Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 530: Demon Kingdom

After some torment, Ximenyu released the angel king and tortured him completely.

"You wait, I won't let you go!" The angel king put down the cruel words, and then fled quickly.

Ximenyu returned to the battlefield, and soon defeated everyone under the angel king. Then, he successfully looted everything in the angel kingdom, including the more than thirty pure girls.

Ximen Yu started to deal with it for five days every day, and it turned upside down. Then he had to accompany the princesses and live the life of the barren silver.

Six days later, Xi Menyu's more than 30 pure girls have all been dealt with, and these days they are still sending people out to find, and in total they have found four.

It seems that it is getting harder and harder to find.

Then, we have to go and see if other kingdoms have been imprisoned.

"Blue, what do you want you to inquire about? How is it inquiring?" Ximenyu called in the blue.

"Back to the king, I was about to report to you. You asked me to inquire. In the past few days, I sent a spy, and it has been basically clear. On the east side, the demon kingdom has held at least forty pure girls. On the north side, Goddess Kingdom, there are at least a hundred pure girls."

"Huh?" Ximen Yu was surprised, and asked, "Why are there so many goddess kingdoms?"

Blue said: "Your Majesty, you do not know, the king of the goddess kingdom, she is a woman, she is a beginning, so her kingdom, under the banner of protecting every beginning. So, many beginnings After hearing that, all the women go to the Kingdom of Goddess. Therefore, there are at least one hundred pure girls in the Kingdom of Goddess."

Ximenyu swallowed a slobber. One hundred, it would be great if I brought them over, and the king of the goddess kingdom was a talent for herself. If she could get her, hey, Simon Yu wondered if he could really step into the eighth order.

Ximenyu asked again: "What about the demon kingdom?"

"Your Majesty the King, the Devil's Kingdom, the King, is said to be a super demon. Everyone is afraid."

Ximen Yudao: "Are you more demon than me?"

Blue laughed: "King, do you want to listen to the truth or falsehood?"


"The hypothesis is, of course, you are not the devil. The truth is that you are a good person in front of him."

"Say, what the **** is that demon king?" Ximenyu asked curiously. Ximenyu felt that he was already enough demon, with so many pure girls, is it not enough demon?

"Your Majesty, the demon king, has become demonized, and the captives caught by him must eat **** for three meals a day, and the captives caught by him are used as horses, so that they can pull their own carriages. , It’s just a bad look. It’s too devil. The demon king’s strength is also terrifying. According to the latest ranking of king strength given by the eighth-order master, the devil king, his strength is in the total dozens Of the two kings, they are ranked second."

Ximenyu only knows how to play women these days, but he doesn’t know the information, and asks: "Then, what are the eighth-rank masters, ranking my strength?"

Blue Road: "According to the latest king strength ranking, the strength of King Tenjin ranked third."

Xi Menyu nodded with satisfaction, if you ranked him in the tenth place, you would not be convinced.

Ximenyu asked again: "Who is the first one?"

"The king with the highest strength is the king of the goddess kingdom."

"Oh, the Goddess King is so powerful, hehe, it's still early, there are hundreds of others under his hand, hehehe, blue, you said, what do you think if we go to attack the goddess kingdom?"

Blue was shocked and prayed: "Please, His Majesty, think twice."

"Uh, think twice? What do you mean?"

"Excuse me bluntly, you still don’t want to mess with the goddess king, because the goddess king is very powerful. She has stepped into the eighth order with one foot, and the talent is one level with the four eighth order masters. Those four eighth-order masters are pursuing it. IMHO, I think that if you go to the goddess king, you are just going to die."

"Bold Blue" Ximen Yulong Yan was furious. (This fellow learns a lot, and he really feels like a king.)

Blue panic knelt down and begged for mercy: "The king forgives sin. Blue did not deliberately blaspheme the king, just because the demon king, who ranked second in the past, also wanted to hit the goddess king's idea. Later, the goddess king The trick broke the legs."

Ximen Yu was shocked. The strength of the demon king, ranked among the four tier eight masters, was stronger than that of Ximen Yu. As a result, his legs were interrupted by the goddess king. Then, the strength of the king of the goddess kingdom is really unpredictable. Stepped into the eighth order with one foot. Moreover, the goddess king was pursued by the four eighth-order masters. Those four eighth-rank masters are probably not just trying to catch the goddess king in the psychedelic forest, waiting outside, but also wanting to pursue her, so if Ximenyu dares to fight the king of the goddess kingdom, it is really blue Sex said, it will be miserable.

Ximen Yulong became more comfortable, and said to the blue: "You get up!"

"Thank you King."

Ximen Yudao: "How about I invade the demon kingdom?"

"Ah!" Blue was startled again, fell to his knees with a thump, and said, "Please His Majesty the King, think twice."

Ximen Yu frowned, Long Yan was displeased, and said, "What do you mean? You have to think twice about invading the demon kingdom!"

Blue said: "Your Majesty the King does not know, the King of the Demon Kingdom is really terrifying, not only his power is terrifying, but more importantly, his demonic nature is terrifying. Evaluation from four tier eight masters Information, when approving the king, the demon king, the integrated time took only twenty-one seconds, and the king you, the integrated time, used a minute and nine seconds, so your strength is, no doubt, better than the king of the demon kingdom Weak. Now that the Devil Kingdom hasn’t provoke us yet, we have actively provoke them. I think this is to hit the stone with eggs!"

"Humph!" Ximen Yu groaned uncomfortably.

"The king is angry!" blue panicked.

Ximen Yudao: "I have decided, you immediately go out to summon all horses and invade the demon kingdom."

"Ah!" Blue sighed and had to go out to summon everyone.

At this moment, in the demon kingdom, it was just time for dinner, and the captives were all tied up.

"Dine and eat!" A fifth-order soldier, carrying a bucket, walked towards the group of captives.

In front of each captive, a bamboo tube was placed as a rice bowl.

The fifth-order soldier, holding his nose, scooped a spoonful of **** from the bucket and poured it into the bamboo bowl of each captive.

"Dinner and dinner, why are everyone still stunned, eat, or not eat, do you want to suffer from skin and flesh again?"

Those captives who wanted to cry painfully and were caught by such a demon king were really miserable.

(Two changes at night)

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