Call Me Kaitou Kid

94 The Police Are Stupid

Kaitou Kid!

When everyone saw the man standing on the 2.5-meter-high street lamp, many people tried not to scream, they were shocked! It was even more shocking than encountering a jewelry robbery! Why did Kaitou Kid appear here! ?

No one knows, but what is he coming here for? To issue a new notice letter? Or, like the protagonist in the comics, does he want to help when he sees a crisis?

The gangster suppressed the tension in his heart, no matter who it was, he should control it first, he and others were robbing, so there should be no accidents.

"You, come down! Lie on the ground!"

The gangster gave Kidd an order, and he pointed the muzzle of the machine gun in his hand at the opponent and shouted threateningly.

Many people lying on their stomachs barely raised their heads. "May 13" wanted to see Kidd's next move. What did he want to do? Will he really do what the gangster said?

However, what everyone saw was Kaitou Kid's eternal smile. This time, it was not the elegant smile on TV, but a smile of contempt, contempt, and extreme contempt

Xiao Yu raised his hand slightly, facing the gangster, who was taken aback, and threatened again: "Get down and lie on the ground! Didn't you see the gun in my hand?"


As soon as he finished speaking, everyone only heard Kidd snap his fingers, and with a "snap", the gangster heard a gunshot from under his feet, and the gun fell from his hand in surprise, and Xiao Yu grabbed the gun Chance, took out a poker pistol from his suit and shot.

Hit his eyeball!


The gangster screamed in pain, and everyone saw that the gangster gradually passed out after only a few seconds. Not only were they shocked, but even though it was very fast, they all discovered that the things they shot were just playing cards, not basketballs, enough to knock people unconscious ?

Of course not, it was Xiao Yu who ordered the sparrow to sneak up to the gangster's feet in advance, and put the small anesthetic and special explosives in his mouth into the gangster's trouser folds.

When the ball exploded just now, the ingredients of the drug inside were also stunned.

Finally, hit him with playing cards, and you can achieve the purpose of making the opponent faint in a trance.

It's just a magician's trick.

Xiao Yu jumped off the street lamp, walked in front of the crowd, and bowed a gentleman's bow. Everyone stood up excitedly, especially the women, who almost hugged and offered Wen in excitement.

Little did they know that they would be robbed of jewels, let alone that Kaitou Kid was the one who saved them, not the police.

Even men have to surrender to the charm of Kaitou Kid, there is no jealousy, only admiration and gratitude.

Seeing that everyone wanted to clap their hands, Xiao Yu put his finger on his lips and made a hissing gesture.

Only then did everyone realize that there were still two thugs in the jewelry store.

I saw Kaitou Kid turning around and stepping up the steps. Soon, he entered the jewelry store under the eyes of everyone. Soon, a young woman ran over, picked up her mobile phone, and dialed the number.

Soon the Tokyo Police Headquarters received a call to the police.

It's a jewelry heist, the culprits are nasty with machine guns, and now Kaitou Kid is keeping them in check.

Hearing this call, everyone in the police station was stunned, Kaitou Kid is pinning down the jewel robbers and starting an international joke?

But the shock was the shock. Since such a major event as armed robbery happened, they would of course send someone to investigate immediately. Immediately, the police dispatched 50 people to call the police.

The opponent has a gun! This is absolutely necessary to guard against!

There are steps in front of the jewelry store, so it is difficult to see the situation outside from the angle inside the house. In addition, the other two gangsters inside seem to be very relieved of their accomplices, so even though they heard some noises outside, they did not listen. Didn't care about the sirens, and kept grabbing the jewelry inside the counter.

Kyoko and the female receptionists were already huddled together in the corner of the wall in fright, and the mother and daughter Akane Inoue and Sadao Inoue also huddled in the other corner, trembling. They were originally a single-parent family, and no one could do without them. who...

Akane Inoue vowed secretly that even if she died, she would protect her daughter.

Suddenly, a sound came from the gate, and the two gangsters who were busy sweeping up the jewels in the counter did not turn around, thinking that their companions came in, one of them swept the gold necklace in front of him, and said to Xiao Yu with his back: "How did you come in?" Is it? The hostages outside must be well controlled!"

"Relax, you are going to accompany your companions soon."

When they heard the voice was wrong, they turned around immediately, and saw that Kidd was pressing the high-brimmed top hat on his head with one hand, and holding a white poker pistol in the other hand. The two poker cards he shot instantly hit the two kidnappers with guns. hands.

Under the hardness of the special poker cards, the two felt as if their hands had been stabbed by a knife. The gun fell to the ground under the severe pain, and the next second, there was a severe pain in the abdomen, and Xiao Yu was already on one side, two Remember the heavy punches hit their stomachs, and the huge force made them almost vomit out the acid water in their stomachs.

Boom! Boom!

The remaining two gangsters fell down, Kidd walked inside the counter, and said to Akane Inoue: "Okay, I'm fine now, you guys go away!"

When Kyoko and the girl behind saw Xiao Yu, she pointed at Xiao Yu and shouted, "Kaitou Kid!"

Xiao Yu turned her head to look at the other party, put her finger next to her mouth 2.8, and smiled, "Shh~~ Ladies, please go!"

Seeing the two thieves lying on the ground, Kyoko and other young girls couldn't help being excited, they were overwhelmed! The hormone of happiness swept through their bodies like a tsunami, and they were so excited that it was Kaitou Kid! Kaitou Kid saved them !

Suddenly, Xiao Yu found that his cloak was being pulled, and turned his head to look, and found that the little loli Inoue Zhenao was holding his cloak with one hand, with pure eyes showing curiosity, "You, are you Hanazawa? "

Hanazawa Lei is the male protagonist in a shoujo manga, which fits the image of an elegant and quiet handsome man in a teenage girl's heart. Zhenyang Inoue likes this character very much.

Xiao Yu has some dark lines, this little girl still reads shoujo manga.......

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