Calamity Crown

Chapter 215


Chapter 215 ‘Legendary’ and ‘them’!

“Father, Sir Father?”

Gegil called tentatively.

The voice of this youngster, who was ruthless and cruel to his enemies, even trembled in fear.

Meanwhile, the archduke third child looked at Archduke Scrooge Gram with unprecedented seriousness and contrasted it with what he had learned about injuries one after another in his own mind.

Tense sweat dripped down my forehead.

He, worried about the same situation.

And the Archduke?


“I’m fine, I just put a smoke bomb.”

The Grand Duke waved his oily hands and motioned for Goethe and Gegil to sit down.

Gegil finally relaxed and sat down with Goethe, and after the two Juniors sat down, the Archduke raised his hand and tore off two roasted corbels and handed them over.

Goethe took it with a smile.

Gegil is subconsciously looking for cutlery.

However, under the gaze of the Grand Duke’s “father’s majesty”, he could only obediently hold the roast beef shank and eat it.

“We’re not the group of fools like Faber. When there are no outsiders, we have to keep the so-called big goose wipe the fart!”

“When there are no outsiders, it should be the most relaxed

“Gegil, you should keep in mind that when you can’t stay true to yourself without outsiders, you’re not far from lost – you’re going to follow the stereotypes that those bastards set up The dogma of restraining yourself so that your brain becomes dull, rigid, and devoid of any creativity and…potential!”

“I look for cutlery and eat in small bites, too Stay true to me, isn’t the habit you’ve imposed on me a rigid dogma?”

The Archduke third child whispered forcefully.

“What did you say? Loud?”

The Archduke glared.

“Nothing, Sir Father, you are right!”

Archduke third child raised his head and replied with a smile.

As for Goethe?

Having eaten several meals of dry food, what kind of restraint does he have in the face of roast beef shank?

One bite down, the beef that is roasted just right, with the slightest juice filling the mouth immediately, is really great.

And the sour taste of lemon mixed in it made Goethe’s appetite even more.

However, it was the black pepper that pleased Goethe most.

Pick up these black peppers that have been ground to a suitable size, and throw them on the roast beef. When the black pepper particles collide with the beef, some of the black pepper directly adheres to the roasted beef. , while others fell into the fire, and with the crackling sound, the pungency with a slightly pungent fragrance penetrated into the nose, and the crackling sound after the oil fell, even made Goethe unable to open his eyes.

How can one roast beef shank be enough?

Goethe’s gaze looked towards Niu’s Back.

Tender tenderloin!

At this time, it’s already baked to crispy!

“Get started! Get started!”

Grand Duke laughed heartily.

Goethe was rude, grabbed a piece with his hands, and pulled the whole piece with a tug of skill.

The tenderloin was raised high, Goethe put it under it, used his teeth and tongue together, and swallowed the whole tenderloin into his mouth.

Seeing the way Goethe and himself of common origins eat meat, the Archduke laughed again.

And until this time, Goethe also discovered the difference between the archdukes.

Not only is the breath more powerful, sitting there is like a mountain, but…


That’s right!

It’s easy!

In the previous communication, although the Archduke did not show it, Goethe noticed that the Archduke’s brows would wrinkle from time to time, and there were thoughts in his eyes from time to time.

And now?

Thinking is still there, but the brows are stretched out more often.

The Archduke caught Goethe’s gaze, the Northern Guardian nominee.

“The war is about to end soon!”

Suddenly, Goethe and Gegil looked at each other with an undisguised shock on their faces.

According to the information collected, Goethe has already classified the war into a protracted type, at least until the winter in the north comes, and it may be slowed down a little.

How long has it been now?

It’s only a week after all the calculations!

How could it be over so soon?

Completely anticlimactic!

Unconsciously, the word popped into Goethe’s mind.

As for Gegil?

The Archduke third child was far more shocked than Goethe.

In the heart of this grand duke’s third child, the war at this time is a decisive battle for life and death in the northern region.

Even if we enter the northern winter, it will not end!

At least 2-3 years later, when the Northern Territory and Tessin side fall, will it truly end!

To this end, he also prepared a lot of special things.

But why did it suddenly end?

Not complaining.

No dissatisfaction.

As the son of the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory, he absolutely does not want the war to spread to the Northern Territory. He was a little lost.

Goethe and Gegil sat up straight.

They all looked towards the Archduke.

And the smile on the Archduke’s face grew brighter. He looked at his son and nephew and said——

“Because, I killed Mossaryk!”


Gegil stood up straight.

Mossaryk, one of the princes of the Tessin royal family, helps King George VI manage the economy and diplomacy, but Gegil knows that the other party is a special profession who has set foot on the road of ‘warrior’: ‘Dragon Blood Fighter’!

And, still third rank!

‘Dragon Blood Fighter’ is a special baptism method that can only be chosen by the Tessin royal family who master the Secret Realm ‘Dragon Island’.

The body is stronger than the normal ‘warrior’.

Especially in the First Rank, it almost relies on a strong body to crush ordinary ‘warrior’.

When reaching Second Rank, ‘Berserker”s ‘Frenzy’ makes ‘Dragon Blood Fighter’ slightly dominant.

Only when ‘warrior’ is promoted to the third rank ‘prison blood’ can it be compared to ‘dragon blood fighter’ in a real sense.

It is also because of the special baptism inheritance of the ‘Dragon Blood Fighter’ that the Tessin royal family is considered powerful by the North.

After all, the First Rank after three baptisms is too easy compared to Second Rank and third rank.

Second rank and third rank not only need resources, but also need the innate talent of baptism people, especially third rank, which are few and far between.

And what about First Rank?

As long as the innate talent is not bad, it can be piled up with resources.

According to Emil’s secret survey, there are 400+ ‘professionals’ in Tessin who have reached the First Rank, 40+ in the Second Rank, and four in the third rank, namely Jie. The three princes Lard, Mossaryk, Ronald and the court Knight ‘Hister’ – this is the data that can be investigated on the surface, excluding ‘Secret Keeper’, and how many secretly there are, even if it is None of Emil’s secrets could be investigated.

In the north, there are 60 ‘professionals’ in First Rank, 10 ‘professionals’ in Second Rank, and three ‘professionals’ in third rank. His father, his brother, As well as Captain Skez, the first team of the Grand Duke Guard, it can be said that it has fallen into a disadvantage – if it weren’t for Faber, Ludex, Yatouk, and Lidal on the side, the outbreak of a real war would have dragged the entire Tessin into the quagmire, Gegil never thought the North could hold out.

Therefore, he will choose another ‘road’ to help the north.

Emil is the same choice.

But even so, it is very difficult.

Gegil doesn’t know how Emil is. After so many years of hard work, he can only close the gap by about one-fifth. This is only for a Second Rank professional.

Facing third rank?

His odds of winning are only about 20%.

Although I don’t know what happened to Emil, Gegil estimates that it is similar.

However, if one of Tessin’s third rank disappears…


Gegil, who was thinking, suddenly came to his senses.

Sir Father is strong, but Mossaryk is not weak either.

It’s impossible for Sir Father to kill Mossaryk, unless…

Gegil looked towards Archduke Scrooge Gram with excitement.

Grand Duke Scrooge Gram’s dignity as a father was greatly satisfied when he saw his son look exactly as he had imagined, and he was nodded with satisfaction.

“Yes, I’m promoted to fourth rank.”

“I am now…”


The transcender of baptism three times, called a professional.

And once the third rank professional is advanced, it is called ‘Legendary’.

“This is very good!”

“This way, the Tessin royal family can…”

Gegil’s eyes flashed fiercely.

Gegil hated the Tessin royal family from the bottom of his heart.

The same goes for Semler and Emil.

Since their grandfather, the two sides have had a feud.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to be a mortal enemy.

However, the Grand Duke waved his hand with a serious face.

“Not yet when the time comes!”

“Is there anything hidden in the Tessin royal family?”

“George VI?”

Facing his son’s question, the Grand Duke pondered for a moment, and said: “Jock VI is a wolf-hearted guy, he never regarded himself as a member of the Tessin royal family, or he was a person without any sense of honor, The bloodline has a sense of belonging, and only regards himself as the only, extremely selfish guy – such a guy can sell his soul for his own benefit.”

“So, in order to make himself a better life, he arranged a Another game.”

“We are there!”

“Before, we were just pawns on his chessboard to deal with…”

“Some guy!”

Speaking of this, the Archduke’s face became more serious.

He looked at Goethe and Gegil and said word by word.

“Don’t ask me who some of these guys are, I won’t tell you, and I can’t tell you – you just need to know that George VI is nothing compared to ‘them’. Harmful child.”

Immediately Goethe and Gegil frowned.

“Isn’t ‘Legendary’ too?”

“It’s not ‘Legendary’, but a ‘Legendary’ certainly won’t work!”

“So, I He has to ‘injury’ himself, so George VI will definitely ‘die’ – and, if he doesn’t want to be targeted, he will ‘cover up’ for me.”

“And This will buy us enough time until the guy is ready, or is discovered by ‘them’.”

The Archduke revealed more secrets.

Goethe frowned.

He almost instinctively thought about what happened when the ‘world was upgraded’.

But then, he suppressed his thoughts.

But the palpitations reappeared.

It’s just different from the previous one that was so intense that Goethe almost thought he was about to die. This time, although he was terrified, he didn’t feel the most direct death.

Moreover, Goethe’s ‘heart’ was able to discern that the two seemed to come from different ‘places’.

“This feels…the so-called ‘world hackers’ are safer than I thought?”

Goethe contrasted the differences.

But right away, Goethe was emptying his mind again.

His ‘heart’ told him that if he thought about it, bad things would definitely happen.

The same goes for Gegil next to him.

The archduke third child was in a cold sweat.

“What exactly are ‘they’?”

Gegil couldn’t help but ask, knowing he wouldn’t get an accurate answer.

After pondering for a while, the Archduke described it like this-

“‘They’ are…”

“‘The Black Hand of the World’!”


(End of this chapter)

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