Name: Dust Wave

Number: 766101

Health: 100

Mana: 0

Strength: 16 (of 14)

Agility: 16 (of 14)

Stamina: 17 (out of 15)

Intelligence: 0

Charm: 4

A-level talent: Brutality (lose the intelligence attribute, you can choose to attach it to the rest of the attributes, and the cost of learning fighting skills is reduced by 10)

Skills: Nameless boxing, melee basics (lv20)

Apparently, this survivor named Chen Lang is as special as Yan Feichen in terms of attribute values. The other party has lost all intelligence attributes, while Yan Feichen has lost the charisma attribute.

Among them, what Yan Feichen was most concerned about was the opponent's skill called Wuming Boxing. This skill obviously didn't seem like a skill that could be generated in the disaster space. It was probably brought by the opponent when he entered the disaster space.

When survivors enter the disaster space, there is no fixed panel, only a standard value for reference. After all, the disaster space cannot be truly digitized like a game, it is only half digitized.

This also leads to some differences among all survivors. Some of them have an advantage in the real world. After entering the disaster space, this advantage will also be magnified, which is specifically reflected in the initial generated panel points. .

Just like an athlete and an otaku who has been at home for a long time, the physical fitness of the two must be completely different.

The former definitely had an advantage over the latter at the very beginning, and the dust wave in front of Yan Feichen at the moment is such an example.

Even if the opponent's higher attributes are put aside, just looking at the level 20 'melee basics' is enough to make people feel outrageous.

The skill level difference of 10 levels is like a gap in front of Yan Feichen at this moment.

But fortunately, Yan Feichen's total attributes at the moment surpassed the opponent's by a margin. On the whole, the advantages of both sides are actually very obvious, and everything is still unknown if they really fight.

Of course, Yan Feichen didn't intend to fight the other party, because that was meaningless at all, the other party was only one person, and he could go out and find someone to encircle him.

So Yan Feichen turned around and left immediately, and Chen Lang probably guessed what Yan Feichen was thinking, and chased after him.

After only a few steps, Yan Feichen discovered that the opponent was faster than himself even though his agility attribute was lower than his own. This was most likely due to the equipment worn on the opponent's legs.

Since he couldn't beat the opponent's speed, Yan Feichen had no choice but to fight Chenlang. While the opponent was still struggling to catch up, Yan Feichen stopped quickly, turned around and punched hard.

Facing the sudden punch, Chen Lang seemed to have been prepared for a long time ago. First, he used his feet to maintain his balance, then crossed his arms on his chest, and firmly received Yan Feichen's punch. This hit.

Since Chen Lang itself is equipped with an exoskeleton mechanical arm, even if he forcibly received Yan Feichen's punch, it would still be harmless.

Seeing that the blow was unsuccessful, Yan Feichen was planning to withdraw his fist and launch a second attack. Who would have thought that Chen Lang would push forward with both arms, and the arm that had not been retracted was pushed away by the opponent, revealing a huge opening.

Facing such a flaw, Chen Lang would naturally take advantage of the momentum to pursue him. He lightly touched the ground with his right leg, and kicked Yan Feichen back two or three meters away with one kick at an extremely fast speed.

The 10-level difference in the 'melee basics' showed the gap between the two at this moment. Yan Feichen was no match for Chen Lang in terms of combat experience.

After knocking Yan Feichen out, Chen Lang didn't chase after Yan Feichen immediately, but put on a stance.

In this way, whether Yan Feichen wants to escape or continue to attack, he can prepare in advance.

Yan Feichen, who kept his body steady, checked his blood volume. The kick just now knocked out a full 18 points of his health. If an ordinary survivor encounters a dust wave, this kick will take away nearly ten points. one's life.

But for the current Yan Feichen, this point of health is insignificant at all. Relying on the bonus of natural ability and the extra shield provided by 'Shadow Attached', Yan Feichen's current blood volume has exceeded 2,000 points.

In other words, even if Yan Feichen stood in front of Chen Lang and gave him a hundred hard kicks, he might not be able to kill Yan Feichen.

But this is just a joke. This is a real battle, not a game. There are many factors to consider.

The tricky situation in front of him made Yan Feichen dare not hide anything anymore, and he took out the +6 gloves that had been stored in the space before.

"So you are that Wang Chen."

Chen Lang had already guessed when he met Yan Feichen, but now seeing the other party suddenly take out a pair of fist gloves, it can be regarded as a complete confirmation of his guess.

"It seems that you and Ge Qingrong are very familiar. Are you in the same team?"

Since the other party raised the topic first, Yan Feichen simply took it over. After all, it takes a lot of time to put on this pair of gloves.

"Since you are a member of Ge Qingrong's team, you should be very clear about my cooperation with him. Why don't you just let me into that room and I won't expose your existence, how about it?"

This proposal was obviously a win-win situation for the two of them at the moment, but Chen Lang was not moved at all, and what answered Yan Feichen was the other party's body that started to move.

Chen Lang also knew very well that Yan Feichen would choose to talk to him mainly to buy time so that he could put on the equipment.

In this attack, Chen Lang chose a very tricky target, which was Yan Feichen's next three lanes.

Eyes, throat, and lower thirds, these are all parts that can effectively disarm the enemy's subsequent combat capabilities after an attack.

It's a pity that Chen Lang's speed was still a step slower. Yan Feichen had finished putting on his equipment, and quickly swung his left fist towards the wall beside him.

From Chen Lang's point of view, this kind of action is undoubtedly giving him an opportunity to attack, and he will naturally not miss such an opportunity.

But what Chen Lang didn't expect was that the speed of Yan Feichen's next attack was so fast, so fast that he didn't even react immediately.

Even if there was a mechanical arm to stop this attack, it was extremely reluctant. The originally stable attacking figure was taken off track by a blow, exposing a huge gap.

Just like what Chen Lang did to Yan Feichen just now, Yan Feichen is now also taking advantage of the huge gap exposed by the opponent, turning his upper body to drive his lower body to kick forward with his left leg, and kicking a whip kick towards Chen Lang.

It's just that the attack speed of the whip leg is naturally not as fast as that of the straight kick, so even if it successfully hit Chen Lang, it was barely defended by the opponent with his other arm.

But the gap between the attributes of the two is completely exposed at this moment. Even if the gap is not big, it still exists, and the strength of the whip leg and the kick are not the same.

Yan Feichen who received the next kick just retreated, but Chen Lang was kicked by Yan Feichen and flew a short distance.

Chen Lang, a carp, stood up straight and quickly, and faced Yan Feichen again, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that the opponent's arm was visibly shaking slightly.

+6 gloves with skills attached, the damage it can deal is obviously not to be underestimated, and now the advantage is temporarily in the hands of Yan Feichen.

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