Call of Eschatology

Vol 5 Chapter 1: Stripping cocoon

"Conspiracy is the derivation of reality, and the source of reality is asymmetric information."


The sunspots fell, and on the chessboard, the situation of the whites was already at stake.

Wen Yu thought for a long time, and for a long time, he waved his hand to mess up the chess game. Lin Haifeng's smiling face appeared in the huge display screen in front of him. Facing Wen Yu's behavior, Lin Haifeng just smiled. All the pieces are ringing, and all the pieces return to the chess box.

Lin Haifeng dropped again, announcing the start of another chess game, and Wen Yu was idle, so he also followed.

If you win, you ca n’t win. The reason why I came to this closet to see Lin Haifeng on the second day after the succession ceremony was just because Wenyu wanted to learn some experience with this old fox, learn some methods, To deal with what might happen next.

"So, the so-called conspiracy scheme is really simple in my opinion. To sum it up, conspiracy is deception ..."

"Cheating others doesn't know as much as you. When you fully occupy the information advantage, you have the premise of conspiracy to succeed."

"I always win with my shots. Well, I ca n’t say that I win with my shots. At least, I have followed up with Neptune, but this is not important. The important thing is that I can pit you with conspiracy. Hang Haofei, God of Heaven, and even the will of the earth, so as to achieve my purpose, are basically based on my advantages in information. "

"It is not appropriate to say wisdom. In fashionable terms, it is bullying you less than I read and less than I know."

"And now, you have inherited my legacy ... my wisdom is your wisdom, my intelligence network is your intelligence network, under your absolute force and the absolute intelligence advantage of Yanjing, even No matter how stupid you are, no one in this world will be your opponent ... "

Wenyu was silent, but she was careful to drop off. When another game of Go ended with Lin Haifeng's victory, Wenyu only spoke again.

"If, what I want to deal with is not the people in this world. If the guy I want to deal with is stronger than me and knows more than me, then what should I do?"

The demon is a threat after the tenth level ... The master is already in sight. Wenyu doesn't know when the master will return. Because of this, Wenyu is now worried.

Even with Yachi in hand, Wenyu still couldn't turn a blind eye to the threat of domination.

He wanted to use Lin Haifeng's wisdom to find a way out for himself, so that's what happened today.

Hearing Wen Yu's words, Lin Haifeng fell into silence for the first time.

Lin Haifeng did not know about the demon, but the wanted order that dominated Wenyu was already well known.

With this black chess, Lin Haifeng was unable to drop, and after a while, he opened his mouth again.

"So, let me tell you a story ..."

"The name of this story is, Sima Guang hit the tank."


Wen Yu suddenly stopped Lin Haifeng's long story with a look on his face, and he looked at the electronic screen in front of him with a bitter smile.

"I heard this story when I was three years old."

"Then, you should know that at the last moment, Sima Guang, by what means did he achieve this episode?"

Wen Yu silently.

"He raised a stone."

"Yes, he held up the stone ..."


"People like to compare wisdom with stupidity, but few people know that great wisdom is the highest expression of wisdom."

"Heaven is very smart, he is very smart, but he is not as smart as me, nor as smart as me. However, you may not know that once, God really stumped me."

"Which time?"

"That declaration of war!"

"You didn't compromise with him, but I was really helpless in the face of the gods' tricks. Have you seen the" Yanjing Strategic Weapons Overview "? If Yanjing's fire is fully open, you will definitely not be afraid of the gods at the peak. But because of scruples, I can't choose to do that. This is a leader's self-cultivation. "

"If it weren't for you, I would definitely fall under the smashing method of the god."

"In fact, in some ways, the methods of smashing the tank and lifting the table are simple but effective."

Wen Yu frowned, and then only made a sound.

"Do you mean, let me use my current status to threaten that one?"

"It's not that simple ... the so-called lifting table is also a technical task."

With a slow electronic sound, Lin Haifeng explained to Wenyu the correct way to open the tank.

"You have to make sure that the tank you hit is the tank of the bath, that is, you have to grab the softest part of others."

"If you make a mistake ... It's like God is threatening you with civil unrest. You don't care what he does, you use the most violent means to launch a fierce counterattack. This is called smashing the tank and hitting yourself. On your feet. "

"And here comes the second question ..."

"You know what the Lord really wants, is it?"

Wen Yu was silent for a moment before shaking his head.

"I do not know……"

The purpose of the demon is to collect the will of the planet and strengthen itself, and its ultimate purpose is to regain the power of the demon world and smash the demon master out of the magic hall.

The purpose of the demon is nothing more than the continuation of the demon world.

These are all speculated by Wenyu. However, the purpose of dominating Wenyu is still confused.

He was alone, even though the sieve was infiltrated by the demon and the master around him, the master still ignored it, as if ...

He doesn't care about these things at all.

He did n’t care about his own power, he did n’t care about the collapse and disintegration of the invaded world—this is clear from the experience of the world ’s first life. He did n’t even care how many people died on the earth, and whether the earth had the ability to compete with the demons. .

He is like a cuckoo stick. He is omnipresent and omnipotent, but he just hides behind the scenes, watching everything in the world with cold eyes!

Wenyu didn't know what the master wanted ... So, all the conspiracy calculations became futile.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. This situation may not even be solved by Lin Haifeng!

However, Wen Yu still underestimated Lin Haifeng.

He said so.

"Actually, the purpose of the master has been exposed long ago ..."

Wen Yu frowned, thinking for a long time, but still could not find any clues.

So Lin Haifeng gave the final answer.

"Don't you think that for a war between a certain planet and the demons ... this sequence is not only redundant, but also strange?"

Wen Yu froze.

"Have you ever wondered why the Master set up the sequence."

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