Call of Eschatology

Vol 5 Chapter 51: Important and unimportant

"Did you kill my entire family?"

When he saw the King of Kings in the cell, Legaz was aware of the causes and consequences.

However, the situation is stronger than humans, just as he was powerless when facing the King of Kings, and he was helpless in the face of Wenyu.

Wenyu didn't answer Legaz's question directly, he just pointed to the King of the King again, and slowly spoke.

"He is not the King of Kings, he is a demon."

"The demon? Che, you don't have to make up such a lousy lie to deceive me."

Legaz was unbelievable, and Wenyu knew that he couldn't prove anything by his own words. He just opened his palm, and with the energy of the creation, for a moment, a small light ball was generated from Wenyu's palm. .

"This is all information I have collected about the demon. Please take a look first."

After that, Wenyu sent the small light ball to Legaz.

Legaz hesitated for a moment, or picked up the light ball and swallowed it.


The memories began to flash. Among the memories selected by Wen Yu, there were only the history of the demon world, the identity of the demon, and the picture of the real king of the king who was taken away.

Legaz digests memories quickly. For a moment, he has opened his eyes and then frowned slowly.

"I guess you shouldn't know much about the history of the demon world, the existence of the demon temple?"

"No! I'm very clear about these things! This is the key information for me to study after joining the Supreme Seven-member Council ... Of course, this one is different from what I see."

Upon hearing Legaz's answer, Wen Yu raised her eyebrows.

He thought that Legaz's performance was not worthy of this level of intelligence, but now it seems that as a former commander of the Demon Race, Legaz is still a bit surprised.

He asked back.

"What difference?"

"The history of the demon world is not much different from what I know. This is true ... as for the will of the demon world."

"In the information I have obtained, the Devil Will has died in the battle of the two kings, and in your information, the Devil Will has become the demon. This is the difference."

"It's not a big difference, is it?"

Wen Yu said something lightly, and Legaz nodded altogether.

"The difference is really small, to some extent, it can prove that what you show me should be true."

Legaz was naturally skeptical. This one memory image that can be faked really proved nothing, and Wenyu never thought that Legaz could change his inner thoughts through a memory image.

Even what he just said may have been followed by Wen Yu-just a perfunctory under the current situation.

This is just a stab ... How to do it depends on Legaz's own operation.

He might make a huge wave in the devil!

It's also possible ... can't do anything ...

But Wenyu didn't care.

He suddenly changed the subject.

"In fact, after seeing the history of the demon world, I have always had a problem. After the battle of the two kings, the demons have actually been exterminated. So how did you, the demons, come from?"

Hearing Wen Yu's words, Le Gaston was sober from his thoughts. He looked at Wen Yu, and his face was clearly embarrassed.

"Secret, right, but it doesn't matter, it's just a little irrelevant curiosity. It doesn't matter if you answer or not."

This is the truth-although Wenyu has doubts about the second origin of the Demons, it doesn't matter.

This will not change the hostile relationship between the demons and the earth, nor will it change anything.

For a moment, it may be that Legaz also realized the relationship. He looked at Wenyu and gave a sentence.

"The first batch of new demons were artificial. The master's handwriting, Fili was the first demons that walked from the temple to the realm, and the rest were the products of autonomous reproduction. I know so much. "

Wenyu nodded slightly, and Legaz's answer was not much different from Wenyu's own estimate.

At that time, the demons completely died, leaving only two or three big cats and cats headed by the demons. The demons that were born later must have been pinched out by somebody-like a son-in-law or a human being. Soul Creation ...

And if there is such a method, it will certainly be the Lord of Demon.

The new demons are like the souls pinched by Wenyu, but the grade is higher than that. This may be the change brought by the half of the god-given stone of the demons. For this, Wenyu also has some Guessing that at the moment getting clues from Legaz's mouth, it did not surprise Wen Yu.

"But it is undeniable that the position of the demon in our hearts is the **** and the creator. In fact, I understand your thoughts."

Until now, Legaz has also been let go, he has something to say.

"Your purpose is just the demon, right?"

"Yes, the threat of the demon is very great. In my eyes, he is comparable to the threat of the entire demon world. I need to make some arrangements."

Wenyu was outspoken about this.

"So, you want me to go out and bring some trouble to the demons or weaken them, right?"

"Yes, that's what I think."

"I may not be able to do it, and I may not be able to do it."

"Because I killed your family?"

"On one hand, and on the other, I'm afraid of death."

Legaz was outspoken about his timidity-if Wenyu said it was false, and Wenyu let Legaz go, then Legaz would just pick up his life.

But if Wenyu's statement is true, the rules here will be even bigger-judging from the way of the memory of the demon in the image, Legaz can think of how much power the devil has developed in the devil in these years. .

Even a little exaggeration, the entire Seven-member Assembly of the Demon Army Headquarters, except for themselves and Fili, is likely to be the demise of the demon!

Poor Fili wants to win over here ...

Under such a premise, Legaz can think about the power and influence of the demon. In the face of such an opponent, even if he goes out, there is only a dead end.

He didn't want to do it—the respect for the Lord still affected Legaz's decision, but he did not dare to do it.

"It's okay ... it's your own problem to do or not, it's my problem to let you go."

"I gave you the information. What you do is yours."

Upon hearing Wenyu's words, Legazs frowned.

"Aren't you afraid I'll go out to trouble you?"

"Where are you looking?"

Wen Yu's questioning left Legas completely speechless.

Earth, he can't go, and when he can go, he's just looking for abuse.

For Wenyu, he had nothing wrong with Legaz, but in terms of Legaz's strength theory, this is just not important. The important thing is that if Legaz can bring a little bit of trouble to the demon, then Even if Wenyu did not play this game in vain.

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