Call of the Legion

Chapter 44: Battle master

Exchanged his professional heritage, Fang Huan saw an item that he could receive for free in the most prominent place.


The monument can be regarded as an achievement point, and it has similarities with the prestige function. Generally, it can only be obtained by completing certain achievements. For example, he completed the exploration achievements of the hanging city, and made ties such as Cang and Qiong, and directly obtained 10 Point monument.

9527 killed the disaster center and cleared the customs, and won a total of 10 monuments.

After receiving it, Fang Huan also added a monument column in the attribute column, with a total value of 20 monuments.

官方 According to official information, it is not difficult to obtain this monument, and it is generally only possible to meet legendary characters.

The higher the monument, the more chances you will receive some difficult tasks when you take a risk later, and even the NPC will actively contact you to commission some tasks.

Anyway, this stuff must be higher and higher, anyway, it is free of charge. Fang Huan is certainly welcome.

Fang Huan learned the skills and wore the orb of protection. The jewelry equipment can be taken directly on the body to take effect. It can also be placed in the unique jewelry bar. The jewelry bar has a total of two grids. This also avoids the feminization of a rough man. Jewelry swaggered across the city.

选 Choose one of the two wearing methods, the effect is exactly the same.

Fang Huan looked at a piece of equipment, thinking about whether to turn a knight, the blood-proof thief did not say, and the healing skills, combined with the symbiotic transfer of damage, was perfect, but after thinking about it, the milk ride seemed not good, the knight The armor of the milk is too high. The daddy wearing plate armor, and the damage of the symbiotic transfer has a direct relationship with the defense of the first target being attacked. The higher the defense, the lower the total damage received, and the transferred damage will naturally be. The lower.

Fang Huan, with his small temper, is not satisfied with the skills and props of the Shield Attribute. He will be even more unhappy if the damage is reduced.

As the saying goes, a meat shield without an output heart is not a good dad at all, or a priest class is more suitable for him. The defense of a priest without armor can almost be ignored. The injured thief hurts the thief. As long as he is standing still during the battle It ’s okay to brush yourself with a shield of blood all the time, relying on symbiosis to “bomb” the BOSS to death, is it good?

Shane, if you have the chance, find someone who can add blood ...

Main occupation? Definitely the only job transfer: Cang!

Fang Huan still has some understanding of Cang. This guy is pursuing extreme output. In addition to output, that is, on the way to output, almost all professional skills are born for offense, and very few life-saving skills, if not his brother. The bear child didn't know how many times he had died. The two brothers had one main attack, one auxiliary, one attack, and one defensive, only to achieve their great reputation.

Grace, there was nothing wrong with the attack.

Xuan Cang's fighting idea and Fang Huan hit it right away, and the people came in perfect match, otherwise why did Cang give his professional scrolls to him? Even apprentices cannot be so casual!

Wu Fanghuan still remembers the famous saying that Cang said: Only if I have the right to take the initiative to attack, can I have the right to dominate life. I or my enemy, or life or death, must hold tightly in my hands!

Tong Fanghuan agreed very much, the big brothers were right.


I have nothing to say. This stuff has been waiting for so long, and it works, Fang Huan has to try.

"Get Leads to Transfer: Cang"

[Master of Battle] (transfer job)

Mission description: Cang, a legendary hero, wandered around with his brother's vault when he was young, survived with a short blade and mastered exquisite fighting skills, and was acquired in an unknown coordinate world. A mysterious professional heritage. A few years later, the mainland of Corytan gave birth to a dare to challenge the existence of gods. There is Cang. Cang's professional handbook records his combat skills and professional heritage. Obviously not enough. You need to complete the instructions in the scroll to make the power of Cang sealed in you! Go master stronger combat skills and become a master of battle! !! This is just the basic condition for transfer!

Mission objective: The combat skill reaches F10, and all points pass the combat skill training at one time! One failure is failure!

Mission progress: Current combat skills: None / F10

满分 Combat skill training perfect score: 0/20

Mission reward: 10,000 experience, 1000 white skill chips.

Combat skills?

This thing Fang Huan has never heard of it.

I hurried to the forum to check it, there are really posts about combat skills, seemingly quite lively.

After looking around, Fang Huan also figured out that combat skills can be regarded as a measure of player skill. The combat skills are currently divided into seven levels of ABCDEFG, each level has ten stages, each time to improve combat skills In the stage, you need to spend tactical experience. The tactical experience needs to consume the corps points in the town or main city hall to enter the special venue. After passing, you will get a score of 1-10. The training experience will be given according to the score. , The higher the training experience, each training up to 10 points.

Players get a free training opportunity every time they upgrade, and the first training is cleared ~ ~ The rewarding training experience is doubled.

Specific experience rewards: 1 point and 100 points of training experience. For each additional point, the experience will increase by 10, out of 100 experience.

The combat skill level is in the G stage. Each small stage upgrade cost is only 100 training experience.

Qi Fanghuan is currently at level 10 and has 10 free training opportunities (once at level 1), provided that he first finds the town or main city with the Legion Hall ...

In the wild countryside, it doesn't look like a main city here ...

However, is there really a main city here?

When Fang Huan turned over a hill, he saw a huge city lying in the depression below. The buildings in the city were scattered and rough, and they were full of barbaric style.

Don't approach, Fang Huan knows that this cliff is not the main city of human beings, but rather like an orc!

Although there are no large-scale clashes between the beasts and humans, they are not very friendly to humans. When they encounter a single human in the wild, there is nothing wrong with killing them ...

He Fang shrank his neck, but fortunately no one found him around.

Be careful to hide the figure and observe for a long time. Fang Huanjue's city does not match the style of the orcs. Most of the buildings of the orcs are made of wood, stone and animal skins, and rarely use metals such as steel. Although it is not as beautiful and solid as the human race, it is full of the metallic luster of steel, which is an architectural style that no orc tribe can have.

"The pupil of miracles."

Fang Huanhua's pure black eyes suddenly turned gray after using the skills. If you look carefully, there is still a gray faint haze lingering, which is a sign that the pupil of miracles is activated!

发现 "Discovered: Thunder Dwarf Main City-Thunder Fortress!"

I go! !! Is the main city of the dwarves!

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