"Dear passengers, the k7334 train from Huacheng to jia'an has arrived. Please take your belongings and line up to get off in order..."

When the door of the carriage opened, Lin Yu, with his suitcase and two big bags on his back, mingled with the young people who came to the big city to make a living, walked slowly outside the station.

"Ah! Mr. Lin! Mr. Lin

The girl's cry came from behind, but Lin Yu turned a deaf ear and walked on.

Since Yang Xixi, who has a talkative constitution, honed his mind, Lin Yu's endurance to endure nonsense has been greatly improved. But the girl behind the film is still a little boring, he would rather be quiet for a while.

"Mr. Lin! Wait for me! I haven't left my contact information yet! " Qin Tao stumbled out of the car and was suddenly stopped by a figure.

"Xiaotao, we have to go back to the company and hand over to President su." Shangbin canthus gently twitch, "I let the driver drive home to pick up, let's go."

Qin Tao stretched his little head and looked around: "you get out of my way quickly!"

She did not know where the strength, just will Shangbin a big man to one side, ran, excitedly catch up.

"Mr. Lin! Mr. Lin! You can walk really fast... "Qin Taojiao panted repeatedly," it's heavy to take so many things, isn't it? Let me help you... "

Lin Yu's face is black. I've never seen a woman chasing a man so hard


Qin Tao still insisted on grabbing a canvas bag and walking unsteadily in his hand: "Mr. Lin, please leave me a contact information?"

"I don't have a cell phone."

"Oh." Qin Tao estimates that since he is an expert in the world, he must live differently from ordinary people. It's understandable that he doesn't carry a mobile phone with him.

However, when she finally met such a powerful person, she was not willing to give up and immediately asked, "Mr. Lin, where are you going?"

Lin Yu Lue thought: "Financial Street."

Phoenix real estate is located in the financial street. The main purpose of his visit to jia'an is to keep the appointment. Naturally, he will go there first.

"Financial Street?" Qin Tao's beautiful eyes lit up in an instant, and her face was full of excitement. "It's a coincidence that the company I work for is also on the financial street. We're on our way."

Lin Yulian couldn't help getting dark again. He didn't expect that this woman didn't go home to have a rest when she got off the train. Instead, she went directly to the company

"Mr. Lin, it's almost evening rush hour now. It's hard to get a taxi outside the station."

"Then take the bus."

Qin Tao looked enthusiastic: "the bus station is far away from here. Is it your first time to jia'an? I'll take you there... "

She took great pains to carry a canvas bag of Lin Yu, like a conscientious guide leading the way in front.

Lin Yu really can't bear to suppress her enthusiasm, so he has to follow her.

Two people soon came to the bus booth, but saw here also gathered a lot of people carrying bags, waiting for the bus.

Qin Tao tilted his head and twisted his eyebrows with two pretty willow leaves: "this is troublesome. I don't know how long it will take..."

Just then, a gray range rover slowly came near and stopped steadily. The window opened, and Shang bin stretched his head out from the inside: "peach, take my car and go."

He can't help but feel proud. What can that little boy do with a pile of cash on his back? Is not a pair of incompetent like standing there, let the beauty of hard work with the bus waiting for it.

People waiting for the bus around also cast envious eyes. It's a million dollar luxury car. It's undoubtedly a symbol of status in a metropolis where social status is measured by money.

"Here comes the Savior at last!" Qin Tao was very happy. She turned her eyes and said, "Mr. Lin, Shangbin is my colleague. He also wants to go back to the company to find the boss. Would you like to go with us?"

Before Lin Yu had a reaction, Shang bin could not wait to say: "wait a minute, Xiao Tao, I only invite you to get on the bus, but I didn't say to take such an idle person."

Qin Tao's eyes suddenly widened and cried out: "Shangbin, what do you mean?"

"What can I mean?" Shangbin looked up and down at Lin Yu with scorn in his eyes, and sneered, "this boy is so shabby that he doesn't know if there are any pathogenic bacteria. If you mess up my car again, that's great. "

Qin Tao wanted to argue again, but Lin Yu didn't care: "no, I'll call my friend to pick it up."

Then he took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"Long time no see. I'm here."

"At the bus booth outside the railway station."

"OK, ten minutes."

After three simple sentences, Lin Yu hung up the call and found that Qin taozheng was staring at himself.

"Don't you have a cell phone..."

At this moment, Qin Tao feels the same despair as Yang Xixi at Fu'an bus station.

How much does this guy hate himself? He doesn't want to keep any contact information. It's so sad

Lin Yu replied solemnly, "I forgot before."

Qin Tao almost left in the same place, forget? I don't believe you!

Shangbin put this scene into his eyes, and he looked more arrogant: "hum, you will cheat those little girls who are not familiar with the world, I think you can pretend to be when!"

Although Qin Tao was a little dissatisfied with Lin Yu, he couldn't help being slandered and angrily rebuked: "you are talking nonsense! Mr. Lin is an expert

"I think he is a charlatan who sells dog meat with a sheep's head! Xiao Tao, as a colleague, I kindly advise you to stay away from such people, so as not to be cheated of money and sex in the future and have nothing... "

"Shut your mouth! I don't care about my girl! "

The onlookers all around cast pity and scorn at Qin Tao. From their point of view, the young girl clearly didn't cherish the rich young master with wealth and status, but she was deceived by a poor boy, and she had no eyes.

Some enthusiastic aunts even admonished: "girl, you are just too young. You have to open your eyes to see people."

"Well, look at that young master. He has money and a car. What a good family..."

"If you live with a poor boy, you'll have to suffer. When I was young, I was too simple to be cheated by the old man... "

Qin Tao gently pulled the corner of his lip, and he felt confused. What's the mess?

"Boy." Shangbin got out of the car and lit a cigarette slowly, "where's your car? Let me see? "

Lin Yu's face was calm: "it's almost here. Be ready to bow to me for a while."

Shangbin glared: "fart! Who the hell are you? If you have the ability to make me bow, I'll call you grandfather in a moment

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