Call Me Kaitou Kid

67 Take Action [Coming Soon For Collection]


Kidd fans in the audience have already started screaming and restless, especially those fans who have been waiting for several days, even from the second day after Kidd sent out the notice letter. Kidd's appearance can be said to be an instant detonation The explosives in their hearts were blown out, and the whole scene was blown out.


Chu Mengyao screamed, because the people around her were getting more and more crowded, she felt her body was about to be squeezed flat, and Chen Yushu on the other side was the same, but because of the same fanaticism as other Kidd fans, Let her not feel such intense pain from Chu Mengyao.

"Xiao Yu! Xiao Yu!"

Chu Mengyao yelled, but found that Xiao Yu who was supposed to be holding her hand had disappeared at some point, and Chen Yushu and her were already separated by a considerable distance. It seemed that the surge of the crowd separated the three of them It was washed away.

In addition, outside the crowd, everyone's attention was attracted by Kidd in the air, and they didn't notice that Xiao Yu, who had already changed into a zoo staff uniform, had left the crowd and started running towards the Bird Pavilion.

"OK, not only the police, but even the employees have been attracted." Xiao Yu glanced behind him again, and said in a sorry voice, "I'm sorry Miss Chu, I'll make it up to you later."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu took out a piece of iron wire from his trouser bag, fiddled with the entrance hidden in the corner, and opened the door in just a few seconds, revealing a small gap.

This is the macaw's cage.

After finishing this one, Xiao Yu hurriedly ran to the door of the next cage, at the speed of a dummy flying, the estimated time was about two minutes, the time was already very tight.

Xiao Yu ran to the door of the white crinoid's cage, turned quickly, and quickly opened the door again.

"Kaitou Kid's flight direction is Asuka Hall!"

At this time, the dummy had already flown past the Giraffe Pavilion and was flying towards the Bird Pavilion, which is where Xiao Yu is now. Guan Feihai was reporting to his boss Xu Pingqiuhui who rushed over.

At the same time, the sea of ​​people surrounded by Kidd's fans quickly moved towards the Bird Pavilion, and Chu Mengyao and Chen Yushu were naturally pushed towards this side.

"Quick! Quick!"

The last one is a white sunflower parrot.

Xiao Yu kept prying the inside with the iron needle, and some of the sleeping birds, also aware of Xiao Yu's call, got out of the nest one after another.


Suddenly, Xiao Yu heard a light click from the lock, and he knew it was a success!

Xiao Yu slightly opened the door with a gap, and the sunflower parrot inside couldn't wait to fly to the door, but because Xiao Yu was holding the door with one hand, it couldn't get out of the gap.

"Can't wait to come to my side?" Seeing the excited look of the sunflower parrot, Xiao Yu couldn't help laughing, then put his right index finger to his lips, and said softly, "Be patient!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, the noisy sunflower parrot stopped immediately and flew back to the swing toy in the cage. Parrots don't need trees, they can be raised, so they don't look like phoenix green Like quetzals, a large number of plants are used to create the illusion of a forest.

Hearing the huge tide coming from outside, Xiao Yu knew that someone was coming.

He hid in the corner and pressed the button of the remote control in his pants. In the eyes of others, Kidd slowly fell from the air and stood on the top of the quetzal's cage.

And the black propeller that was originally installed at the tail has also fallen off.

Everyone is looking forward to Kidd's performance, and what is more interesting is what priceless treasure he will steal this time.

"He actually ran there!"

Guan Feihai and Xu Pingqiu finally joined together, along with Lin Yujing and others.

"Captain Xu, he's standing there. If he uses the hang glider to escape again, it will be difficult. What should we do?" Lin Yujing didn't recognize the dummy, and pointed to the huge three-story birdcage and asked Xu Pingqiu for instructions. road.

Xu Pingqiu gritted his teeth and looked at the environment here.

Although the Western police department did not cooperate with them, they have issued international strict orders, as long as Kaitou Kid does not actively hurt anyone, no one, including the police, is allowed to shoot!

In this case, only weapons such as batons can be used.

Thinking of this, Xu Pingqiu ordered: "All police officers, just climb up and arrest people!"

Although the gap in the birdcage is small, it is easy enough for the police to climb up. As Lin Yujing said, if Kaitou Kid escapes with the hang glider, they will fail twice in a row.

All of a sudden, the three sides of the birdcage had police climb up at the same time, and when Xiao Yu saw this, he immediately pressed another button on the remote control.


Suddenly, a large amount of white mist was sprayed out from under Kaitou Kid's cloak, making it difficult for people to see what was in front of them. Xu Pingqiu immediately covered his mouth and nose, and said loudly: "It's mist! Everyone cover your mouth and nose first! "

The last time Kaitou Kid used this trick to stun all the policemen, he managed to make up to look like Lin Yujing, and he must not make the same mistake this time.

PS: It will be on the shelves at 0:00 tomorrow, until chapter 70, please collect it! Ask for the first order! Ask for a reward!

At least ten chapters broke out!

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