"I think something is wrong. Why do I think the big iron plate placed there is a land mine?"

"Mines? Is this a mine? Is it necessary for a mine to be so big?"

Obviously, under the size of this big iron pan, it is difficult for anyone to regard it as a landmine, even Yan Feichen himself thought so when he saw this thing.

Right now, the two people have been attracted by the 'self-shaped landmine-ar' placed in advance in the distance, and they didn't even notice that there was a pair of eyes staring at them in the canopy beside them.

"Unfortunately, the blood crow's attributes are still too low. I can only see part of the attributes of these two people. I don't know what skills they have."

Looking at the data fed back from the panel, Yan Feichen felt a little pity.

The strength of these two people is not high, and their strength and agility have just reached the threshold of 20. It is obvious that these two attributes will be added to this level, which shows that they are survivors in melee combat.

"Physical strength will generally be around 20 points. As for intelligence, it should not be much. No equipment in the form of a staff has been found on them..."

Yan Feichen carefully analyzed the strength of the two men based on the data returned by Blood Raven.

The airdrop has not yet fallen, and there are only these two survivors here, so it is best to solve them as soon as possible.

The only pity is that Yan Feichen can only get the data given by the blood crow now, and there is no way to know how far he is from the two survivors.

The environment here is indeed too open, and the location he chose can only hide himself, and there is no way to observe the situation in other places.

But it doesn't matter, after a while, the two survivors will take the initiative to come to the door.

"Maybe I should get a small projection device, so that what the blood crow can see can be transmitted to me in real time..."

While waiting for the prey to come to his door, Yan Feichen began to think about how to share the vision with the Blood Raven in the future.

On the other side, the two survivors had already become a little impatient.

Because the airdrop is constantly falling towards the ground. According to this speed, there will be at most three minutes before the box containing the disaster space supplies will hit the ground.

Calamity points, energy crystals, full-score green equipment, and even bloodline and occupation are all in it.

Such a big gift appeared in front of them, how could they not be impatient.

"Where did you say that person was hiding?"

"how could I know?!"

"Then why are we just lying here and waiting? What if another survivor comes later? Now the scope of our activities is getting smaller and smaller."

"Wait a minute, no matter how you say it, we are two people, and we have the advantage."

"But what if there are two people who came here earlier?"

"You can't fucking think of a better place? You are very happy that the airdrop was robbed right under your nose, aren't you?!"

"Um, this is not..."

"Since it's not, then shut up and look again, this airdrop is about to land on the pile of iron plates."

The two cats were in the hiding place, watching intently the airdrop landed, and finally landed on the "self-shaped mine-ar" arranged by Yan Feichen in advance.

Then the two heard the roar of the mine explosion, and the airdrop supply box that was blown up by the explosion.

"Fuck!" The two people who were in ambush immediately shouted in unison.

When the airdropped supplies landed again, Yan Feichen showed a smile, because the supply box was falling beside him at the moment.

As an engineering designer, he has already learned how to calculate the distance during blasting, although he can't know the weight of the airdrop supply box.

But Yan Feichen can guarantee that as long as these 'self-shaped landmines-ar' can blow up the supply box, they will already fly in their direction.

Even though the airdrop box was right in front of him, Yan Feichen had no intention of opening it, after all, there were two survivors staring at him behind him.

Even though the attributes of those two people are not as good as his, what if the other party is holding some special props or equipment with special effects?

Even in the face of the weakest guy, he must be cautious enough to prevent himself from capsizing in the gutter.

"What should I do? That thing was blown over there, such a big iron plate, is it really a land mine?! Will someone really step on this thing?"

"You ask me who I ask? Now I can only guess that this landmine was placed by the people who came here first..."

"Then tell me, is it possible that the landing point of the explosion was also designed by that person?"

Hearing this sentence from his companion, the survivor immediately had a flash of inspiration. Yes, since there will be mines planted, is it difficult to calculate the location of the explosion?

"Not good! We need to act quickly! That guy may already be searching for the supplies in the airdrop!" Impatiently, he rushed out of the hiding place first, and ran towards the location of the airdrop.

"What did you say?!" Hearing his words, his companion followed him and ran towards the airdrop position without saying a word.

Just like the two discussed before, they have at least two people. If there is only one person on the other side, two-on-one is their advantage.

Even if the number of people is doubled, two against two is not an irresistible problem, of course, if it is two against three and turns around and runs away.

Even if the opponent wants to chase and kill two people, he still needs to consider whether the remaining people will monopolize the items in the airdrop.

Seeing that the airdrop is getting closer and closer, and the speed of the two is getting faster and faster, but they have always maintained vigilance, as long as there is a little change...

The galloping two stopped suddenly, and they immediately turned their heads to look at the source of the sound. It was a tree in the distance, and a bird covered in dark red was flying out of the crown of the tree.

The sound that suddenly appeared just now was what it made.

Seeing that it was just a bird, the tense nerves of the two suddenly relaxed. Originally, their noise was caused by other survivors, but it turned out to be just an ordinary bird.

No... If it was a bird, the explosion just now should have scared it out.

The two suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned their heads to look at the location of the airdrop.

Sure enough, a figure in pitch-black armor was rushing towards the two of them. If you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't hear any footsteps at all.

"Damn it! Be Liu Yin, right? Brother, come on! We'll get him out! Let him know what will happen to Lao Liu!"

"Okay! Fuck it!"

The battle between Yan Feichen and these two survivors was about to start at this moment.

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