City 23.

Luo Yin caught the word in the whispers of passengers. This year's auction venue has been replaced from another shelter.

The rough, rusted steel supports reminded him of some kind of abandoned fortification, and the open metal floor resembled an industrial-age Colosseum.

Subtle tensions and unease are growing on the train. Several passengers whispered to Bunin, who just repeated unconvincing tropes.

What is hidden in City 23 that you don't want to be discovered? Let him go and see that there is no danger.

Luo has always been an honest, friendly, and helpful human being of high quality, but he is always subject to unfounded suspicions and suspicions.

Luo Yin and Susie walked towards the auction venue, and Elizabeth followed the butler Adrian. Old Bunin bowed and bowed his head slightly.

The other guests tacitly kept their distance from them. They rely on gray area business to get rich, and it is not a good thing to get in trouble with the secret party.

Nearly a third of passengers did not get off the bus. Until the music in the train stopped abruptly, the lights went out, and the air gradually became cold.

The train stopped on the barren tundra like the corpse of a giant beast.

On both sides of the arch, at the top of the columns more than ten meters high, burning orange-red flames illuminated the cold and dim venue. Giant torches filled with chemical dyes spread throughout the venue, the snow melted, and flames flickered on the iron walls.

There are rectangular platforms cut and welded around the venue. The positions are high or low, and no accident is the position prepared for the guests.

Susie shook her head gently, she didn't like it here.

"Auctions are often not an objective judgment of the value of the lot itself.

The brightly dressed guests sat in the elegant and comfortable hall, flipping through the ornate auction catalog, and discussing with each other in a low voice.

The money that guests spend can be because of preferences, because of vanity and competitiveness, because of well-designed lighting, and because of a partner's look. "

Luo Yin babbled casually and strode onto the platform.

"What about our auction?"

asked old Bunin in a playful tone.

"The bare venue, except for the steel shelves, was the fire. The guests were shivering in the cold wind, condescendingly inspecting the invisible goods, surrounded by potential enemies."

"So that our guests will focus on the goods we have carefully prepared. I wish you a full return."


The first time you come to Siberia, you will not regret it when you go back with more souvenirs.


Birth certificate, family members, growth history, medical data...

Everything about a human being was clearly displayed on the wide screen in the center of the venue.

Ulyan is just an ordinary guard here. He has worked in Siberia for six years and does not have any dragon blood.

He was bound to an iron chair, his arms bound by restraints, silent and meek as a lamb.

Multiple instruments monitor and display a series of data such as his electrocardiogram, body temperature, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels in real time.

"We want to show you a hidden world, knowledge that has not been explored by the world, and even the secret of immortality.

Until then, allow me to expose the tip of the iceberg. "

Bunin smiled as he injected the auction item for the heat into the guard's muscle. A traitor trying to escape from City 23 by stealing a vehicle is just right to demonstrate the effect of the new product.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we call it 'Revelation,' and you can think of it as a powerful stimulant."

The guard on the iron chair suddenly opened his eyes, scarlet blood covering the surface of his eyeballs.

His heart rate climbed from 52 to 170 in 10 seconds, then accelerated to 200, all the way to 220.

Luo Yin saw the guard's skin turn red, heard his heart roar like an engine, and an EEG showed that his brain activity was five to six times higher than normal.

If it weren't for the mask-shaped iron flail, this "guinea pig" would have made an extremely exaggerated roar.

"It's not a mixed race..."

Luo Yin muttered.

It was easy for him to make a stimulant more potent than "Revelation", but the effect of normal humans taking alchemical potions was almost zero.

The guard struggled **** the iron chair, the double-layer cowhide restraint was pulled out of the gap, and the chair handle was slightly deformed.

Bunin waved his hand, and the screen on the six screens switched to what seemed to be the location of the biochemical laboratory.

Personnel in white protective suits inject various reagents of unknown composition into experimental animals. White mice, snakes, cats and dogs, chimpanzees...

A large number of experimental animals died violently in a short period of time, many animals appeared abnormal reptile appearances, and some old and dying snakes shed their skin and were reborn.

Bunin and the guests watched the bizarre and bizarre experimental images without explaining anything.

The effectiveness of the reagents is becoming more and more stable. It makes animals strong and irritable, never afraid, and more intelligent than their own kind.

When the research and development progressed to the human experiment part, the screen stopped and turned to a black screen.

The effect of "Revelation" slowly faded, and the severely overdrawn guard fell into a faint, his red skin was steaming with heat. There are several shallow pits left on the handle of the iron chair, which is no longer the power of human beings.

"'Revelation' medicine, 12 pieces, 8 pieces in total.

Dear guests, please write down your bids. "

Bunin's smiling face was full of wrinkles, and the waiters in black walked to the stands with silver trays.

There is no vigorous shouting from the auctioneer, and no guests shouting out their bids.

Guests write staggering numbers on sharp-edged sticky notes, waiters return them to trays, and bids on the big screen skyrocket in silence.

Elizabeth wrote a price symbolically, but Luo Yin was not interested.

Susie leaned against the railing and closed her eyes. Intuition told her that Luo Yin would definitely make a fool of himself, and then there was the slashing part that he loved.

As Bunin said, this stimulant is just the tip of the iceberg of the technological achievements of the evolutionary school. It is only an appetizer on the table.

They are willing to sell it, and the ingredients of the reagent must be difficult to crack. On the other hand, raw materials for reagents are also difficult to obtain.

There are many ingredients in Fenrir's dragon blood that stimulate the growth of muscles and bones, but Luo Yin estimates that there are no hormones in it that can stimulate intellectual development.

What Luo Yin is really interested in is the lot that represents "eternal life" in the mouth of the evolutionists.

There is no doubt that they are confident in the chips in their hands, thinking that he will not draw the sword against each other, and even fall to the evolutionary school because of it.

Bunin dropped the auction hammer and the bid ended.

8 copies of a total of 96 revelation potions were auctioned, with a total price of 68 million US dollars.

Four of the top eight bids came from the same pharmaceutical giant. I hope he can calm down after the failure to crack the ingredients.

"The second lot is a new type of security equipment."

The waiters pushed the huge freezer in the shape of a coffin into the stands, Bunin opened the doors one by one, and the low temperature and anesthetic gas inside the freezer were quickly drained.

Rows of human figures in white came out of the freezer, their bodies as solid as steel exuded cold air, their postures were stiff, and their eyes were like stagnant water.

"Something similar to the immortal."

Noticing the slightly questioning eyes of Patriarch Laurent, Luo Yin explained briefly.

The secret party elders should not worry about those monsters under the ice anymore, everyone has put them on public sale.

Alchemy should be the shortcoming of the evolutionary faction. They may have achieved a similar effect through other technologies, turning hybrids on the verge of losing control into puppets with simple intelligence.

The waiters on the stage first slashed the bodies of those in white with their swords, then fired with submachine guns, and then burned them with spray guns.

And those puppets have been standing in the same place with a grim expression, the wounds on the body surface healed quickly, and fine flesh-colored dragon scales grew on their skin.

When Bunin started playing the sound of clappers to control the puppets, Luo Yin felt "that's true" in his heart.

"Piercing your chest."

Bunin played a special rhythm of clappers in the ears of a puppet, and then handed a tungsten steel alloy dagger to the man in white, who stabbed the dagger into his chest without hesitation until the end.

When the rows of immortals ignited the golden pupils, broke the steel plates with their bare hands, and chanted the spirit of words loudly, the atmosphere of the entire venue changed fundamentally.

The hearts of the guests were beating wildly, the afterglow of the Word Spirit Realm was reflected in their pupils, and their breathing became extremely heavy. There were snowflakes in the icy air, and the guests' hearts were burning with fire.

"The code name is 'Godborn', including the matching drugs and command methods, there are ten in total. Everyone, please write down..."

"How are these things made?"

Bunin was interrupted by a veiled guest. The Immortal was beyond her knowledge of hybrids or Deadpool, and she was more terrified of it than fanatical.

"We can simply demonstrate their manufacturing process."

Surprisingly, the old Bunin seemed to be well prepared and clapped his hands to let the professionals take the stage.

"The first step is to perform a craniotomy.

The second step is to use dragon blood to improve the bloodline.

The third step is to implant instructions through hypnosis.

the fourth step......"

Several people in white protective suits led suitcases to the stands, and the waiters brought the "guinea pigs" bound in wheelchairs to the stands.

Bunin: "The craniotomy has been completed on the 11th. Next, we will use dragon blood to change his bloodline, and then demonstrate a simple hypnosis process to you."

[Blood of the Ancient Dragon (First Generation)]

A certain system rarely came out to brush its presence, perhaps to remind him that it was time to look for the Ice Sea Copper Pillar Fragment.

The demonstrator of the evolutionary school completed the disinfection and was about to inject dragon blood for the boy called No. 11, but found that the dragon blood in the large needle tube on the table was gone.

Sweat immediately poured out of his forehead. Mistakes at the Dark Side Monarch's auction, and he'll soon go from experimenter to experimenter.

"Is this really dragon blood? You can't add water, right? It's really bland. If you don't believe me, give it a taste."

Luo Yin patted his shoulder from behind, and the researcher's heart twitched.

He chirped and chirped, recalling the smell of the ice-fresh dragon's blood just now.

That's right, the deformed king of ocean and water in the Japan Trench.

That dragon king is the "pet" of the descendant, a special dragon king. He died in the mysterious Black Swan Harbor in Herzog's diary, and the cocoon was stolen by someone and sank into the Japan Trench. The person who stole the cocoon was probably Pompeii.

And his body later fell into the hands of evolutionists for long-term genetic and biochemical research.

A clear clue appeared in Luo Yin's mind, and he suddenly had a bottom line.

There is a huge difference between a living first-generation species and a dragon king corpse that relies on the power of the ocean and water to maintain its body activity.

There is nothing to be afraid of anymore.

"Mr. Luo, if you think there is a problem, we will replace the material and demonstrate again."

Old Bunin's smile was a little stiff. The upper management had reminded him that Luo Yin might cause trouble, so he should pay special attention.

But no one ever told him it would be this level of trouble. To the imperceptible time zero, ignoring the poisonous blood of the Dragon King, this man may be stronger than that Angers.

He knew he was a clone, but he had no choice, no one in City 23 could resist the monarch's rule.

The current situation makes Bunin have some bad associations. He may be regarded as an abandoned son of temptation, and maybe he will be replaced by a new Bunin tomorrow.

He doesn't want to die. Christina, his daughter, that's proof of his existence in this world. As long as he lives on, he has the chance to see Christina again.

While Old Bunin was brainstorming, Luo Yin had already dried up the remaining few tubes of dragon blood, and the evaluation was still too light.

Deadpool is a good thing. They are strong, fearless, loyal, sturdy, mindless, and don't want wages. Without Deadpool, how could Luo Yin live?

But making Deadpool with dragon blood in front of him is another matter. It's over a hundred million points, and it's a bit provocative.

"You sit, the elderly must have some back pain standing for so long, right?"

Bunin was pushed to his seat with an ignorant face, and Luo Yin took away the auction catalog.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Bunin is unwell, and I will preside over the auction next."

Norma translated Luo Yin's words into Russian at the same time, the venue fell into a strange silence, and the guests were a little bit confused.

"As the guests can see, we can command these puppets with a special clapper sound and language.

However, the original mechanism of clapper sound is a commercial secret and cannot be disclosed. Whether these puppets have been implanted with other hidden commands cannot be revealed.

These puppets can be kept for a long time in the frozen state and can be used as family heirlooms. However, under normal temperature, their bloodlines will still go out of control a little bit, and they will become murderous monsters in three or five years.

I'm sure the party will provide after-sales service, but Siberia seems to be a bit far, right? "

If eyes can kill, Luo Yin has been stabbed hundreds of times by Bunin with a submachine gun.

"Let me see, the third item 'Tinder', isn't this the bloodline evolution medicine?

All guests must keep in mind that there is no perfect evolution drug on the market at present, and all drugs that claim to have no side effects evolution are frauds and frauds.

No matter how powerful you are after taking evolutionary medicine, it is fake, and sooner or later you will lose control and become Deadpool.

Suppose there is a perfect evolution medicine in the Please also look for the Samaritans. "

It might be because she thought of the pictures of some anti-fraud promotional films, the corner of Susie's mouth twitched in the stands. She opened the suitcase, and it was full of alchemy blades.

Luo Yin flipped through the catalog until the last page.

"elixir", the panacea in alchemical concepts.

The picture on the catalog is not a drug reagent, but a giant leech in a jar.

It can make humans a hybrid. From zero to one, from nothing to something.


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