In order to allow members of the Tribunal to quickly reach the hinterland of Night Dire, this underwater secret passage was set up to be extremely wide.

Even though the body of the scavengers is much larger than the members of the normal trial court, they can still walk normally in an array of ten people, and there are special spells around them as lighting.

After walking through the secret passage for ten minutes, Yan Feichen, who was at the back of the team, smelled the smell of blood in the air.

Before smelling the smell of blood, he didn't hear any sound, which meant that the other party was dealt with extremely quickly.

With two Scavenger Legion Masters and a wounded Shadow Lord, Yan Feichen could already imagine the horrors of the dead.

Continuing forward, Yan Feichen heard the sound of rushing through the puddles. It was the bloodstains left by the deceased before, and this was the only trace that could prove that he had existed in the secret passage.

If the members of the trial court guarding the secret passage did not have the combat power to rival Kelande and others, the army of scavengers would not be hindered before leaving the exit of the secret passage.

To what extent can the already exaggerated scavengers be strengthened by Shadow Fiend?

Had the initial Assault Inquisition not responded in time, Yan Feichen believed that the surprise attack would have declared victory for the Scavengers.

The length of this secret passage was marked on the map obtained by Yan Feichen, but he did not choose to report it truthfully.

Because there are still many survivors in that stronghold, if the scavenger suddenly kills out, the survivors with weak combat power will probably all die. This is not what Yan Feichen wants to see.

It's not how kind-hearted he is, it's just that most of the survivors who are willing to come to the gap forest rushed over without carefully considering the possible risks.

The kind-hearted Yan Feichen couldn't bear to see these innocent survivors who were easy to fool around and see them die in vain. After they died, there would be fewer insiders who would send him news.

For sustainable depletion of fish, Yan Feichen will send a message to the contact platform when the scavenger army is halfway to the secret passage.

As for how many survivors will be able to give up their immediate interests and choose to leave, that is beyond Yan Feichen's knowledge.

All he wanted was for some of the survivors who came to the Gap Forest to survive. It didn't matter how many survived, as long as they didn't die.

Those who survived this part will definitely be grateful to him in the days to come, and believe in what he said afterwards.

Even if someone accuses Yan Feichen of various behaviors in the future, there is a high probability that they will defend it.

Just imagine, would you trust a person who shared your favor and saved your life, or a stranger who accused the former?

"I would like to inform all the survivors who came to the gap forest stronghold. I dug up a secret message from a high-ranking judge. There may be a big battle in the camp. If you want to leave quickly with your life, anyway, I have already taken a step first."

After Yan Feichen released the news, many survivors appeared on the contact platform.

Some people thanked Yan Feichen and said they would run away immediately, and some people said that the task at hand has not been completed, and if they leave now, they will be punished for mission failure, so they cannot leave.

As for the last group of people, they are questioning whether this is a smoke bomb thrown by Yan Feichen, because they have not been in the gap forest for a long time, and they were suddenly informed that there are night-gaunts attacking the camp before starting the mission, which is too coincidental .

Some people think that this is because Yan Feichen saw too many people coming to the gap forest, which hurt his income, so he said this.

Of course, this kind of speech was immediately drowned out, and even criticized.

Yan Feichen didn't know about the grand occasion in the contact platform, because the entire surprise attack team was advancing rapidly, which indicated that the stronghold of the exit was not far away, and their actions might have been discovered.

Suddenly, he saw a violent surge of light in front of him, and the moment the light appeared, the 'armor' on all the scavengers instantly separated from their bodies.

The surging light swept across the entire passage, and the intense light made Yan Feichen unable to open his eyes for a while.

After the light faded, he opened his eyes again and found that the shadow barriers on himself and other scavengers due to the possession of shadow demons became extremely solid at this moment.

With the specific data provided by the disaster space, he can see that the barrier on his body has lost more than a thousand health points.

At the beginning, Yan Feichen saw the cooldown time of the 'Power of Dawn (Elementary)' on the junior members of the Tribunal through the detection skills.

Although he doesn't know whether the cooling speed of the intermediate or advanced level will be faster, but if he can't quickly break through the secret passage to reach the outermost battlefield, and there are two more waves of this level of 'Power of Dawn', this battle can be avoided. up.

After all the scavengers release the "armor wrap" to build a barrier, they can still deal more than a thousand damage. Yan Feichen can't even think about how much he can deal.

It's just that there are people who are more anxious than Yan Feichen and other scavengers.

As Nevin Moore, one of the three advanced fighters at the forefront, he is well aware of how lethal this thing is to his compatriots.

If it happens two more times, there is a high probability that the shadow demon attached to the scavenger soldier will die directly.

Seeing that the opponent was about to launch an offensive again, Nevin Moore broke out first, and after the brilliance, the shadow enveloped the entire passage. Yan Feichen, who was shrouded in shadow, felt that his soul was about to leave his body at this moment.

Fortunately, the shadow only lasted for a short time, but it successfully interrupted the other party's spellcasting and bought enough space for Kelland and Manfrik.

The two scavenger army commanders rushed into the enemy group the moment the shadow ended, wantonly massacring the soldiers who had fallen into a daze because of Nevern Moore, and their attack instantly disrupted the formation of the Inquisition.

"Scavenger! Alert Level 1!" shouted an Inquisition arbitrator, his voice resounding throughout the gap forest stronghold.

(From bottom to top, the positions of fighters in the Tribunal are: junior member, law enforcement officer, arbitrator, judge, grand judge, saint)

Survivors who were still in the gap forest stronghold knew at this moment that what Yan Feichen said on the communication platform just now was true, and that the battle between Dire and Radiant really took place here.

They immediately decided to leave the camp, but it was too late.

[Sub-quest: Persevere (mandatory access)]

Mission Information: Hold your ground and repel the attacking Dire Legion.

Mission reward: 2000 points of military merit

Failure penalty: death (leaving the range of the gap forest stronghold, it is considered a mission failure).

When the trial court released the power of morning light on the secret passage, some of the survivors had already ran out of the stronghold.

This part of the survivors also received this mission, but their mission had failed as three bloody characters were displayed on it.

Before they recovered from the fear of mission failure, a beam of fiery light enveloped them, and when the light dissipated, only a charred skeleton remained on the ground.

"The only end for deserters is death." A great judge walked towards the center of the battlefield with brilliance blooming in his hands.

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