Hunting area, somewhere in the forest.

"Very well, this is the last batch. Next, we can wait for the prey to take the bait..."

Throwing the last creature into the prepared pit, Uriel stretched his muscles.

At this moment, a pile of metal rods are being placed around the big pit.

Yan Feichen asked about their function. According to Uller's explanation, after the eater enters the pit, they will automatically expand to create a barrier that only allows one-sided passage.

In this way, even if the eater wanted to escape, he had to break the barrier first.

That barrier is one of the technological crystallizations of the hunting institute, with unparalleled strength, even when hunting third-stage eaters, it can also play a certain degree of blocking effect.

"This time, which eater do we need to hunt?" Yan Feichen looked at Uller and asked, he only wanted to know the specific information of the enemy now.

"Before I say this, I have something I want to give you, but whether you want to use it or not depends on you personally."

Uriel began to grope around, and finally pulled out a fruit that looked like an apple.

"This is the thing. If you want to use it, remember to use it before the battle, because it doesn't last long."

After receiving the fruit from Uller, Yan Feichen saw the appraisal result given by the Calamity Dimension.

Item name: Refreshing spores.

Item description: After taking it, it can stabilize the mental state of the user to a certain extent (sustainable for 360 seconds).

The Calamity Dimension did not mark any negative effects, so Yan Feichen could take it with peace of mind.

He also understood why Uriel wanted to give him the refreshing spores, obviously because he was worried that he would lose his mind again.

This is actually an explanation on the side, the eater this time may be very difficult to deal with, otherwise he would not have given him this thing.

"Let's talk about the eater this time first, I will use it according to the situation." Holding the refreshing spore, Yan Feichen said to Uriel.

"The eater we encountered this time is called Goliath." Uriel took out his holographic projector.

The ferocious monster was quickly projected into Yan Feichen's eyes.

Unlike the thin ghost, Goliath is a monster that can both run on four legs and stand on two legs. There is no carapace on its surface, only a rock-like skin.

"The Goliath we found is about eight meters long, and it has evolved to the second stage." Uriel said seriously to Yan Feichen.

"What special ability does it have?" Since it is also a eater, it must have the same special ability as the ghost.

"I remember you hunted ice crystal lizards, right?" Uriel asked suddenly.

Hearing his question, Yan Feichen probably guessed a little bit of Goliath's ability, but he still chose to nod.

"Goliath has organs similar to those of the ice crystal lizard, but the latter releases an extremely low-temperature liquid, while what Goliath holds is a very high-temperature gas. This gas will burn when it comes into contact with the air. If it was big enough, he could directly see it spewing flames from its mouth.

At the same time, you need to pay attention to its skin. It is actually composed of very small and dense cavities. While ensuring a certain degree of toughness, it can also release gas. Be very careful in battle. "

Uller's description made Yan Feichen frown. If the other party can release ultra-high temperature combustible gas around him, how can they get close? Is it possible to rely on snipers from a distance to kill?

"That kind of high-temperature gas is not accessible to ordinary people, so when we are hunting, we need to replace the matching protective clothing in advance."

Seemingly seeing Yan Feichen's doubts, Uller answered directly, and at the same time moved out a box from nowhere and opened it, and there were two pieces of clothes with special materials lying inside.

"If we wear it, we can weaken the influence of Goliath's high-temperature gas on us to a certain extent. By the way, will this affect your ability?" Uriel asked intimately .

Yan Feichen knew that the other party was talking about his own "blood clotting", and he had experimented with this a long time ago. The presence of clothes would indeed affect the speed of "blood clotting", but it was not serious. The specifics depended on the manufacturing process of the clothes.

"Let me try it on first..." Yan Feichen replied uncertainly.

Bending down to pick up the protective clothing and put it on, Yan Feichen activated 'blood coagulation'.

Unlike usual, this time the bright red crystal formed by the blood did not appear in his hands at the first time, but the part of the protective clothing showed a conspicuous bright red.

With the continuous penetration of this layer of deep red, the 'coagulation' finally appeared in its place.

Compared with the normal state, the 'blood coagulation' was five seconds slower from being triggered to forming. To be honest, these five seconds were a bit fatal.

"It seems to have a great impact, otherwise..." Uriel sighed.

Protective clothing is essential, otherwise you will not even be qualified to approach Goliath, but protective clothing will greatly weaken Yan Feichen's combat effectiveness.

So Uller's meaning is obvious, anyway, you just want the right to kill, just leave it to me and the sniper.

"It's not necessary, I just need to pay more attention to the timing of using it..." Yan Feichen replied.

When he was dealing with the ghost last time, although he joined the battle in the middle of the battle, he still had enough output, so he could get a lot of rewards after killing it.

But if you just collect one head, you can refer to the last world where he killed the Ninth Saint, and in the end he only got a green box, and the reward was greatly weakened.

In order to ensure that he can get a complete special treasure chest, Yan Feichen has to join the battle in person no matter what, provided that he is safe enough.

"In this case, you need to pay great attention to your own safety. Once the battle starts, I can't always guarantee your safety..." Uriel said helplessly.

"I know it."

"Since that's the case, we can start getting ready."

After speaking, Uriel quickly changed the protective clothing, waiting for Goliath's arrival.

As time went by, the two could clearly feel the vibration of the ground and the rise in the surrounding temperature. It was obvious that Goliath was coming.

'Coagulation' was activated at this time, and the bright red blood slowly covered Yan Feichen's hands.

Uriel also took out a brand new weapon. It was a three-meter-long giant sword that had never been sharpened. God knows where he pulled it out.

While the two were getting ready, a huge black shadow passed over their heads from behind and fell into the big pit ahead.

Almost at the moment when Goliath jumped into the big pit, the machine that produced the shield immediately started working.

At the moment when the protective shield was formed, a violent explosion occurred inside, covering the entire field of vision.

When the smoke cleared, Yan Feichen finally saw Goliath's true face.

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