Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 594 marries me to make a daughter-in-law?

Shao Yi said with his condition, while watching the reaction of yellow blunt.

As long as this chick is once again, try to wavily waving the long gun in her hand to stabbed himself ...

So, of course, the first time fighter, returning to the original time and space.

Also don't think other ways.

However, let Shao Yi didn't think of it, this time the yellow blunt is very calm.

Not angry!

No angry!

It's just a bit blind, and the look is a little lonely.

After all, Huang Duo is not stupid.

In fact, some guesses have been guessed, and they have been prepared.

Moreover, the pressure of the Dragon Slayer base gives her, but she has to take more scruples.

Shao Yi is not anxious, don't urge her, just take care of your smoke.

After a while, Huang Duo suddenly opened, "Can you give me a smoke?"

Shao Wing said: "Don't smoke, smoking is not good."

Huang Duo said: "Is there anything wrong with smoking?"

"Smoke to hurt the lungs? Don't you smoother? This sentence you have never heard?" Shao Wing suddenly hopped, deliberately introducing topics to anticancer drugs, said: "Smoking is easy to cause lung cancer, this is common sense, You don't know? "

"Lung cancer can be rescued."

Shao Yi deliberately said.

Want to get some useful messages from the yellow blossoms.

Just look at the yellow blunt.

Sure enough, I didn't let Shao Yi disappointed!

Huang Duo looks weird looks at Shao Wong, "Lung cancer is unparalleled to save? You ... you won't be idiot?"

Shao Yi is still stupid, "What do you mean? Can you tuger lung cancer?"

Huang Duo said: "Cancer special medicine, developed in 20 years ..."

"From that, cancer is no longer a terminal illness."

"You don't know this? Are you not a planet?"

"Are you from Mars?"

Shao Yi secretly relieves tone, okay, there is a cancer special medicine.

I have no white coming.


Huh? wrong!

Shao Wing suddenly found a problem, Huang Duo just said ... The cancer special medicine is developed twenty years ago?

How can this be?

I want to know in the end of the world, the timetable here ...

It is now 2028.

Cataclysms occurred in seven years ago!

Ten years ago, it is 2018! That is, the original time and space now.

Twenty years ago? It is 2008!

This world has developed a cancer special medicine in 2008?

Can it be original? I haven't developed in 2018.

Will it be a yellow blunt?

Originally Shao Wing thought that this will be based on the research and development of cancer special medicine, it should be between 2018 and 2021.

After 2018, the Cataclysm has changed!

Shao Wing said: "You remember wrong? When did anti-cancer drugs have been developed, do you remember so clear? 20 years? You didn't make a mistake?"

Huang Duo affirmed: "Of course, I didn't make a mistake! The year is the emperor Olympics, how can I make a mistake."

Shao Yi was completely stunned, is this final world, not a ten years of the original time and space?

These two worlds, although it seems to be a lot of places, many buildings in the emperors are the same ...

The characters also have the same character.

Huang Duo!

Lu Beier!

But still there's a lot difference?

How can this be?

In order to verify this doubt, Shao Wing said: "Your father is Huanglei bar? Previous big star? What kind of grapes have violated? I like it very much."

Huang Fanto wrinkled brows, "What are you talking?"

Ok? I said?

In the original time and space, the father of Huang Duo is a big star. When you are young, you played a very fireful TV series called "grape violet".

At that time, Huanglei was not married yet.

Still a small meat.

now what? Huang Duo actually said ... it is in Hu?

Shao Wing said: "Where do I say? Then your dad is not called Huanglei? Isn't a star?"

Huang Duo stared at Shao Yi for a while, and this guy is not a neurological disease?

But I still sigh, said: "My father is indeed called Huanglei. Where did you know his name? My father is not a star."

"He is just a teacher."

Shao Wing said: "Yes, teacher, right?"

Huang Duo said: "No? My father is just a general technical school teacher, teaching cooking."

"Before my father is a teacher, it is a cook."

"As for the star ... How do I have that talent?"


Huanglei did not make a star's talent?

Didn't you make a mistake?

Shao Wong said: "You sure you didn't joking with me? This time, it will be very boring? I said something wrong."

Huang Duo rare white Shao Wing glance, "nonsense, I have a joke with you?"

"Who are you? I am not familiar with you, take my father's joke with you?"

"You ... Are you brain?"

It's been awkward, but Shao Yi is not angry, and I took a smoke and gave himself.

The smoke addiction is getting bigger and bigger, one picks up, not idle.

Huang Duo said again: "Give me one."

Shao Wing just want to say that if you say it is not good again ...

Can you suddenly think about it, isn't smoking? The cancer here has been overcome!

That is to say, smoking has no effect on the body?

Although I don't like girls who don't smoke, Shao Yi is still handed over yellow.

Because, Shao Yi knew that her is very chaotic.

The next scene is strange, and two people who shouted to shout, they are grouped together to swallow the clouds.

I took a half-smoke, and Shao Yi remembered Lu Beier. "The land of the land outside, what about her father? Is it a big star?"

Huang Duo said: "Of course not, Beier's father is just an ordinary civil servant!"

"You ... why do you ask such a strange question?"

"Is there a problem with your head?"

Shao Yi did not answer yellow blunt.

But think, "Don't you participate in your father?"

Huang Duo said: "Where is your father going? We are neighbors, from a small understanding."

Shao Yi only feels ... is too surprised.

It turns out that this is not a ten year of the original time and space!

Is it possible to explain ... After three years of the original time and space, don't worry about the problem of catastroge?

This is a good news.

It's just a strange, the yellow Dad of Huang Duo is not a star, but her father is still with her mother?

Still born with her?

Exactly the same?

no change?

This ... mink.

Explanation is not available.

After a smoke is saved, Shao Yi is also relieved, although this end of the world, there are many doubts, but ...

The old man fart!

It is now a top priority to get a special medicine for treating cancer.

It took back to continue with Brooke's white skin pigs.

Good continuance!

Keep you abuse Glide medicine.

While installing, while benefiting mankind, it is also for big Chinese, how good? One arrow three carving!

As for other?

Slowly study again later.

Therefore, Shao Yi threw the smoke to the ground, stepped on it, said: "That is just right, what do you think about it, how do you think about it?"

"Do you want ... and become a family?"

"Marry me to make a daughter-in-law? No problem?"

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