"Where did you get so many Inquisition Chamber equipment?!"

Manfrik was a little annoyed, he really couldn't understand how Yan Feichen got so many equipment.

Moreover, many of these equipment can only be obtained by reaching the level of a judge.

"You might as well take a guess... Maybe, I'm actually an undercover agent sent by the Tribunal to the Night Dire? Don't you think my appearance is too coincidental?"

Yan Feichen began to interfere with Manfrik's thoughts with his own words.

"Why did I choose the Holy See of the Scavenger instead of the closer Lich Cemetery and Fire Altar when the Shadow Fortress was attacked?

Why do I have so many mixed breaths of night-gaunts on me, and you all say my smell is new?

And my ability, don't you really think that there is an ability that can directly obtain the tactical arrangement of the Tribunal?

Why can't I be the undercover Night Dire created by the Inquisition through magic? And in order to win your trust, I also carried the tactical plan of the Tribunal?

In this way, we can gain the trust of the Holy See of the Scavengers with a small loss. As for the results of the battle... Do you think the Crypt Lord and the Eighth Army can go back safe and sound? "

Yan Feichen's words were like a wake-up call, instantly dispelling the doubts in Manfrik's heart.

If the other party is really an undercover agent sent by the trial court, then everything can indeed make sense.

"That guy Kelande...can actually trust someone like you!" Manfrik couldn't suppress the anger in his heart when he thought of Kelande cooperating with Yan Feichen to try to kill him.

He had already made up his mind. After killing Yan Feichen and returning to the Holy See, he would kill Kelland no matter what. Having such a person in the Holy See was really a hidden danger.

"Have you and Kelande reached some kind of agreement!" He asked immediately.

Yan Feichen didn't expect Manfrik to think of this directly. It seems that the other party does have some kind of deep prejudice against Kollander, but this happens to be exploitable.

"Yes, I have reached an agreement with Kelande. As long as I can kill you here, after I return to the Holy See of the Scavengers, I can directly take the position of the commander of the Eighth Army...

In the Vatican of the Scavengers, there is a legion commander who is a member of the Inquisition Chamber. This must be very interesting, right? Guess what decision I will make after I come to this position? "

There was a hint of frivolity in Yan Feichen's tone, but to Manfrik's ears, it was just pouring oil on the anger in his heart.

The black smoke covering Manfrik's body seemed to respond to his anger, and began to spread towards the surroundings.

Yan Feichen naturally noticed this change in the other party. Judging from the feedback given by the 'detection' skill, Manfrik had already activated a certain skill, and his mana was currently being consumed rapidly.

This is obviously the boss's usual method when the stage is about to switch, and Yan Feichen will naturally not let the other party get his wish.

The 'Dawn of the Morning Dew' appeared in his hand, and he immediately threw it at Manfrik. This was his last bottle of 50 concentration 'Dawn of the Morning Dew'.

After throwing the 'Morning Dew', Yan Feichen didn't just stand still and check the results, but took out a few more arrows to activate them.

Based on the strength and speed of his throwing, it would be impossible to hit Manfrik, so these arrows are the main force of the attack.

But what Yan Feichen didn't expect was that Manfrik didn't have any intention of dodging at all, and let the bottle of 'Morning Dew' come to him.

Just when the 'Dawn of the Morning' was about to fall on Manfrik, the black smoke on his body seemed to have an independent consciousness and solidified entity, and autonomously grabbed the flying bottle.

This scene really surprised Yan Feichen, but he also noticed that the black smoke touching the body of the bottle was faintly showing signs of collapsing, only the other surrounding smoke was continuously supplied to keep it going.

But the situation is still not very optimistic for Yan Feichen. Now Manfrik can briefly ignore the threat posed by the 'Dawn of the Morning', which means that the opponent can quickly approach him.

Soon Manfrik gave Yan Feichen the answer. The ground under his feet cracked directly due to the reaction force, and Manfrik turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Yan Feichen quickly.

The arrow in his hand was released and hit the black shadow directly, and the rich 'power of dawn' burst out instantly, lighting up the dark underground.

But the brilliance was only on for a short moment, and Yan Feichen saw a black figure rushing out of it, and came to him at an extremely fast speed.

Yan Feichen saw the fist gradually enlarged in front of his eyes, but he couldn't react in time at all. There was only one way to resist this attack, which was to release the 'scavenger's slough' on his body.

It's just that the current durability of this piece of equipment is less than 80 points. If you use the second skill that comes with the equipment, it means it will be scrapped.

Skill 2: Liberation (consumes 80 maximum durability to generate a temporary barrier, the strength of which is linked to health; within 30 minutes after using this skill, the equipment will not provide any defense bonus)

And Yan Feichen's choice is also very simple, he directly activated skill 2.

It's just a piece of blue equipment, he still has a chance to get it in the future, but if he takes this attack firmly, he won't have any chance to come back.

The 'Scavenger's Remnant' wrapped around his body collapsed rapidly, forming a barrier that completely blocked Manfrik's attack.

And Yan Feichen was sent flying by the force of the attack, and hit the wall firmly.

Before he could struggle to get up from the ground, Manfrik appeared in front of him again, stretched out his hand that was emitting black smoke, and grabbed Yan Feichen by the throat.

"Legion Commander... I now... admit my mistake... Is it too late?" Yan Feichen's words were a bit broken because his throat was choked by the other party.

"I won't give you any chance to speak again, first you, then Kelande, don't even try to run away!"

Black smoke began to enter Yan Feichen's body along the wounds on his body, and the status of 'scavenging mark' appeared on his panel again.

"Wangchen, you should be lucky, at least you can still create some value now..."

The few arrows that hit the facade did cause him a lot of damage. In order to ensure that the legion can leave safely later, he must complete his physical recovery.

"Legion commander... Anyway, I also worked under your hands, how about leaving me a whole body?"

"You're right. Maybe I should kill you directly, but it's too cheap for you. I know that you also have the 'Dawn of the Morning Dew' in your body, but do you really think I have nothing to do?"

"What did you say?!"

Under Yan Feichen's horrified eyes, Manfrik turned into a puff of smoke and entered his body...

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