Call of the Legion

Vol 2 Chapter 1109: Unmatched

King Kong's angry golden phantom is not big, but still keeps King Silo into a state of repression.

"I'm going! Don't miss the boss ?!"

Yu Longqing whispered, but the action under his hands did not stop. The eight white snakes appeared together, turning into white jade dragons in the midst of the sky and spraying clouds and mists. The frost and cold instantly enveloped the BOSS, and the lake began to freeze.

"Don't use this trick early ?!"

Fang Huan glanced at Yu Longqing.

"Brother, look at my mana!" Yu Longqing smiled bitterly, and his mana value, as he said, was falling at a very fast speed.

In fact, even if there is a method of freezing the lake, it is not very useful. With the power of BOSS, the tail of this temporarily created ice surface is shattered, and it cannot be used as a place for everyone to settle.

"But ice is also useful ..."

While Fang Huan output the BOSS, let the light knight take the lead on the ice, and then use the tactical light cannon to cut out the ice where the light knight is. Fang Huan also specially equipped a few light knights to act as sailors on the edge of the ice. Fighting on a temporary ice boat is more flexible than soaking in the water!

King Kong's angry control of King Shiloh blinked away. The newly restored King Shiloh wielded the golden halberd and swept across all directions. The terrifying snake tail shattered the remaining ice surface. The huge energy also made the ice debris very scary. The wind three were instantly engulfed in broken ice, but fortunately, the Holy Sword was blocked in front, and all attacks were blocked after the skills were opened.

Du Hanqiu avoided the deadly attack because he was near King Xi Luo, and output madly under King Xi Luo.

As for the originator Yu Longqing, the Beast Legion under his hands was almost destroyed, leaving only a badly wounded brown bear to survive.

BOSS seems to have only one, but if you want to rely on the number advantage of the legion is not easy!

In a special water battle environment, King Siro's big tail is too horrible. The super attack power and the large attack range are enough to destroy any legion that is caught in the battle!

"Did the three of you really plan to solve this guy before?"

Fang Huan was also frightened, he no longer knows whether to say that Yu Longqing is bold or an idiot! This kind of BOSS, don't say the three of them, it's absolutely impossible to add them together!

So far, the BOSS in front can be said to be the strongest BOSS encountered by Fang Huan!

The water splashes brought by the big tail all have such terrible damage. It really wants to be hit by the big tail. Fang Huan also rested!

"I don't know what it looks like here ?!" Yu Longqing was also very wronged. When he came to the third floor, it was not like this! The most important thing is that King Siro was not in this form at the time!

"I thought King Xiluo would be weakened by pollution like his younger brother. Now it seems not only has not weakened, but also stronger!" Yu Longqing muttered.

"No, King Silo has indeed weakened," Fang Huan pointed at the hero Halo around King Silo. "If he is still a demigod, we might as well commit suicide directly and save some time!"

The rank of Siro has also fallen, and its strength is definitely not as strong as that of the demigods during the peak period.

It's just that after the integration of some of the characteristics of Warcraft, King Xi Luo now attacks the legion of players who are too restrained. It is not easy for Fang Huan to approach. He was dying from a serious injury. He can live to this day thanks to his own profession and talents, but his talents cannot always protect him. No, Du Hanqiu is not afraid to approach the boss now.

In the end, the responsibility to contain the BOSS fell to Fang Huan, but the output ...

Still rely on the light knight?

Because the enemy is a hero, the damage of the light knight is also very limited, this battle is really destined to be a protracted war of attrition ... There is no time for three days and two nights, don't think about killing the boss, in the unlikely event of another accident, All for nothing!

Fang Huan thought for a long time, and finally realized that this BOSS was not something everyone could deal with, so he immediately changed his mind and shouted at Yu Longqing: "Where is the thing you want?"

Yu Longqing heard the words, hesitated for a moment, he understood Fang Huan's meaning, "Under the iron throne, that is a professional treasure chest! Only me can open the professional treasure chest!"

"I'm going!" Fang Huan yelled, "Internal test dog! It's here for advanced career!"

"You are also a dog!" Yu Longqing smiled without anger. "Everyone is half a catty, as long as Fang can help me get a professional treasure chest this time, and it will be useful to me in the future, I'll be sure to serve you!"

Yu Longqing's career is not simple ... uh, nonsense, whether it is an orthodox profession or a hidden profession, each advancement of a profession is a qualitative leap. Whether it is attribute growth or skill evolution, it can make the player's strength soar. For guys with hidden occupations like Yu Longqing and Fang Huan, the opportunity for professional advancement is more important and more difficult, but the changes brought about by the advancement are also greater!

Hidden occupations are not necessarily more powerful than orthodox occupations, but the characteristics of hidden occupations are far more distinct and more distinctive than orthodox occupations. In short, all the advantages of your own occupation are magnified again and magnified!

"I dragged the boss! All of you ~ ~ to find the Iron Throne!"

Seeing that BOSS was about to take another shot, Fang Huan hurriedly used the pupil of Miracle. Behind the BOSS, he called out the gray pupil, and a killing guard jumped out of it.

The newly appeared killing guards successfully angered King Silo, immediately abandoned the crowd, fluttered the big tail and quickly swam towards the killing guards, chopped the wind and waves all the way, anxious to upset this side of the lake!

"Why are you still thinking? Go find it!"

"Oh oh oh—"

The three members of Fengsheng quickly retreated. The battlefield here is definitely not helping them. Lin Xuan's attack is not weak. However, in the face of such a **** boss, the personal output is too small and inconspicuous.

"Do you remember the approximate location of the Iron Throne?" Fang Huan was a little annoyed. If he had a CD of the Eye of Surveillance in his hand at this time, he directly inserted an Eye of Surveillance into the lake. Can see the scenery within a few kilometers nearby clearly.

Unfortunately, the Eye of Surveillance has been used up since he entered the core area, and it will take more than ten hours for the CD to improve!

Yu Longqing thought about it, "I remember that the throne is near the portal, it should be not far away ..."

Fang Huan's eyes suddenly glanced at the location where King Xiluo first surfaced, and his heart moved, "Go there and look! Dive!"

Yu Longqing looked in the direction pointed by Fang Huan, there was nothing there (BOSS has changed its position several times long ago), but he also understood Fang Huan's meaning, and looked happy, "I understand! I will Look down! "

Of course, Yu Longqing did not go down in person, but directed a small snake to dive into the bottom of the lake. Before long, Yu Longqing was pleasantly surprised: "I found it!"

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