Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 580 gives who feed dog food?

Shao Yi brows wrinkled, this Folkang seems to be very hard.

Let's put these two.

Shao Yi faintly said to the five brother and Xiao Yanzi: "You can live one,"

"Let's talk, who is alive, who is dead?"

"You choose it yourself."

Xiao Yanzi angered: "There is a matter of killing us, we are not afraid of dead!"

"Hey! I want to take it to scare anyone?"

"My grandmother is frowned, even if I lose!"

Shao Wing looks to the five princes, "What about you? Are you also dead?"

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you now."

"Don't think I am scaring you!"

"After all, what kind of identity yourself, haven't you discomfort in your heart?"

I started to take cold sweat on the forehead.

What identity?


This kind of identity is naturally a very cattle, and the lifetime is full of Ronghua, the status is good, and whoever sees all.

Can you now? Improve the dynasty.

The five priests, the fame and fortune, in the Pearl plot, I would rather give up the throne.

A person who can be indifferent fame and fortune means that the heart of utilitarian is not heavy, and the personality is not enough.

In the past, in the depth? A little bit of greed is afraid, dare not fight.

Overnight, it is the excuse of the coward self-escaping.

Are you willing to grow in the country? Looking for a few hands, not very nice, the character is also average the gathering for a lifetime?

Will you mean?

Still not life? Everyone looks like Wang Xiaocong.

But if you can choose, who doesn't want to do Wang Xiaocong?

Shao Yi saw that the five brothers were very bad.

I am very laughing in my heart.

Pulling the Polyteen, racking in the neck of the five princes, "What is the grinding? I hate my mother's man."

"Hurry, do you die, or a little swallow?"

"Or, do you want to die together?"

The five princes still don't talk.

Shao Yi no longer nonsense, directly stab the five Ajo sword,! Blood splashed out.

Of course, it is not a key.

Five Agogue is called, and the whole person is squatting on the ground, thoroughly, "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

"Please don't kill me."

Shao Yi faintly said: "I don't have a big wish, I ask you, you are dead."

Wu's brother said: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, forgive, ask the emperor for money."

Said, give Shao Wing.

This also directly admitted the "emperor" identity of Shao Yi, as a descendant of love Xinjue Luo, is really no time.

Shao Yi coldly said: "You answer me on your front, you die, or you can't understand it?"

Wu's brother said: "She died, let her die, I don't want to die ..."

Shao Yi laughed.

The little swallow is completely stunned.

She and the five brothers have a good feeling, but they have not smashed the window paper.

In her opinion, the five buddies are very smart, and Wen Wenya, learning rich five cars, treating people very good, there is no brother's shelf, very attractive.

But now ...

Xiao Yanzi angered: "Yong Qi, you ... you are a coward!"

"You ... What are you afraid of death?"

"The head has dropped the bowl of scars. After 18 years, it is a good Han!"

"What are you afraid?"

Five Proto Yongqi lost his breath and cried and was scared.

As for the problem of small swallows, there is no way to answer.

Shao Wing said: "Who is not afraid of death? Nothing, I won't joke you."

"This is called Junjie."

"Come on, take Yong Qi, giving him wounds, so as not infected."

There is a guard against Yong Qi.

Xiao Yanzi is constantly struggling, "I am fighting with you!"

Unfortunately, it is tightly tiered.

I can't get it at all.

Shao Yi smiled and touched the face of Xiao Yanzi.

"You will stop."

"Keep some physical strength, wait for you to have you tired."

Xiao Yanzi roared: "Don't touch me!"


Shao Yi missed: "I like you this little pepper, the more you struggle, the more happy, hehe."

Then, you will not take care of small swallows and turn around Folkang and Ziwei Road. "What are you?"

"Who is dead?"

Folkang and Ziwei have a look at each other, it is a tenderness, affection.

Looking at Shao Yi is a bit embarrassed.

It's not challenged by two of them.

It can even be said that there is not much contact.

After all, the plot of the Pearl Princess is actually not fully started.

But maybe there is a fate.

Since the two meet the first time, the eyes are similar to the walkie-talkie.

Wang Ba looked with green beans, it was in the eyes.

In the heart, there are each other.

But it has not been challenging.

At this moment, the life and death, as if I understand each other's heart.

Folkang said: "Kill me, I am willing to die for the Girl of Ziwei."

Xia Ziwei also hurriedly said: "No, let me, my parents are died, I have been alive, I am not happy, it is better to die, kill me."

Got, these two cattle are all competing, they are dead.

Shao Wing is more annoyed, and the Laozi is going to pick it up.

Are you crying in the little swallow?

Do you have a good, show the love?

Who is feeding dog food?

It's too much.

Shao Yi faintly said: "This way, let's change the rules, don't let you die."

"Who is you willing to pay for the other party?"

Folkang and Xia Ziwei don't understand what it means, but looked at the evil in Shao Yi's eyes, there is a bad hunch.

Shao Yi gave himself a root smoke and smiled: "Xia Ziwei, do you want to save him?"

Xia Ziwei Road: "Think!"

Shao Wing Road: "That is very simple, if you are willing to sleep with me, do my woman in the future, then I am very compassionate, put him away."


This ... is shameless!

Xia Ziwei scared his face and pale, and he couldn't say a word.

Folkang, "shameless! Despicable!"

"There is anything to rush me! I am willing to do anything for the purple girl!"

"I am willing to die for her!"

"Rush me! Kill me! Bar!"

"There is a matter of killing me!"

Shao Yi looked at him, "I am coming, but also? But kill you? Come beautiful!"

"I asked you, you ... you are willing to go to the palace for the Girl, do you want to be a eunuch?"


Too ... eunuch!

Folkang is stupid.

At this moment, he understood that he didn't be afraid of heaven.

Originally, there is something more terrible than death.

That is……

Do eunuch!

Think of that all the sweat is erected.

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