Shao Yi knows that she is shy, of course, will not agree.

At this time, men will have the main movement.

Where is the honest man with meat?

Shao Yi missed the laugh: "But I am very waiting."

Huang Duo stunned, "Have time?"

Shao Wing said: "Yes, don't you want to know where I come from? What is the purpose? Where to get so much food and water?"

Huang Duo said: "I want to know, can you not tell me?"

The hand of Shao Yi began to get honestly, and he siered into the city.

Huang Duo panic wants to dodge, "That ... then I don't want to know now, do you have it?"

"Stop, stay in the hand first."

Shao Yi deliberately put it unhappy, and really lived. "Do you feel at all?"

"Just imaginary with me with my snake? Just for food and water?"

Huang Duo looks at the look of Shao Yi, and it is afraid that Shao Yi is angry, "no ... is not."

Shao Wong Road: "Do not believe, let me verify that you are lying."

Huang Duo stupid said: "How to verify?"

Shao Wong said: "Let my hand close to your heart, see if your heartbeat will get up."

"If your heart is speed, it is definitely lying."

Heart ... mouth?

What is the location of that?

Huang Duo screamed, "Don't! You play rogue!"

Unfortunately, there is no time to stop Shao Wing.

Although it is said that Huang Fanto is a seven-level awaken, but has not used force to fight against Shao Yi. After all, it is just because it is shy.

In fact, this relationship has been recognized.

So, although shy beggers, it was also gradually broken down by Shao Wong.

After a few minutes, Shao Yi finally made her a real woman.

One child, Huang Duo is lying in Shao Wong.

And what about Shao Wing?

It is really true that it is, what is it, what is the purpose?

If you change the travers, you will regard "crossing" as the biggest secret, whether no one will tell, even if it is the most intimate person on the pillow, it will not.

But Shao Yi does not need!

Because this end of the world, there will be no people can threaten their own safety.

Even if the force can be rushing to Shao Wing, Shao Wong can instantly return to the original time and space.

It's always running.

Tell Huang Fanto, you can also let Huang Duo believe in your sincerity ...

After all, two people, just have just known for a long time.

Shao Wing keeps your own identity confidential?

Is the yellow blunt? Will it be better?

Talk about the public, will not harm your own interests and safety, and let Huang Fanto have confidence in yourself!

Saying such a coming, you don't have to think about the "information" from Shao Yi. You don't have to think about Shao Wi. If you find the source of water and food, then leave Shao Wing, a separate action is everything.

Regardless of Huang Duo is good, there is still a bad heart, it is impossible to have other ideas.

Can only work with Shao Wong old and share.

And Huang Duo really stunned, "Parallel space?"


"You didn't lie to me?"

Shao Wing took a small fart of Huang Duo, "What is going on? Even my husband is not called, if you make it, never lightly."

Said, I have a yellow blunt.

Huang Duo hurriedly failed, "Don't, don't have a husband, I am wrong."

"I really ... it hurts."

Running the topic, "Just ... parallel space this kind of thing, is it really existed?"

Shao Wing said: "Of course, otherwise? Do you think I can get so much water? So much food?"

Huang Duo has nine points to believe that this is the truth, and there are so many food and water sources in the end of the world?

Will you take this "squandering"?

Huang Duo suddenly remembered one thing, "Your parallel space, one person and me?"

"Is it a big star's daughter?"

Shao Wing said: "Yes, there is, but the parallel space is now in 2018, she is only ten years old, the minor is not."

Huang Duo feels that this is too ... fantasy.

Does anyone have exactly the same? Although it is different dimensions in the universe ...

But I feel very strange.

Shao Yi simply took the mobile phone because portable network signals, and the fixed transfer point set can also propagate the network signal, so there is no problem in the Internet.

Shao Yi opened the mobile phone, finding a variety show "Dad to get somewhat" to see Huang Duo.

When you look at Huang Duo, this is completely letter.

The little girl in the show is really the same as yourself!

"It's true!"

"There is Beibei!"

Shao Wong nodded, "Yes, in our time and space, you both are the daughter of the big star, who is the little princess."

Huang Duo Duo: "This feeling is really strange, very awkward!"

"I ... I don't like it."

what? dislike?

Shao Wing said: "Why? Isn't it very fun?"

Huang Duo is white, "If we are in this time, there is a person who is the same as you?"

"How do you treat me? Do you also see him?"

"Also, how do you treat your time and space yellow and Lu Beier?"

"If they are married in the future, will you have a feeling of being a green hat?"

I ... exercise!

Shao Yi was stunned by Huang Duo.

I have never thought about this problem.

If this parallel space really has another one?

The original time and space is orphan, this time and space?

Will the parents of "he" will be healthy? How should you treat it?

Shao Yi only felted his head.

This is simply a height of rising to ethics.

And the philosophical problem "I am", "who is me" is difficult.

When I saw Shao Wong, the yellow blunt smiled.

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