Mo Qingqing is hungry. She and the scheming bird have run out of food. If she goes back empty-handed, she can only continue to be hungry. She didn't want to starve herself to death in the cave, so she climbed the vines and approached the hibernating animals cautiously.

    The heartbeats of these animals are very light and slow, and the breaths are weak and long-spaced.

    Mo Qingqing thinks that they are to pass the cold winter, reduce the metabolism, and enter a state of icy sleep similar to that in science fiction films. This is her understanding. As for whether it is right or not, there is no one else here, and no one will refute her. She only knew that they were sleeping very deeply by watching them sleep like this, and it was unlikely that they would be woken up. However, just in case, she was still very careful and approached slowly.

    She was worried that after the small animals were woken up, they would attack her or bump her into the water when escaping. The large arc-shaped tree roots, crawling on the roots with hands and feet, slowly approached.

    After a while, she came to a curled up animal less than five meters away.

    This distance is very close to animals living in the wild. She was worried that she would alarm it if she got closer, so she jumped and landed on the animal with incomparable swiftness. She grabbed its ear and pressed its head with one hand, and punched it on the head with a heavy punch. There was a sound of shattering bones, and her fist smashed the head directly as if it was smashing on a ripe watermelon. The brain flowers splattered with blood, splashing on her face, animal skins and cloak, and some brain flowers and blood splashed under tree roots, some on tree roots below, and some on other sleeping animals. , and some splashed into the water.

    In an instant, the water boiled. The fish bees swarmed over and gathered together to grab food, setting off a huge wave.

    When they scrambled for food, Mo Qingqing was frightened by the open mouth full of sharp teeth.

    She carried the dead animal on her shoulders and ran back.

    Blood gurgled down the smashed head, and many splashed into the water, causing a mess of fish.

    Suddenly, Mo Qingqing heard a "pop" sound of splashing water, and a large piece of water rose, and then saw a big fish jumping out of the water. Its mouth is so wide that it is almost round, and the two rows of teeth in its mouth are like serrations. Because the mouth is so wide, she can see its throat, and in its throat there is a long It has a long tongue like a frog's tongue, and as it jumps, the tongue also flies out.

    Seeing this, Mo Qingqing was so frightened that she jumped forward and dodged.

    She dodged, and the animal on her shoulder fell and slammed into the water.

    The fish swarmed up, tearing the animal to shreds in the blink of an eye.

    Mo Qingqing gasped in fright. She didn't feel any danger approaching, so she was about to leave, but thinking she couldn't go back empty-handed, she walked towards an animal not far away. Not long after she walked out, she suddenly heard a huge splash of water, and at the same time, five fish jumped out of the water almost at the same time, sticking out their tongues and attacking her.

    After the five fish jumped out, several more fish jumped out, all of them stretched out their tongues and rolled towards her.

    When they leap, their tongues pop out as fast as lightning.

    Mo Qingqing's reaction was very fast. When she saw the fish sticking out her tongue, she kicked her toes on the root of the tree. If the frog jumped to the vine above, her Clinging on the vines with both hands, he moved a few times and got into the roots of the trees.

    In the deep pool, the sound of heavy objects falling into the water came.

    After the water fell into the air, it all fell back into the water.

    Mo Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief. She just felt fortunate, but suddenly she felt something strange on her head, and without thinking, she leaped to a tree root seven or eight meters away. After she landed, she quickly glanced around her eyes and found nothing unusual. Then she looked back at the place where she had just settled, only to see a pair of blue beast eyes flashing among the tree roots and then disappearing again. . In the roots of the tree, there was an extremely weak and slow heartbeat.

    The thing was hidden in the roots of the tree, Mo Qingqing could not see what it was, nor did she know how it attacked. She did not dare approach to hunt it.

    She stared intently at the bushes, while vigilantly watching for movement around her.

    There are many different kinds of animals hidden in the entwined tree roots and in the small holes dug out of the tree roots, as if all animals hid here before the arrival of winter.

    If it is on the ground or on a tree, Mo Qingqing is not afraid of them.

    Under the ground, she still felt a little guilty.

    There is no prey on the ground. For a long time, she has been hunting underground. If she wants to survive, she must adapt to the underground environment.

    Mo Qingqing thought, when she first fell, she didn't even dare to come out of the tree nest, but now she can run all over the mountains and fields. The place under the roots of the tree is no more terrifying than in the forest. She strengthened herself, took a deep breath, and stared at the clump of tree roots with blue eyes just now.

    She has to be thankful that she has no heartbeat and no powers. Otherwise, these beasts with slightly more powerful powers would have been scared away.

    No matter what was in the bush, Mo Qingqing decided to strike first.

    She suddenly exerted strength and slammed towards the roots. Her speed was as fast as a flash of lightning, and she only pulled an afterimage in the air, and the person had already appeared in the tree roots. She raised her fist and smashed it towards the place where the blue light flashed just now.

    The dense roots form a natural protection for the animals hiding inside.

    Mo Qingqing's fist slammed on the root of the tree, like a heavy hammer, the root was broken, and green juice flowed out.

    The roots of the whole big tree suddenly shone a dazzling green light, and the roots of the big tree suddenly twisted like a live snake, rolling around. There were tree roots wrapped around Mo Qingqing's body, which was torn off by Mo Qingqing, and many more root trees were rolled over.

    In the roots of the trees, a row of faint blue lights suddenly lit up like a lamp, followed by a large insect that looked like a centipede with a length of five or six meters and jumped from the roots. , it jumped in the air, and suddenly spread its wings with a "huo", rushing towards the big tree root on the opposite side. On both sides of its body, there were two rows of eyes with faint blue rays of light. These eyes were all compound eyes. At this moment, they were all staring at Mo Qingqing who was constantly fighting against the roots of the big tree.

    Mo Qingqing caught a glimpse of the multi-eyed flying centipede from the corner of his eye, and he also learned its appearance, and suddenly jumped to the other side of the tree roots that were not disturbed.


    In desperation, Mo Qingqing twisted her waist in the air, her hands were firmly stuck on the large iron-like mouth of the multi-eyed flying centipede, her arms and waist were forced at the same time, and she pulled away With a twist, he rolled over and rode on its neck.

    The multi-eyed flying centipede spread its wings, soared up, and drilled into a tree with a small hole just enough for it to pass through.

    Mo Qingqing saw that she was about to collide, she slammed a fist on its head, and then stretched out her hand to hold the edge of the hole.

      A small half of the body is exposed outside the roots of the tree.

    Mo Qingqing was hanging on the edge of a high tree hole, and was about to jump down to pick it up when she suddenly saw a school of fish jumping out of the water.

    A big fish stretched out its long tongue and wrapped it around one leg of the multi-eyed flying centipede, entangled it, and as the big fish fell back into the deep pool, the flying centipede was pulled and followed More fish leaped and stuck their tongues around the centipede's legs. In this short two or three breaths, more than a dozen fish jumped up and wrapped their tongues around the legs of the flying centipede, dragging it into the water. All the fish around came rushing over at once, like a dog rushing for food, it was instantly divided up.

    Mo Qingqing could only watch the fish **** away her prey, but she didn't even bother to grab it back.

    She looked at the place where the root of the tree was broken by herself, and saw that the root of the tree was still twisting, and many animals lying on the root and the eggs laid on it were damaged. In the end, all were firmly entangled by the roots of the tree. Those animals were entangled and deformed, their bones were smashed, and the roots were broken, blood shed, and then they were entangled into pieces. The blood dripped on the roots and was absorbed by the roots. As for the eggs laid in the roots of the trees, they were all entangled, leaving only finely broken eggshells and sporadic egg whites and egg yolks dripping into the water, cheapening the fish below.


    The animals inhabiting the roots and the eggs laid there were like being squeezed in a juicer. Only a bit of **** fell into the deep pool below to feed the fish.

    Mo Qingqing was secretly shocked.

    Now she finally understands why there seems to be a lot of nutrient solution in the roots of the big tree, but no animals eat it.

    She also found that those furry animals in hibernation really slept as if they were dead, and they didn't wake up after being strangled.

    Mo Qingqing and other big tree roots were completely quiet, and then climbed the tree roots and walked towards an animal not far away. She walked to the animal, but the animal didn't wake up. She kicked again, and it still didn't wake up.

    Mo Qingqing picked up the animal that was sleeping like a dead animal, and was very careful to hide her body behind the root of the tree, so that the fish in the water could not see her, or could attack her, go back Walk.

    She is hungry, and now she wants to eat most.

    First pick an animal and go back to eat, then go back to hunt, and explore these tree holes and the underground world.

    I am bored anyway, and I have to hunt and hoard food.

    Mo Qingqing simply began to explore the tree hole to search the underground world.

    The tree hole of each tree is different, and the animals living in the hole are also different.

    Mo Qingqing discovered a lot of animals and plants of the ancient people, and hunted so many beast hearts that she could not count.

    Many tree holes lead to underground caves, those caves are very deep, and the deeper the cave, the easier it is to find powerful creatures.

    After she left enough food for the scheming bird, she explored the hole several times, but did not reach the bottom. However, it was found that in addition to green and blue abilities, there are powerful animals with red and black abilities.

    The animals with red powers she discovered were a group of huge ants, with bright red and liquid-like brilliance all over their bodies, very beautiful. The animal with black power was as black as a piece of carbon, and Feng Qingran was not as black as it was when it mutated. It was surrounded by black air. If it wasn't for the light around it, only the place where it was was was a mass of blackness, and Mo Qingqing couldn't even notice it. Even then, it was so black that the eyes and nose could not be seen, just a black mass.

    The black dumpling rolled into the red ant pile like a black cloud. After the red ant was crushed by it, only empty shells remained.

    Mo Qingqing picked up the red ant shell and checked it. The shell was so hard that her fist hit it, her fist was swollen, and the shell did not leave any dents. Pretty solid.

    She doesn't know what kind of power this is, and she doesn't know who is more powerful than this ant. She only knew that the black huhu was something she couldn't afford to offend. She probably didn't have a heartbeat, nor did she show any supernatural abilities. That guy didn't like her, or didn't notice her, so she picked up a few ant shells. Ready to take it back as an armor weapon, he quietly withdrew.

    Underground is a more dangerous and mysterious world than above.

    Mo Qingqing really wanted to explore the underground world, but she kept a fat bird who didn't give birth, only knew how to eat and sleep, and couldn't go too far, she also expected it to carry She flew back to find Feng Qingran, worried that if she went too far, Fat Bird would starve to death in the cave.

    However, Mo Qingqing doubts whether the scheming bird can fly.

    This bird is so fat that you can't touch the bones of the bird, and the whole bird is fat into a ball.

    The most incomprehensible thing for her is that this scheming bird only grows flesh and not grows. Its powers are so strong that even the thoracic cavity emits blue light, and the newly grown feathers on its body are covered with a faint blue brilliance. It looks—still ugly!

    Its fur, the fluff is covered with sparse small pieces of feathers, bald, a bit like a half-sized super-fat chicken.

    Mo Qingqing is very sad. She felt that she had transformed a fighting bird or a flying bird into a meat bird. The scheming bird looks like this, it seems that it can be used for no other purpose other than stewing soup.

    When she realized that she had raised the scheming bird too fat and needed to lose weight, spring finally came.

    The weather is getting warmer, the snow is not falling, and the sunshine every day is good.

    Mo Qingqing drove the scheming bird to the cave to let it lose weight. It squatted in the snow and didn't move.

    Although the weather has warmed, the snow has not yet melted, and the wind is still cool.

    The scheming bird digs a hole, buries itself in the snow, tucks into it, and squats in another place.

    Mo Qingqing was so angry that she wanted to punch it, but the scheming bird tilted her head with innocent eyes and looked at it.

    After about ten days, the snow began to melt.

    Mo Qingqing no longer needs to wear animal skin capes. She started to make spring fur coats for herself again.

    The snow melted quickly, and the snow water merged into a stream to the low-lying place.


    Mo Qingqing drove the scheming bird out of the cave again and let it lose weight.

    The first item to lose weight, diet.

    She cut off the food for the scheming bird, and let the scheming bird hunt by itself.

    She is ready to start the migration.

    She didn't know if there was a problem with the breed of the scheming bird, or whether the scheming bird evolved into an exotic beast and grew slowly. She only knew that in such a long winter, the scheming bird only grew a few heads when she was adopted, and then only grew a few pieces of bird feathers. With such a slow growth rate, it will take her to fly when it grows into an adult. I don't know how many years later.

    It is better to count on her to find her own way and crawl back. She remembered that when this virgin forest first collapsed, there were high mountains, and a winged snake jumped along the ridge to the peak that trapped them, almost killing them all there. Fortunately, there were Feng Qingran and Liu Zi. Che, they were able to escape. She decided to go up the mountain.

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