Calamity Game: Cleanup Man? No I'm The Villain

Chapter 34 I Am Not Good At Fighting, I Am Good At Analysis

"I need a reason..." Coland stretched out his two hands that were emitting black smoke, and placed them on Yan Feichen's shoulders.

[Warning, equipment durability is less than 5 points]

This news is indeed very eye-catching, but Yan Feichen has no mind to care about the white clothes on his body at this moment, his brain is thinking rapidly about various situations that may arise next.

"My strength is too weak, and you must be able to see it, the legion commander."

"So what? This is not a reason for you not to participate in the next battle, to become a deserter. You must know that you are now a member of the Sixth Army of the Scavenger Holy See. I allow the existence of weak people in the army." , but there is no room for deserters!

I know you are a little ashamed of your performance just now, I can understand this, after all, every warrior of the Holy See of Scavengers was not strong at the beginning.

We kill, and then absorb nutrients from the remains of the defeated, and finally create the prestige of the Holy See, so I allow you enough time to grow. "

Keland acted like an elder who hoped that the younger generation would grow up well, but is this really the case?

"Although I am one of your subordinates, I am not a scavenger after all. This is the difference brought about by individuals, and I cannot violate it." Yan Feichen explained the facts calmly.

"So what, it's not that there are no existences in the Nightmare that can stand up to us, and none of them are scavengers. As I said, I need a reason..."

The black smoke on Kelland's body was a bit thicker, and it seemed that it had the tendency to completely envelop Yan Feichen at any time.

"But fighting is indeed not my strong point, my lord of the Legion."

"Then tell me, what are you good at..."

"Situation analysis, command and dispatch." Yan Feichen said succinctly, and when he said these eight words, he seemed full of confidence.

"Oh? Tell me, from the battle just now to now, what have you analyzed." Kelland said.

"The Tribunal dispatched a total of 7,000 people to surprise the Shadow Fortress, but left 2,000 people stationed outside. This is undoubtedly unreasonable..."

Yan Feichen felt a light on his shoulders, and Ke Lande had already moved his arms away.

"go on."

"If the Tribunal wants to quickly deal with our army inside the Shadow Fortress, there shouldn't be so many people left behind, which will undoubtedly slow down the speed of occupation.

Even if it is assumed that these people on the periphery are to stop the supporting our army, but their strength is obviously not qualified, except for some special props, they do not have enough strong generals.

So I speculate that the two thousand Tribunal members stationed outside have only one purpose, to pay off soldiers like me who escaped from the Shadow Fortress to seek reinforcements.

They were undoubtedly successful, for none of the Nightgaunts of Shadowkeep escaped the area to seek reinforcements from the other Scourge apart from me.

Otherwise, when we arrive here, we should see another scene. "

Yan Feichen told Keland about the situation he 'analyzed'.

"And then? What does this mean?"

"The reinforcements, they wiped out the fleeing soldiers around, just to wait for the arrival of the follow-up reinforcements, the Tribunal was able to launch this surprise attack, it must have found a strategic secret road that we have not discovered.

If there are soldiers fleeing, bring reinforcements from the surrounding Scourge Legion, and when the multi-party legion enters the field to encircle and suppress, the hidden strategic secret road will definitely be exposed.

After all, this place is still under the shroud of night, and the situation is more favorable for us night-gaunts. Even if the Tribunal captures the Shadow Fortress, they will be helpless without the support of the strategic secret road.

But once there is no legion to support the Shadow Fortress, the Inquisition can rely on this hidden main road to continuously transport soldiers to the occupied Shadow Fortress. Even if it is discovered by the surrounding legions, it will be too late. "

With the end of Yan Feichen's explanation, Kelland waved his arms slightly and applauded him.

"That's a good analysis. The Tribunal's ability to mobilize such a team without being discovered by us must be inseparable from the hidden arteries you mentioned, but how can you be sure that they will definitely have reinforcements?"

Colander, who was shrouded in black smoke, had his exposed scarlet eyes flickering constantly. Yan Feichen knew that he was only a short distance from success.

"I would like to guarantee with my life that the Tribunal will definitely have reinforcements arriving, and the number will not exceed 5,000 at most. I even dare to conclude that they will arrive here in at most ten minutes."

Yan Feichen's confidence comes from the latest map he got from the contact platform, which clearly marked the route of the surprise attack, as well as the number and departure time of follow-up reinforcements.

With Tianhui's constant inner ghosts, Yan Feichen is confident that as long as Ke Lande can believe him this time, he will have a way to make the other party believe in him countless times in the future! .

"Your life is not worth much in my opinion, even if I want to, I can take him now."

"But that's about as high a stake as I can come up with."

When Yan Feichen said this, Kelland fell silent first, and then smiled again.

"That fellow Nevern Moore won't die so soon, and it will take some time for us to crack Radiant's spell, I'll only give you ten minutes.

If ten minutes later I don't see what you said, then you know what's going on. "

"The subordinates understand, thank you for the trust of the legion commander."

"You play a big game, whether you have confidence or procrastinated speculation, I can take a gamble with you. If you risk your life, I will be the sixth army commander.

You two, keep an eye on him, others, clean up the battlefield and hide in all directions. "

Under Keland's order, two scavenger soldiers came to his side and led him to quickly hide around the shadow fortress.

As for what Keland said about cleaning the battlefield, he just turned the remaining corpses into nourishment for the scavengers. The blood on the ground and the smell of blood that hadn't dissipated in the air all explained the battle that took place here.

These traces don't need to be cleaned up at all. If the members of the Inquisition really find them, it means that they have entered the encirclement of scavengers.

As time passed by, Yan Feichen, who was being watched by two scavengers, did not show any panic, but only a calm and indifferent face.

He knew that Kelland must still be watching him, and if he showed any panic at this time, it might cause endless disasters.

So at this moment, he has put all his thoughts on the contact platform, and he wants to see what useful news other survivors can send, which is very important for his follow-up plan.

It's a pity that when Keland appeared in front of Yan Feichen again, the contact platform didn't have any useful news.

"I'm a little impressed with you." Kelland said first.

As the most powerful person in the team, he felt the changes in his surroundings immediately, which was a kind of extremely fast frequency vibration caused by stepping on the ground when many people were marching in a hurry.

And this also means that the follow-up reinforcements of the Tribunal are about to arrive.

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