Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 596 Today is married and cave

Shao Yi is very unhappy, "How do I rogue?"

"I am not a player, is it good?"

"I am telling the truth."

"In addition to these necessities, there are other things, as long as you want, I can give you it."

"For example, there is no problem, let you change a set, no need to make it."

Huang Duo stared at the eyes of Shao Yi and saw a few seconds. "Well, I hope you don't lie to me."

"Although I always think everything you said, especially unreliable."

"Where is it so easy?"

"Is it ... Do you really come from Mars?"

"After all, the whole of the emperors, it is impossible to have so many resources!"

"Where did you get it?"

Shao Wing said: "This ... temporarily confidential, waiting for you to become my wife, I will tell you later."

Huang Duo does not talk.

Shao Wong said: "So, start preparing for the wedding?"

"Let's get married today, and immediately take the cave."

"It's fast, I am very precious."

This kind of monkey is anxious, and the yellow blossom is shocked.

Especially today, I will get married, and I will immediately take this way!

Put the yellow face of the yellow face, "you ... you ... you"

Let this have been calm and cold little girl, all of which are nervous.

"You didn't make a mistake?"

"Today ... Marry?"

"Then ... cave room?"

"You ... As for so anxious?"

Shao Wing said: "In the chaos, just like the war age, the children of the rivers and lakes, don't pay attention to too much."

"As the saying goes, it is better to hit the day, right?"


"This way, as long as you promise me to get married today and cave, then I promise you a good wedding."

"I invite all the women's survivor base, eat a big one."

"The big fish is meat, thirty dishes start, is it?"

"Beer liquor, drink juice, all no problem."

"You can also do some firecrackers is hot."

"Right, do you like to wear a wedding dress or a classical red dress?"

"Forget it, just have a few sets, I will get it."

"Drill ring? Necklace? No problem!"

"What else do you have? I can satisfy you."

Shao Yi's words made Huang Duo stunned.

The heart is simply ... There is a day of the day of the dog.

Just promised Shao Yi, still very calm, I always feel that even if I agree, I have to wait for some time, two people are familiar with the next, talk about getting married.?

It can be seen how Zoyi is anxious, is it going to get today?

That heart is simply astonishing.

However, I think I'm thinking, I have been the end, this is over, I have never seen anyone who is holding a wedding.

What kind of guest is the rule before the end of the world? Rider?

Wedding dress?


Earlier is gone!

Ordinary men who have not awakened, I can't find a woman.

Awakening man? It is the strong, I want to find a woman, just take some food.

Who will get married?

Little very little.

Even if you get married, you will not ask the guest, and the grain is so precious. Who is going to take it?

Thirty dishes?

How can it be? Is that died?

Isn't it tomorrow?

Huang Duo even doubts again, this guy is really a fake?

Will it really have a neuropathy?

Everything he said is that it is so unreal, unrealistic.

In fact, the reason why Huang Duo is willing to believe him, or a lunch meat role, plus a elbow in Shao Wing.


These can't completely dispense the doubts of yellow blunt.

Based on the reason why you want to verify the true and false of Shao Yi, "Okay, then you will come."

"Ask everyone in our women's survivor base, participate in our wedding, eat a meal."

"Thirty dishes! This is what you said."

"Then firecrackers, fireworks, wedding, dress, all can't be less."

"This is not intentionally look at you, telling you, I still don't believe in you, but the wedding, if you can get what you said, then ..."

"I can basically believe you."

Shao Wing said: "Then this is so happy."

"You will wait for it."

Said, reach out to hold the yellow blunt.

Huang Duo face is red, "What are you doing?"

Shao Wing said: "Take you out to announce this good news!"

Huang Duo wants to take back his hand, but don't know why, look at Shao Yi is happy, or ...

Forget it, let him hold it.

Maybe, what he said is true?

Huang Duo asked himself in his heart. If Shao Yi is fake, will you be disappointed?

The answer is ... will definitely disappoint!

And very disappointed.

In your heart, the Pakistan can't say true!

So, I don't have to worry too much later.

Don't be afraid to starve.

Don't worry about attacking by other survivors base.

Although the price is, you have to marry him a complete strange person to be a wife.

It's a long time to say that the boss of the Dragon Slayer is long.

But the boss of the Dragon Slayer, gave himself a guy who called the Dragon Warrior, and it was too ugly.

And black and strong, because of awakening the relationship of the abilities, he grows up to three meters high, weighs more than 400 pounds.

That's right, this is now human.

Some people, because of awakening, there is also a cultivation, and "people" before the disaster change, have changed a lot.

The Dragon Warrior is one of them, height, weight, has a very large change.

Think of yourself three meters from a height, a man weighing four hundred pounds ...

Huang Duo Ning is willing to die!

Compared with this guy in front of you, you will have a lot of pleasure.

At least, height is more than eight, the body is also uniform, the long phase ... Well, there are still some small handsome.

If you don't lie to yourself, you can provide food ...

That is just ...

I marry him yourself, nor don't be more wronged.

Huang Duo thought, has been taken out by Shao Yi.

And more than a thousand survivors, glanced brushing, staring at the hands of two people holding together, all are very surprised.

Even Zhang Da, too surprised.

Some old people who followed the yellow blossom for many years, this is the first time I saw their boss, was held by a man?

what 's wrong? I don't understand all!

Huang Duo face is red.

The Shao Yi's face is of course thick, and it is very splendid, "I announced a good news for everyone."

"Today, I am going here, I am yellowish blunt, please do a testimony together."



It's stupid.

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