers, a failure!


As long as it is a capable person, you can't leave it.

Then their ladies are small, and they will rely on their marriage.

Of course, their unmarried girls, Shao Yi will not move.

In short this night, Yancheng City, I didn't know how many heads.

But compared to previous generations ...

Change the cost of replacement, too much too much!

So, Shao Yi didn't have a soft.

It's just a thinking, how do you have a copy schedule, haven't you reached a percent?

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