Buying a house in the city is in Wanjie

Chapter 599 She wants to take a shower

Fortunately, the prestige of Huang Duo is very high, so that they stop chopsticks, although they want to refuse, but still reluctantly.

Don't doubt people who have been in hungry and cold, how much courage will be eaten in order to eat.

Dying? What are you afraid of?

Anyway, I have to die in the morning and evening. I am still starving. If I can die now, it is also a blessing, a freight.

Because recently, the situation of the female survivor base is getting worse, and it has not been eaten to have a meal ...

Seeing how long it can't take, it is estimated that everyone should starve.

This is actually the main reason why Huang Duo finally agreed to marry Shao Yi.

Shao Yi pair in Huang Duo: "Then you will change your clothes first."

Said, take the wedding dress from the space.

There is a western white wedding dress, and there is also a big red wedding dress.

When I said that Shao Wo has just entered the Water Margin world, I still plan to sell the Suixun, and I will go to a forum to send advertisements, and later ...

There is more money, making money easy, too lazy, and no longer landing the forum.

After all, you can open the store after all, if you want to sell it, you need to sell more, you need to find other agents?

Now in the Water Margin World in the Water Margin, how many sets of married wedding clothes? What is the difficulty?

Yes, no matter whether the wedding dress is still a wedding dress, it is a few sets.

Just a yellow blunt.

Which one weighing is loved.

Huang Duo looks at the wedding dress and wedding dress, and the eyes are bright, "it is beautiful!"

Next to Lu Beier also took a small star, this moment suddenly envy his own sister.

Which girl does not fantasize a grand wedding?

Of course, that is before the end.

After the end of the end, the girls ... I don't want to think.

Don't starve to death.

Luxury wedding? is it possible? Don't dare to do it.

If you can have a man, in order to marry yourself, I am willing to pay so much, I am willing to take this beautiful wedding dress ...

That is just before the end, take out 10 billion weddings, but also sincerely!

If there is a man, you can also do this to yourself ...

Lu Beier feels that he must nod, marry!

Just started thinking that Shao Yi is a bad person, watching the eyes of Shao Yi full of hostility.

And now? Lu Bei is a good feeling of Shao Yi, it is a draft, only one thought in my heart. "He matched my sister!"


The yellow blunt and Lu Beier reach out and wants to touch a big red wedding dress.

It can be recovered with two people.

Didn't really touch!

Shao Yi found their movements, curiously asked: "What happened? Don't like?"

Huang Duo smiled: "No, I like it very much, just ..."

Some embarrassed, but still said, "I, I, I haven't washing my hands for a few days."

"I have a hand."

"This way, you are waiting for me now, I am going out."

Ok? Is this topic jumping too much?

Shao Yi did not understand.

I didn't wash my hands for a few days? Do you not talk about hygiene?

Go out? What should I do? This is going to get married.

Huang Duo saw the doubts of Shao Yi, said: "Our base is now not to say lack of food, and even water ... is very shortage."

"Drinking water is not enough, can you use extravagant use to wash your hands?"

"It was still a little stock of water, but I just took it out as a dish."

"I have to go out to find a place ... take a shower."

"Just, the water source in the city is controlled by other forces."

"I may have to go far, if it is smooth, I will come back after two or three hours."

Shao Yi was really shocked.

If you haven't eaten, you will be, even the water source is so tight?

That ... you haven't thirsty?

Ok, let's look around, Shao Wing found that each of them is dark, and even Lu Beier is hoped.

The lips are also very dry, basically peeling, in a lack of water.

Looking at the Shao Yi hair, Huang Duo thought he was not happy to go out for too long, whispered: "I ... I haven't take a shower for a long time."

"I want to wear a wedding dress, I want to wash a clean."

"And ... and tonight, and ..."

Swallowing vomiting can't come out.

But Shao Yi understood her mean!

Shao Yi said that he would have to take a hole tonight, and where can I take a bath? If you are, you have a taste, where is it?

Don't say whether Shao Wong dislikes, if that looks and men's cave ...

I want to think about that scene, Huang Duo will not find a slit drill.

That is too surprised.

I heard that Huang Duo went out to take a shower, Lu Beier worried about her, because it is now looking for water sources, it will be more and more dangerous.

After all, it is more than just a strong zombie, terrible evolutionary animals, but also ...

Other strong people!

Huang Duo is not the first master of the entire emperor, but she grows such a beautiful face.

How can I not cause?

How can it be dangerous?

But she also envyed Huang bluntly, so powerful, at least ... I can have a chance to take a bath.

At least one or two months can be washed once.

And what about Lu Beier? I can't remember how long I didn't take a shower.

One year? Still two years? Or longer?

When it comes, when you start, it is very uncomfortable. Lu Beer can be spit with himself.

This is true!

Can you now? got used to.

Or, numbness.

Look at the skin under your clothes, black, is ... ash?

Lu Beier has no special feeling.

"I am gone, you are waiting for me here, rest assured, I will not run."

"I ... I try to return as much as possible."

Said, Huang Duo turned to go.

Shao Yi hurriedly shouted her, "Wait."

Huang Duo turned, looked at Shao Yi, then did not dare to look directly with Shao Yi ...

After all, it is going to marry and cave tonight. What else is there? Where is the arrogant arrogant?

Only shy it.

Shao Wing said: "I can give you water, which is very simple."

He is very speechless.

I am just a babysitter, and there is no big matter, all have to get it.

It will also be a cup.

Of course, this is also your own opportunity, otherwise, where can you get so easy to get her?

This is still understandable.

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