Calamity Crown

Chapter 174


Chapter 174 Martial Saint Pavilion! (please subscribe ~ ask for monthly ticket~)

March 18, 9:00 am.

Goethe walked out of Guangfu Teahouse with a smile on his face.

It’s not just about delicious food.

More importantly, ‘Shanke’s Clothes’ and ‘Jinluo Fast Food’ sent two weapons stained with the blood of the descendants of ‘Mad King’ – this time, they were lucky and did not fail.

Two copies of [Bloody Honor] are available.

This makes Goethe happy.

And, there are surprises.

Goethe glanced at the ‘Iron Armor Golden Clothes Technique’ in the wooden box in his hand, and the text in front of him——

[Found Secret Technique ‘Spirit Armor Technique’, judging… ]

[Have the ‘heart’ attribute, the judgment is passed! ]

[Master the ‘Graphical Language (basic)’ and pass the judgment! ]

[The judgment is passed, you can use ‘Bloody Honor’ to study! ]


In this ‘Secret Realm’, in addition to the common language of ‘Secret Realm’, there is also a small amount of Graphical Language.

Goethe can understand that ‘Spirit Armor Technique’ is one of the seven Secret Techniques mastered by ‘Mad King’ Modeus, which can effectively defend against explosive-level attacks.

Moreover, it can grow with the growth of the user’s [heart].

Even if this increase is not large, it is also rated as the most commonly used life-saving skill in the early stage by ‘Mad King’ Modeus.

Goethe has no objection to this.

However, he didn’t learn right away.

To raise [Volibear Breathing Technique] to transcendent level, this is his primary goal now.

At the entrance of the alley, Zoet was waiting in his car.

Seeing Goethe coming, I immediately raised my hand to say hello.

“It’s nine o’clock, just right!”

Zott smiled and pointed to his watch.

Goethe looked at the other party’s new suits and shirts – although they weren’t brand new, they were clean and ironed.

Zoter, who was originally depressed, immediately looked refreshed after wearing this dress.

“I got a promotion last night–from an ordinary employee to a supervisor.”

“TOEFL, my salary and bonus have gone up a lot.”

“So, my wife took out my wedding suit to celebrate. To be honest, this is the second time I’ve worn this dress except on the wedding day.”

“However, It’s better than a wedding photo album—something that cost me 5,000 yuan can only be trump card now.”

Zotter explained as he opened the rear door for Goethe.

“Has pocket money gone up?”

Goethe asked suddenly.

Suddenly, Zoet’s face collapsed.


“My wife said that she has been promoted and raised her salary, but she still has half of her mortgage to be repaid, and she is planning to have a second child – all of which have to be saved. !”

Zot sighed, reminding Goethe to fasten his seat belt.

But immediately, the director of the Green Vine City Safety Committee showed a smile again.

“What do you think about this car?”

“The supervisor comes standard with new energy and saves money.”

“I plan to run part-time after get off work. Express train, plus the money for picking up bottles and pieces of paper, my pocket money has increased beyond imagination!”

“I can treat you to two meals next month!”

Zotter promises.

The eyes looked curiously towards the box in Goethe’s hand.

Goethe didn’t hide either, just opened the box.


“‘Iron armor golden clothes trick’?”

Looking at the name on the book inside, Zot couldn’t help sucked in a cold breath .

The new director of the Green Vine City Safety Committee, who was familiar with the materials in the safety committee library and archives, recited the words in his mind almost involuntarily——

“ ‘Iron armor golden clothes trick’ is one of the ‘secret martial arts’ originally created by ‘Martial Saint’, and it is also one of the most complete ‘secret martial arts’ known!”

“It is painful to remove cultivation. , besides a long time, there are basically no shortcomings!”

“The ‘Iron Vajra’ who obtained the ‘Iron armor golden clothes trick’ at that time created the ‘Vajra Sect’ relying on this ‘secret martial arts’, There were many disciples for a time, and the voices were full of people.”

“Unfortunately, ‘Iron Vajra’ was not good at taking care of Sect, and because of ‘Iron armor golden clothes trick’ became arrogant and supercilious, and finally in three In a fight ten years ago, the ‘Iron Vajra’, known as the “impervious to sword and spear neither water nor fire can approach,” was smashed to death by a hard palm force, and his whole body was smashed to death.”

Speaking of this, Zotter marvels again.

“‘Shanke Clothing’ and ‘Jinluo Fast Food’ have made a lot of money!”

“It looks like, Goethe, after you killed the ‘flame demon’ yesterday , really scared them.”

“But greedy people are always bold!”

Goethe meant something.

Zoter smiled bitterly.

Last night Zotter helped Goethe use the Security Council’s network to contact people who might ‘have weapons tainted with the blood of the ‘Mad King’ descendants’.

But, surprisingly, most said no.

Leave a small portion?

The sky is the limit!

Opening your mouth is to glance at one small object and touch two small objects.

You must know that before, the normal price of watching is 500w to 1000w-although some are resolutely hidden, such as Xie Family, but some are always semi-public.

The kind of people who always think about reap without sowing, making the latter extremely marketable.

“I’ll find a way to talk to those people,” said Zotter.


“These people are waiting for you to talk to them.”

“As long as you go, the price will never come down .”

Goethe said with certainty.

“Then give up?”

“Of course not!”

“It’s just a slow down – after all, the day after tomorrow is the ‘Tenth Unlimited’ The qualifiers for the “fighting tournament” are over, and as one of the contestants, I have to retreat and adjust my state.”

Goethe said this, and he had a new plan in his heart.



The bottom line in his heart wouldn’t let him do that.

He is used to convincing people with reason!

“Then it’s good luck to visit the ‘Martial Saint Pavilion’ today!”

Zoet’s words surprised Goethe for a moment.

When the car stopped, Goethe saw the ‘Martial Saint Pavilion’ in full swing, and immediately understood what Zot meant before.

Two aunts wearing red hoops stood at the door, shouting with loudspeakers-

“One person, one ticket, 30 tickets.”

“ If you want to go to Gaoxiang, come to me – a 1000.”

“Sincere is the spirit!”

The voice is already loud, and now it is even more achieved with the help of the speaker. to the point of harshness.

Zott bought two tickets.

When an aunt was about to tear off the ticket stub rudely, Zoet stopped immediately.

“Be careful!”

“I’ll be reimbursed!”

Saying this, the new head of the Green Vine City Safety Committee cautiously tore down I took the ticket stub and handed it to my aunt.

Under the impatient urging gaze of the other party, they walked into the Martial Saint pavilion with Goethe.

“One of the perks of being promoted as a supervisor—you can reimburse yourself!”

Zotter and Goethe explain.

But before the words were finished, Zoet suddenly jumped out, stepped on a ticket with the stub torn off, looked left and right, and found that no one was paying attention. He picked it up quickly and put it in his pocket.

It’s like being a thief.

“hehe, reimbursement, reimbursement.”

After noticing Goethe’s gaze, Zoet laughed with a look of happiness on his face.

Then, it ran in another direction.

There is also an abandoned ticket on the ground.

Goethe looked away from Zoet and surveyed the entire ‘Martial Saint Pavilion’.

The ‘Martial Saint Pavilion’ is quite large. He should be standing in the front square, where Disciple practiced martial arts, which is the size of two football fields. How spectacular is it when the fists and palms are thrown and the sweat is pouring down like rain.

However, the square is now full of tourists.


an incense burner!

The huge, one-person-high incense burner is full of devout believers.

Goethe goes around and walks towards the great hall.

Although the ‘Martial Saint Pavilion’ occupies a large area, there are not many buildings.

Except the Disciple room, the weapon room, and the retreat room, it is the ‘great hall’ – according to the description of the photo standing on the side, this was originally the ‘Martial Saint’ and many Disciple discussions and eating places.


A statue of ‘Martial Saint’ was erected.

Goethe even saw two temple prayers in blue clothed, filling oil barrels.

It really is: the smoke is lingering, and the incense candles are not extinguished.

“Gao Xiang is expensive again!”

“I remember only 800 before!”

“It’s 1,000 now!”

A crisp sound entered Goethe’s ears.

A girl with a pair of ponytails and a delicate face walked in angrily with three high incense sticks in her hands.

Beside her were two boys who also held three high incense sticks, one wearing glasses and the other tall and strong.

Liu Xin, Yi Yuan, Lu Ming.

Goethe, who had a relationship with the three, instantly remembered the names of the three.

The gaze is looking back.

Li Yuan walked in with a cold face.

There is no high incense in his hand, just on the handle of the knife.

Goethe saw Li Yuan, without a hidden figure, and was also seen by Li Yuan.

The Female Bladesman nods, but doesn’t come right away.

“Let me go, someone is going to the high incense!”

The two temple worshippers shouted loudly, dispersing the ordinary believers, and offered the nearest person in front of the table, the Yellow Praying Mat. When they came out, Liu Xin, Yi Yuan, and Lu Ming were allowed to incense in the envious eyes of the people around them.

After all, high incense is not common.

Goethe glanced, his eyes looked towards the outside of the great hall.

Zoter is excitedly running to another ticket.

This is the third card the opponent has picked up.

Zote carefully wiped the three tickets, put them in his jacket pocket again, and walked towards the pantry with the cups – there was free boiled water there.

“What are you looking at?”

Li Yuan came over and stood side by side with Goethe.

“Look at people.”

Goethe replied.


Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, but returned to normal immediately.

Moreover, this Female Bladesman, without concealing his purpose, said immediately.

“We hope you can join us. As long as you agree to join us, those two weapons will be available for you to observe at any time.”

“You care so much about ‘Deming Real Estate’ , is it because of the ‘One Page Heavenly Book’ in Li Te’s hand?”

Goethe did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

“That’s right!”

Female Bladesman nods.

“I read part of the ‘One Page Heavenly Book’ in exchange for a chance to see a weapon tainted with the blood of the ‘Martial Saint’ descendant?”

Goethe said immediately.

“You don’t want to join us?”

Female Bladesman frowned, her eyes filled with undisguised disappointment.

Goethe smiled.

“Of course not!”

“I mean, I join you, you let me watch the two weapons, and I’ll see the ‘Page Heavenly’ Book ‘Write it out, in exchange for the opportunity to observe another weapon – with your power, it shouldn’t be difficult to find another weapon, right?”

Female Bladesman was taken aback.

Apparently, the Female Bladesman didn’t expect Goethe to answer like this.

I was stunned for three seconds.

This Female Bladesman is nodded.

At this moment, Zoete, who was holding the mobile phone, ran over anxiously, glanced at the Female Bladesman, and after the other party backed away for a distance, he lowered his voice and said——

“‘Deming Property’ has been extinguish sect!”

(end of this chapter)

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