[Triggered branch: trust (forced access)]

Mission information: Help the Sixth Army of the Scavenger Holy See to capture the hidden secret passage stronghold of Radiant Fang.

Task time limit: two days

Mission rewards: 10,000 military merit points, military rank promotion, Kirland trust +90, Scavenger Holy See trust +20.

Failure penalty: military rank and military merits will be reset to zero, expelled from the Holy See of the Scavenger Eater, and cannot join any night-dire camp afterwards.

With the endorsement of the Calamity Dimension, Yan Feichen can indeed believe that this is Kelland's last temptation, after which he will completely become a member of the Holy See of Scavengers.

"I will definitely not disappoint the expectations of the army commander." Yan Feichen responded to the other party neither humble nor overbearing.

"Then I'll just wait and see..." Two strips of cloth suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth, outlining a shape similar to a smile.

Not only Kelande, but also strips of cloth began to slowly appear on the bodies of other scavengers around.

Yan Feichen thought at first that this kind of cloth was specially made by scavengers to cover up their appearance, and it could also be used to resist attacks at critical moments.

But now it seems that this is not the case. The cloth strips that wrap their dark interiors are likely to be tissues and organs similar to animal nails or body hair, which can grow repeatedly.

That is to say, when Kelland met Yan Feichen for the first time, the other party actually gave him a part of his body.

"Did you already take precautions against me when we met?" Yan Feichen thought to himself.

But this is also a lesson for him, and he must be extremely careful when taking over other people's things in the future, unless there is a guarantee of disaster space.

"This is the talent that the scavenger will awaken when he kills the enemy for the first time..." Kelande explained to Yan Feichen, "Although you are not a scavenger, a person like you is extremely powerful in the Holy See. Rare existence."

"I don't want to be jealous. Scavengers have the talent of scavengers, and I have my own. Besides, talent can only measure the lower limit, and cannot lock the upper limit."

"Keep this thinking of yours, this will be the cornerstone of your continuous progress in the future, well, our small talk will stop here, the whole army is ready to speed up, we want to return to the Holy See as quickly as possible!"


The Holy See the Scavenger, the tent of the Eighth Army.

"The commander of the Legion, the commander of the Sixth Army has returned, and no member has been killed." A scavenger soldier reported to Manfrik what he had seen and heard.

"Including the foreigner who went out with Keland?"

"Yes, he's still alive, too."

"I see, you go out..."

Looking at the leaving soldiers, Manfrik's eyes were full of doubts, and he knew exactly what kind of person his old opponent was.

In Manfrik's view, there is only one possibility for a foreigner to come back alive after Keland led a team to rescue the Shadow Fortress, and Keland recognized the other party.

Thinking of this, Manfrik stood up, and he was going to go to the foreigner again.

His speed was so fast that he arrived outside the camp of the Sixth Army almost the next moment Keland led his team back to the Holy See of the Scavengers.

But before Manfrik stepped into the camp, he saw Yan Feichen and Keland walking towards each other one after the other.

"Kelande, what's the matter? Just after a rescue battle, are you going to take your novice down to claim credit?"

Hearing Manfrik's words, Kelland narrowed his eyes, he knew very well that his opponent would not just come to him for no reason.

"That's right, we are going to claim credit, do you want to join us?"

"Korland, he's a foreigner." Manfrik said without paying any attention to Yan Feichen.

"So what? He joined my army with Wang's approval. People from my Sixth Army will not be able to intervene in your Eighth Army anyway! If you are fine, don't continue to stand here and block the way." .”

Kelland responded bluntly, and then turned his head to signal Yan Feichen to follow him and move on.

But before the two had gone far, they found that Manfrik had been following closely behind.

"I don't remember you having a tendency to be a stalker." Collander looked back and kept walking.

"No, I just want to know how many records you have achieved this time, so you can't wait to come forward to claim credit. Don't worry, I'm just watching..." Manfrik continued to follow the two people in front of him.

Facing this kind of behavior, Collander cast a glance at Manfrik, then turned his head away from him.

But the real object of his glance was actually Yan Feichen, and the two of them had already met this kind of result before they were about to enter the Holy See.

The two of them even planned a round that was only aimed at Manfrik alone.

The location of the army camp was not too far from the hall where the King of Scavengers was located, and soon the three of them appeared outside the hall.

"My lord, we have something important to report." Colander said softly to the palace door.

At the same time as the voice fell, the door of the palace opened, and the three of them solemnly stepped into it.

The king of scavenger eaters was still sitting on the throne, and the distance between the three of them and the throne was so far away that even the real appearance of the king could not be glimpsed.

"The survivors of Radiance seem to have targeted Nevin Moore's unhealed injuries from the previous battle, and found a hidden route directly to the territory of the Shadow Fortress. That's why they carried out the attack on the Shadow Fortress without us noticing it. There was a surprise attack.

A total of 13,000 people were attacked by surprise, and the large-scale war spells of the Inquisition were also used. If Wangchen hadn't successfully escaped from the Shadow Fortress and came to the Holy See, the Shadow Fortress would have fallen now.

With the support of our army, all the court personnel have been killed without any casualties in our army. "Korland reported the result of the battle truthfully.

"How about Nevin Moore?" The voice of the Scavenger King echoed in the hall.

"I have never seen him communicate with Soul Yuan during the battle..."

"Wait to go to the quartermaster to receive your rewards. Don't treat every soldier badly, whether he is a scavenger or not."

"This subordinate understands that Wangchen's contribution to this battle can be said to be indispensable. Based on the existing situation, he analyzed the number of follow-up reinforcements from the Inquisition Chamber, and thus successfully ambushed the reinforcements, greatly reducing the pressure on the battlefield. He was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Sixth Army."

Manfrik looked at Yan Feichen subconsciously when he heard the words. He didn't expect this foreigner who seemed to have no combat power to have this ability.

"In addition, my subordinate has another matter to report. Wangchen has already analyzed the location where the Tribunal used to surprise the main road of the Shadow Fortress. This subordinate applies for the deployment of the Sixth Army to join forces with the Shadow Fortress to counterattack the main road stronghold!"

As soon as these words came out, Manfrik's eyes froze instantly. This was the real purpose of Kolland. A secret road that could go directly from the Radiant area to the Dire area was undoubtedly the key to the war.

If the Sixth Army really completes this campaign, his Eighth Army will be completely overwhelmed by the opponent.

The current situation cannot allow him to continue watching...

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