Luo Yin did not reject this kind of long-distance travel. After all, the travel and accommodation expenses are fully reimbursed, and the food expenses are 400 per day. The journey would have been better if the companions could talk less.

"I got such an awesome serial number when I put 2,000 yuan into the Archives Bureau of the Executive Department."

Raymond, B-class blood, radiant words. Among the B-level commissioners of the executive department, his number was 007. Because he cherished this number very much, he reluctantly gave up the opportunity to be promoted to A-level commissioners.

Level 02, only five years older than him, but already an uncle who is anxious about getting married and having children. From X City, Beijing, Tokyo to Hamburg, Germany, Raymond often can't help but brag about how cute his wife is.

Of course, more often it is complaining about milk powder money. When the child is older, it will cost a lot of money to develop music and sports skills, and it will take a lot of money to put the baby in a prestigious school.

After all, if the child wants to enter Kassel in the future, it will be a lot less troublesome to have these resumes. "Grassroots" like Raymond still suffered a lot in the academy.

The special word spirit, Blazing Sun, should be the reason why Raymond got along well in the executive department. The super-wide range of strong light that does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, the interference and running ability are all first-class, as for the killing ability...

Combined with the information detected by the system, Luo Yin knew why the executive department assigned him a pair of highly effective sunglasses.

At the last stop in Hamburg, under the supervision of two A-level commissioners, Raymond bagged, affixed seals and stamped all the materials he had obtained.

SS level, Luo Yin saw the level of the data from the blurred image reflected by the window glass. He frowned, a familiar feeling.

Although Raymond is only a B-level commissioner, his ability to detect and run is no less than most A-levels. And he, the C-level commissioner, was assigned the task of supporting operations and reporting on Raymond's situation.

Geez, he's a cover again. B with C, but the transport is SS-class top-secret information, which sounds outrageous but very hidden.

Luo Yin still didn't know it, Raymond hid the paper materials in the middle of his clothes and carried them with him. The two took a flight to Detroit, where they transferred to Chicago.

SS-level paper materials, not uploaded to Norma, but secretly shipped in many places. Keep his C-Class under wraps, but let him oversee Raymond's actions.

Luo Yin almost locked the category of this information. If it is really extremely important information, there is no need to be so sneaky.

According to the practice of the executive department, the information directly submitted to the school board or the elders' council is also a top-secret level of SS. Raymond, you turned out to be the intelligence liaison for the old guys.

Luo Yin remembered the appearance of the commissioners he met along the way. The old guys really have a separate intelligence network, and they have a lot of information to themselves, leaving Angers and other academy management out.

Put them all in Samaria's information bank, and if you have time, try to reverse a few.


"Wait, is Fingal your eldest brother?"

"Yeah. He is A Grade blood, and many people call him Transcendent A Grade.

At that time, he had a lot of horses, and the chocolates given by the beautiful junior sister on Valentine's Day were one person tall. But Fingal never took it, he melted it and made it into chocolate spread on bread.

Because many junior sisters had a crush on him, many people wanted to kill Fingal. Not including my wife, of course, who doesn't like muscular guys. "

Fingal, you are a thief, you used to be Fingal Caesar Zihang!

This guy is really a dog within a dog. Luo Yin and Raymond were five grades apart, and there should have been no intersection, but Fingal abruptly built a bridge of communication between the two.

He controls the Ministry of Information, on the one hand to collect intelligence, on the other hand, it is estimated to eliminate his sense of existence.

"Fingal lost contact with us later, and almost no one knew where he was. Maybe he went back to inherit the family property."

"He's been in Kassel."

"Being a teacher? It's hard to imagine."


Raymond, confused.

The crowd in the waiting hall was sparse, and the two sat side by side on the benches, chatting one after another. Luo Yin was not dismayed by Raymond's work. There were a lot of people like him in the hands of the old guys.

He's just an ordinary to excessive person. Aside from his big light bulb words and 007 numbers, Raymond is just a lover who is worried about raising children. The fact that he does this job doesn't make a statement about his position, it's probably just a higher salary.


Luo Yin heard a dull crashing sound, like the sound of a heavy hammer hitting a stone pillar.

Unlike today's modern style of most aluminum brackets with multiple layers of tempered glass, the Detroit train station looks quite old-school. As stubborn as the city is, it can certainly be said to be out of step with the times.

Hundreds of gray-white concrete load-bearing columns dozens of meters high support the magnificent railway station building. The decoration style of the 1940s makes it out of tune with this era.

There was a continuous tremor, and stone powder fell like snow on the dome. Many waiting passengers felt something was wrong, looking up at the wobbly chandeliers overhead.


The second bang was like thunder. Opening the mirror pupil, Luo Yin found that the sound sources of the two impacts were different, one horizontal and one vertical.

With his current bloodline, he still felt obvious stuffiness in his chest and abdomen. As for the alchemy heart, it really didn't feel like it. Infrasound, but not earthquakes.

Luo Yin glanced at the waiting passengers who were escaping in the hall, but could not find any trace of the enemy at all.

Raymond remained calm and motioned for him to join the crowd at the side exit. But it's too late.


At the moment of the third loud bang, the dome began to crumble. The seven beams, all the old glass windows, the gray chandelier turned into hundreds of fragments, chopped to the ground.

Although the train station was deserted, hundreds of people were fleeing everywhere. But the seemingly overwhelming chaotic offensive completely locked him and Raymond.

The shattered boulders blocked their escape direction, and countless pieces of glass turned into a torrential rain of murderous intent.

"Wear goggles and hide under the bench!"

Before Luo Yin could stop it, Raymond released Yan Ling, Chiri, and stretched the field to the limit of fifty meters in diameter. No one could target him in this environment.

The half-blind Luo Yin seemed to hear a soft laugh, like a mockery.

He could only vaguely see the trajectory of those glass fragments, cracking and splashing on the ground, without the slightest power of words, but cutting to him and Raymond's key points from all directions.

Under 007's terrified eyes, Luo Yin stunned him with a sneak attack with a knife.

Dragon spirit, 100% fusion. Ulu Torahman, Transform!

In the blazing white brilliance that is collapsing, the new realm has issued a law that is a hundred times stronger for all spirits. A small hurricane erupted outward in an absolute field with a diameter of 8 meters, forcibly repelling all attacks.

The attacker paused.

Luo Yin held Raymond with one hand, and pushed open the stones and glass fragments, clearing out a piece of pure land. In the train station building, there are only two people left, and an unknown creature.

There may be individual addicts in the dark corners who have taken drugs to the point of fainting, but Boss Luo has no interest in taking care of them.

Xia Mi, no, Yemengade stood at the top of the building's load-bearing column, and Luo Yin, who was in a special dragon-like state, was reflected in his magical golden pupils.

A strong sense of familiarity, with multiple Nibelungen marks on his body, a human who has almost reached the end of the road to conferring God, who is he...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The power flows in the body, like water running through the leylines. The dragon's cyan knuckles slammed on the dome of the train station three times in a row, and three different forces poured into the stone pillar at the same time.

Luo Yin controlled his muscles to block his The scales of his whole body were deformed and reshaped in the vibration, isolating the screams of objects before they died. He seems to have guessed the other party's ability, which is outrageous.

With three hits, the top of the train station disappeared. Luo Yin didn't know how heavy it was, but he couldn't stand it when it fell.

With the rise of wind and fire, he catapulted and flew in the three-dimensional space in the train station like a flexible rocket, avoiding the rubble attacks of Bafangliuhe.

The hundreds of tons of dome crashed to the ground, the smoke rose dozens of meters, and the destructive noise could be heard more than ten kilometers away.

Luo Yin vaguely saw a dark blue shadow. The opponent's bouncing power is amazing, moving at supersonic speed in the collapsed confined space, hitting walls and load-bearing columns from time to time, with ease.

Under the gaze of thousands of Detroit onlookers, the nearly 100-year-old train station building was gone.

All the stone pillars collapsed together, the wall then collapsed inwards, and it greeted death in a glorious apocalypse.

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