A loud noise like rolling thunder came from the big pit just below the alien plant.



    With the loud noise, there seems to be a huge suction below the alien plant pulling it underground, its huge whiskers sink like a collapse, and the trunk is twisting desperately, as if struggling to escape.

    Mo Qingqing stared at her breathlessly.

    In the deep pit, there is black mist coming up. The black mist was spiraling, spinning like a tornado.


    The black fog at the bottom of the pit is not large, about a dozen meters in diameter, but it is like a black hole that firmly drags on the alien plant, no matter how hard the alien plant struggles, it can't break free .


    Shortly after the xenophyte disappeared, the black mist gradually disappeared at the bottom of the pit.

    It all happened very quickly, but Mo Qingqing felt like a century had passed.

    She stayed for a while before she regained her senses, slowly climbed down the tree, clenched the horns tightly, and walked cautiously towards the giant pit. She walked very slowly and lightly, watching her surroundings intently, ready to run if something went wrong.

    As soon as she reached the edge of the giant pit, she heard Feng Qingran's voice from the bottom of the pit: "Don't come here."

    Mo Qingqing immediately felt relieved, and quickly stepped up to the edge of the pit to look down.

    Feng Qingran was lying half naked at the bottom of the pit, surrounded by black air, under the skin for a while there was a strange green light, and then black mist oozes out, the black air oozes out After coming, it quickly retracted. The blood vessels and bones in her body were clearly visible, and they all emitted a strange silver-green light. This light and the black mist are entangled together, as if fighting.

    Suddenly, Feng Qingran opened her eyes, and there were no eyeballs in her eyes, only two black swirls.


    Feng Qingran said angrily, "Don't come here." When she opened her mouth to speak, a large amount of black mist drifted from her mouth accompanied by green light spots.

    Mo Qingqing's thoughts moved, she looked at Feng Qingran's stomach, and saw that her stomach was bulging high.


    Mo Qingqing understood, Feng Qingran had indigestion after eating too much. She jumped to the bottom of the pit, squatted beside Feng Qingran and asked, "Feng Qingran, are you okay?" Curiously, she reached out to touch Feng Qingran's chubby belly, and sighed, "It looks like she is pregnant with a baby. ."

    Feng Qingran: "..." She gritted her teeth and said angrily, "That's the stomach."

    Mo Qingqing said with emotion: "Your stomach is really big." She added: "It's like a black hole." She asked curiously: "If you eat too much, will you not digest it? Vomiting?" After she finished speaking, she gently pressed Feng Qingran's round stomach.


    Those green juices contained sufficient power liquid, and after being spit out by the wind, they immediately turned into small fluorescent light spots and floated away.

    The thing spit out from the stomach, even the power liquid is disgusting.

    Mo Qingqing hurriedly stepped aside and said Feng Qingran: "You vomit really disgusting."


    Mo Qingqing said: "It's disgusting. Fortunately, you are swallowing an alien plant, not an alien beast. Otherwise, you will swallow the cake in the belly of the alien beast." After she finished speaking, she saw Feng Qing vomited even more. She exclaimed, "Isn't it? You really swallowed the whole alien beast? Even the alien beast Baba? Wow, Feng Qingran, you vomited a lot."

    Feng Qingran grabbed several stones and threw them at them without blocking Mo Qingqing's mouth.

    Mo Qingqing said: "Feng Qingran, you are gone."

    Feng Qingran defeated Xiezhi, but was defeated by Mo Qingqing.

    She vomited for a while before she recovered. She wiped the stain on the corner of her mouth and said to Mo Qingqing, "If you weren't my sister, I would have to kill you eight hundred times to relieve my anger."

    Mo Qingqing said, "What are you doing to beat me! It's easier to spit out what you've eaten. You have to thank me." No backpack, no clothes. She said, "I'll go find your clothes for you."

    Feng Qingran said, "Sit down for a while. Adjutant Chang will bring clothes over in a while." Her legs were bent together, covering several important parts, and she said to Mo Qingqing: "Little Mo, it's dangerous for you to eat the heart of a foreign beast like that last night."

    Mo Qingqing said, "I eat like that every time."

    Feng Qingran described Mo Qingqing's situation in detail. She said: "Although your healing ability is strong, I'm not sure if your long-term overdose of powers will cause damage to your body. This is second, the point is, if someone wants to harm you and take the opportunity to attack you, you will There's no resistance at all. Kazubu people talk a lot, everyone saw what you did last night, and it's spread all over the night." She paused for a few seconds, and then said: "Keep some strength, and you can save your life at a critical time. "

    Mo Qingqing felt that what Feng Qingran said made sense, nodded in response, and kept it in mind.

    She remembered that the Kazube army was still far away, and they were the two of them here. She asked, "Feng Qingran, do you not let anyone see you when you play a different plant?"

    Feng Qingran pointed to the light body, and glanced at Mo Qingqing angrily.

    Mo Qingqing put her arms on Feng Qingran's shoulders happily and said, "As expected of you who have worshiped the handle. Don't worry, I won't beat you to a naked body. Say it."

    Feng Qingran grabbed Mo Qingqing's hand and moved her hand away, not wanting to say a word to Mo Qingqing.

    There were footsteps, and the footsteps stopped about ten meters from the edge of the pit.

    Feng Qingran shouted: "Throw it down."

    A backpack was dropped from the pit.

    Feng Qingran jumped up, caught the backpack, and held it in his hand. She turned around, turned her back to Mo Qingqing and put on her clothes, and looked at the pile of vomit that had just spit out, seeing that only half of it had evaporated, and then released a black mist to melt it clean.

    Mo Qingqing asked, "Feng Qingran, didn't you just eat back what you spit out?"

    Feng Qingran slammed her finger on Mo Qingqing's bare head and said, "Shut up."

    Mo Qingqing touched her bald head and said, "Why can my power burn my hair, but yours can't?"

    Feng Qing didn't want to talk to Mo Qingqing, so she climbed up the rock.

    Mo Qingqing stood at the bottom of the pit and looked at Feng Qingran speechlessly.

    With Feng Qingran's bouncing power, he can jump 50 to 60 meters away in one step, and his height is tens of meters high. She can jump out of this pit in two or three steps, and she still needs to climb.

    Mo Qingqing slowly followed the wind and climbed out of the pit and returned to the ground.

    Adjutant Chang led a team of personal guards to wait about twenty or thirty meters away from the big pit.

    Feng Qingran walked over and instructed: "Tell the troops to move on." Then he turned to greet Mo Qingqing: "Little Mo, go."

    Mo Qingqing was frightened by Feng Qingran's attack on the alien plant just now, and the surrounding alien beasts and beasts were hiding far away, and they did not encounter any danger.

    On the way back, the main force found a few different plants. Feng Qingran asked the scouts to mark them and took the team to detour.

    The team carried a large amount of supplies and walked very slowly, and did not return to the Kaaba Camp until the evening.

    This hunt can be described as a rewarding experience, and the entire Kazumo is boiling.

      All the exotic animal meat that arrives will be distributed. In addition to their income, hunting personnel and material team members can also exchange the materials in their hands for the meat of exotic animals, just like the guards. Materials such as bones, horns, scales, and claws are distributed according to the previous hunting rules.

    After the materials submitted by the public were registered and put into the warehouse, Mei Yancheng's weapons workshop and Ji Ning's armor workshop were notified by Feng Qingran and asked them to go to the warehouse to collect the materials of exotic animals to make weapons and armors .

    Although this time has been fruitful, the wind department has its own rules and does not need Feng Qingran to worry about it. She stayed in the square and observed for a while. Seeing that the order was in good order, she didn't scrambling for the materials because of the precious materials, so she went back to the tent to find Mo Qingqing who was quarreling with the scheming bird, and took Mo Qingqing to Liu Ziche's place. Che examines her body.

    Feng Qingran told Liu Ziche in detail what happened to Mo Qingqing after eating the heart last night.

    Without equipment, what Liu Ziche can do is limited. He can only inspect Mo Qingqing by looking, hearing, inquiring, and making some superficial instruments. When she took a blood sample from Mo Qingqing, she poked Mo Qingqing's finger with an animal knife bone, but it took a long time to pierce the skin. She covered the knife with her supernatural power and stabbed it. As soon as she pierced the skin, Mo Qingqing's finger suddenly burst into a dazzling supernatural light, and the tip of the knife instantly burned to ashes.

    Liu Ziche discussed with Mo Qingqing, "How about you chop off your hand for me to do research?"

    Mo Qingqing gave Liu Ziche a roll of eyes.

    Liu Ziche said: "Anyway, it will grow."

    Mo Qingqing continued to roll her eyes.

    Liu Ziche said, "I will exchange the supplies with you."

    There were footsteps outside the tent, followed by an eager shout: "Boss!"

    Liu Ziche turned her head and asked, "Anything?"

    The man saw Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing standing beside Liu Ziche, he didn't need to shy away, he said: "Pour the power liquid on Xiaohu's heart as you ordered, There are variations."

    Liu Ziche quickly put down the knife in his hand and walked out.

    Feng Qingran said to Mo Qingqing, "You also follow."

    Mo Qingqing followed Feng Qingran towards the depths of the experimental area.

    There are guards everywhere along the way, and the defense is very tight. However, Mo Qingqing is not surprised that Liu Ziche has always been like this here. She followed into a tent.

    There were several staff members standing in the tent, surrounded by a rectangular stone platform, on which was an animal bone box, which contained a red-red humanoid object. It is soaked in the supernatural liquid and is desperately absorbing, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

    Mo Qingqing widened her eyes in surprise and said, "What the **** is this?"

    The staff watched its changes closely, quickly recording it on the hide roll.

    Liu Ziche stared intently at the animal bone box and said to Mo Qingqing, "It's one of my subordinates. He was bitten off by a beast when he was out hunting a few days ago. His ability is very strong, After his head was gone, his heart was still beating, and there was a slight mutation, but the mutation stopped halfway through. The companion saw the difference and carried him back. I saw that his heart was still beating, but his body He was already dead, so let someone dig out his heart. Before, there was not enough supernatural fluid, so I could barely keep my heart beating. This time when the hunting team came back, I got some supernormal fluid and poured it on it.”


    Liu Ziche exclaimed: "There is not enough power liquid, add more."

    "Boss, all the power fluids I got this time are here."

    Liu Ziche quickly instructed: "It's too late to go to each department to exchange, the medicine production room is temporarily suspended, and all the power liquids are transferred. If it is not enough, go to the medicine store to adjust the life liquid on top."

    The two staff members beside her hurried away.

    After a while, someone came with several large baskets. These baskets are filled with hearts wrapped in dried hides.

    Mo Qingqing recognized that these hearts were on those apes.

    The staff carried the beast ape heart over, cut it open on the spot, and poured the supernatural liquid on the mutated heart.

    Two frames of hearts were exhausted, and the mutated heart evolved from the size of a fist into a baby-like miniature villain the size of a palm. Its red skin is transparent, and its bones, muscles, and blood vessels, as well as the small beating heart in its chest, are all blue, clearly visible, and sparkling with supernatural power.

    Mo Qingqing's mouth was open and round, and it took a while before she shouted: "The human heart can actually change!"

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