Calamity Game: Cleanup Man? No I'm The Villain

Chapter 55 Join The Eighth Army And Return

"From today onwards, you are no longer a member of my Sixth Army, do you understand?"

On the school grounds, Kelland read the decision to Yan Feichen in front of all Sixth Army soldiers.

"Legion Commander...I..." Yan Feichen's tone faltered, and everyone else could see his reluctance.

"I have only joined the Holy See for less than two days. It is because you value my ability and don't care about my background that I can come to this position so quickly. I really... really..."

"Hold your emotions, soldiers shouldn't cry on this occasion! Manfrik is not a short-sighted person like me, and he will definitely entrust you with important responsibilities like I value you!"

Ke Lande reached out and patted Yan Feichen's shoulder, like an elder who was seeing him off.

In the distance of the school grounds, two figures were watching this scene carefully.

"What a touching performance, what do you think?" Nevin Moore turned his head to look at Manfrik next to him, "This Wangchen is very dangerous, how dare you let him into your army, in my opinion you This is a trick."

"And then? If you don't separate the two of them, there will be at least two Kollanders in the future. You can think about what it will be like at that time." Manfrik said.

"Is this difficult to solve? You just need to kill that Wang Chen. Why, you Manfrik doesn't even have the courage to do it? Would you like me to help you?" Nevin Moore challenged.

Manfrik, who heard this, glanced at Nevin Moore.

"Do you know? Maybe there will be two Kelanders in the future, which is very difficult for me, but it is definitely a good thing for the entire Holy See of Scavengers.

Nevin Moore, the words you whispered in my ear are essentially just to weaken the internal power of our scavengers, the Holy See. Do you think I will let you get what you want?

Only relying on your strong shadow fortress, huh, shadow lord? There is a fart! " Putting these words down in disdain, Manfrik walked forward, and he was about to meet the centurion of the Eighth Army.

Nevin Moore looked angrily at Manfrik who was gradually going away, the fire of soul in his eyes kept churning.

As Manfrik stepped into the school grounds, the scavengers around made way for him.

The gazes that were originally fixed on Yan Feichen and Kelande shifted to Manfrik.

"Korland, according to the agreement, I will personally accept the centurion of my Eighth Army." Manfrik came to Yan Feichen's side beyond the countless gazes around him.

"Wang Chen, I have seen your performance during this period of time. Your talent will not be buried in the Eighth Army. Kelande let you come to this position, but my Eighth Army will let you fully demonstrate their worth.”

Manfrik reached out and landed on Yan Feichen's shoulder, which is what Kollander usually does.

"Follow Manfrik and work hard, understand?" Collander urged.

"I understand, Legion Commander." Yan Feichen responded immediately.

"Your current regiment commander is no longer Kelland. I hope you can correct this as soon as possible. Well, let's go." Manfrik put Yan Feichen's shoulders on his shoulders, with his eyes on the entire Sixth Army Down, left the school grounds.

Seeing the backs of the two of them turning away, Kelland couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth hidden under the armor.


Yan Feichen, who was taken away by Manfrik, came all the way to the camp where the Eighth Army was stationed, accompanied by the other party.

As soon as he came here, Yan Feichen immediately understood why he didn't see any members of the Eighth Army on the school field just now.

All the scavengers he could see were preparing themselves, as if they were planning to go somewhere.

"Legion Commander, is this necessary?" Yan Feichen pretended not to understand.

"Our Eighth Army is about to leave this stronghold, and then the Sixth Army will be stationed here, and Nevin Moore's Shadow Demon Legion will leave with us later," Manfrik told Yan Feichen directly without hiding.

At the end, he added: "This is the result of joint discussions between Kelland, me, and Nevin Moore."

"The Tribunal will inevitably organize a counterattack. With both the Eighth Army and the Shadow Demon Army choosing to retreat, it is difficult to hold the stronghold here with the Sixth Army alone..."

"Your judgment is not wrong, but even so, we must return first. I was seriously injured in the previous battle. I need to recover from my injuries. Well, do what you have to do, wait Next, when the team is assembled, I want to see you appear on the scene."

Manfrik let go of Yan Feichen's arm, and walked into the army below. Yan Feichen knew very well that he was being treated coldly by the opponent.

This is the opponent's Eighth Army, and his every move will only be carried out under the surveillance of the opponent. As for whether Yan Feichen's personal ability will be wasted, Manfrik doesn't care at all.

Because in his eyes, Yan Feichen is still a foreigner after all, he is not a scavenger.

Maybe one day Yan Feichen will be re-used, maybe the day Kollander dies, but definitely not now.

In the face of Manfrik's cold treatment, Yan Feichen has already expected that the way he shows his value does not necessarily need to go through Manfrik.

There are still five full days before his mission fails completely. During this period, he needs to wait for an opportunity. If there is no one, then Yan Feichen will create an opportunity himself.

As soon as the opportunity presented itself, he would have traveled straight across Manfrik to meet the Scavenger King.

At that time, all decisions will not be made by Manfrik alone.

At present, Yan Feichen's reputation on the contact platform has been established. There are more than 400 survivors participating in this disaster game, and there must be many smart people among them.

And what smart people like best is to cooperate with smart people...

Yan Feichen is very clear that if he wants to survive in the disaster game for a long time, he must have enough courage, because only risks can be exchanged for sufficient returns.

He just needs to wait for such a person to jump out on his own initiative, and then he can borrow the other party's hand to accomplish what he wants.

With his own plan, Yan Feichen walked into the army below, and dozens of pairs of scarlet eyes immediately looked at him.

Yan Feichen, who had long been accustomed to being watched by scavengers, ignored them, and now all he had to do was wait.

Thirty minutes later, with the reappearance of Manfrik, the Eighth Army dispatched collectively and returned to the Holy See of the Scavengers along the secret road. They also left with Nevin Moore's Shadow Demon Legion.

In the entire gap forest stronghold, only Keland and his Sixth Army were left.

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