Access to the garden.

At this moment, Yan Feichen's equipment has changed drastically. He has left the machete and explosion-proof shield in the dining room. The reason is that the glove occupies the main weapon and auxiliary weapon slots, and the space determines that he cannot continue to hold those two things.

Now that he has boxing gloves, Yan Feichen doesn't care about machetes and explosion-proof shields, and even throws his body armor in the restaurant for flexibility.

He only carried a bag for storing medicine, a grenade, a pistol, and three bottles of his homemade Molotov cocktails. The raw materials were cooking oil and high-grade liquor from the kitchen.

As for the props used to ignite the Molotov cocktail, it was a lighter that came out of a box.

Just like playing a mobile game and you want to draw cards when you have the resources, when Yan Feichen left the restaurant, he couldn't help but chose to open the box, and then he picked up a brand new lighter.

It is precisely because of this lighter that he searches for cooking oil and cooking wine in restaurants to make Molotov cocktails, and typically makes table dumplings for this little vinegar.

As for the remaining box, Yan Feichen didn't plan to open it even if he was killed. He estimated that a bunch of weird things would be opened inside.

It has been five minutes since he left the restaurant. According to the map, he can reach the garden in three minutes at most.

"This passage is not only long but also wide...Did the experiment fail and the infected people appear when it was built?"

Out of working instinct, Yan Feichen will also check the layout of the overall environment while moving.

On the passage from the restaurant to the garden, it is not a problem for three cars to run in parallel on it. It is intentionally designed like this at first glance.

"But since it's a large underground laboratory, why should the various areas be designed like this? Obviously, interoperability is the best..."

Thinking about this, Yan Feichen suddenly thought of something, and immediately took out the complete map.

"This is the entrance...first the passage and then turn left...the security room, the dining room, the research department, and here..."

Swiping his finger across each area marked on the map one by one, Yan Feichen instantly understood, and at the same time became more certain that his final mission goal was absolutely inseparable from the research department.

When he first entered the industry, his master was an elderly man with rich experience. He has been in this industry for forty years.

The old man likes to share with him some of his experiences when he was young, which should include some so-called architectural geomantic omens, and when he is excited, he will take out a pen and paper to draw for Yan Feichen himself.

At that time, Yan Feichen was just a boy who had just left school, and he didn't believe in Feng Shui theories of the elderly at all.

Because for the so-called feng shui, not only the overall structure of the building has to be changed, but also it is extremely inconsistent with the usual architectural requirements, which can easily lead to danger.

It’s okay if it’s a short time, but a house like this can be lived for a lifetime, so it’s so short, but out of respect, I still listen to the old man’s story silently.

Some of the so-called Feng Shui layouts, he also wrote down some of them under his influence.

The extremely unreasonable layout immediately reminded him of the feng shui layout that the old man told him. After going through the map, he deepened his guess.

The name of this layout is "Trapped Prisoner", and in some places it is said that it is a layout specially used to suppress evil.

Among them, the core tips are three words, food, offering, and hiding.

The so-called food is the place to eat. The stove should be at a certain distance from the dining table. This distance depends on the number of people in the family. What is eaten here is the smoke and fire of the world.

Offering, that is, offering, needs to provide a large place for offering, and must go there once after eating, so that the smoke and fire of eating will be automatically offered, as the root of suppressing evil worship, it is used It is regarded as suppressing evil and bad luck with the smoke and fire in the world.

As for the last Tibet, it is the place where evil things are suppressed. The smoke and fire that is enshrined will go straight to the place where the evil is located through the passage, and those who return from Tibet, after going through the "offering", will offer the evil, reverence and bad luck to the place. 'Food' is transformed into human pyrotechnic gas under the stove cooking.

This is also the reason why the stove should be separated from the dining table, but they must be together. The smoke and fire in the world after cooking must be eaten as soon as possible, otherwise it will become evil and bad luck. People who were born near the summer solstice, otherwise they would not be able to withstand the torment of evil spirits and bad luck.

At the same time, the gate cannot go straight in, and a corner must be set so that Er Qi will not rush out of the gate directly.

As for the other layouts, they are more casual, they only need to be arranged around the three-character building, and there are not too many requirements.

What is displayed on this map is undoubtedly the layout of the "trapped prisoner" that the old man mentioned to him.

"Back then I was young and frivolous and ignorant... Old man, if I can go back from here and blow those guys' heads off, I'll go drink with you!"

The gate of the garden is already close at hand, as long as he can enter it, Yan Feichen can be sure whether it is really built according to the layout of the 'trapped prisoner'.

There is no need to confirm the final hiding place at all. The notes he found in the security room all show that all abnormalities started from the research department, so as long as the place can be confirmed.

Putting away the map, Yan Feichen couldn't help speeding up his pace, he was a little anxious now.

Coincidentally, he happened to have a meal in the restaurant, and to some extent his behavior was in line with the feng shui operation process of 'trapped prisoner'.

Continue to advance along the passage, relying on the power of the green weapon to easily eliminate three ordinary infected people, the gate of the garden is revealed in front of Yan Feichen.

Through the translucent glass door, you can easily see the plants inside, but those plants do not show any vitality at all, but instead reflect a dark red color.

Yan Feichen knew what dyed the plants in the garden like this. He had seen too much of this kind of thing along the way-blood, this was the most pigment he saw in the underground research institute.

At the same time, he didn't see any infected person, which unavoidably relieved his tense nerves a lot.

Pulling open the glass door in front of him, Yan Feichen had a complete view of part of the garden.

It turned out that there were no infected people here, but most of them had died. They fell to the side of the flower bed and became the nourishment for the plants on the flower bed.

And on his body, there are various bite marks all over, which are not bite marks that human teeth can make.

Yan Feichen's nerves, which had just been relieved, became tense again. The tragedy here shows one thing. There is a guy who is more terrifying than ordinary infected people, wandering in this park.

Just as he was hesitating, the plants on the flower bed in the distance began to shake rapidly, and a black shadow shuttled through it and rushed towards Yan Feichen.

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