Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 556: Jail

Ximenyu was taken to the legal department of the college by the college security.

"first name?"




"Why kill?"

"The other party killed me, I will fight back!"

"Why did the other party kill you?"

"I killed the other brother!"

"Why did you kill the other brother? Why?"

"When I entered the Super Academy on the first day, the brother of the other party saw me at a lower level, so he robbed my apartment, and shot to hurt someone. I thought I could kill him in seconds. Please be happy, I want every one This is true of geniuses."

In the Legal Department, a master asked Ximen Yu, and Ximen Yu answered truthfully.

"Ximenyu student, you are right. Every genius and strong person has his own arrogance, how can he be bullied by others. But, Superpower Academy is a place to train talents. If it will kill people, I think, the whole world will Not so many people are willing to come to death. Right, so, we can’t open the net for your reasons. Student Ximenyu, you are now detained by the College’s Legal Department. You killed Drucker three months ago Today, Drusa was severely injured and dying. Now the college is rescuing Drusa. Even if the rescue comes, Drusa will be a waste. So, the Drusa family will not let you go. . Now the college detains you and uses the college’s laws to solve the problem, but is protecting you. Stay here with peace of mind!"

Ximenyu asked quickly: "How long do I have to be detained?"

Ximenyu also knew that the people of the Drusa family must have come, and it was indeed dangerous for Ximenyu to go out.

The security guard said: "No one can say for sure, see how to solve it. Anyway, the college will try to coordinate the treatment as far as possible. The law of the college is handled peacefully. Wait patiently, we will prepare your attorney for you, Finally, it will be heard in the court department of the college, and then you will know your ending!"

"Mom!" Xi Menyu secretly scolded. What did it go to? The lawyer's court.

At the moment, in the college's medical department, several strong men are rescuing the seriously wounded Drusa.

There were several masters standing outside, all masters of the seventeenth and eighteenth ranks, with angry faces.

The strong man in the academy who was rescuing Drusa said: "Ah, that's it. It's up to him to survive!"

Then, the rescued college strongman walked out of the rescue room, and several strongmen from the Drusa family rushed up and asked, "How is Drusa?"

"Alas, the situation has stabilized. He was injured so badly, the meridians and vessels in the whole body burst, and his spirits were all disturbed. Now the situation has been initially stabilized, but whether he can wake up or whether there will be other symptoms. Look at his life."

The strong man from the Drusa family said angrily: "What will happen when I wake up?"

The college strongman said: "It's good to be able to save lives now. Don't be delusional. If you are lucky, you will become a waste person when you wake up. If you are unfortunate, you will become a demented person or a vegetative person. Prepare yourself!"

"Ah, Ximenyu!" the strong man from the Drusa family shouted.

The college strongman said: "This matter has been intervened by the college security, and the college will use the college law to deal with it!"

"Sentenced him to death!" said the powerful Drusa family.

"Oh!" The strong man in the college smiled and left.

The strong Drusa family went to see Drusa.

Red eyes said: "The two Drusa brothers came to the Super Academy. Now, Drucker is dead, and Drusa has become the same. My Drew family, never stop, Peru, you go and investigate. , Which country Ximenyu belonged to, what background do we have, we stay here and ask the Academy for an explanation!"

"Yes, elder!"

Ximenyu was detained in a small cell in the Legal Department.

Although the cell was very clean and much stronger than the base camp of Tenjin Kingdom, Ximenyu was very depressed. Unexpectedly, I came to jail at Superpower Academy.

At this time, a security guard came up and said: "Someone wants to see you, come with me!"


When Ximenyu walked to the meeting room, Zong Xiang and Qianchuan Xue, as well as Chang Yu and Sima Sheng, were waiting there.

Ximenyu did it.

Tokugawa Qianxue quickly asked: "Ximenyu, what did they say just now?"

"They said that the college will use college law to solve this problem!"

Zong Xiang sighed: "It can only be so, the college law is still relatively humane, and will consider from all aspects and try its best to achieve peace between the two parties."

Chang Yudao: "Mr. Zong Xiang, it seems that peace is not possible now, and the Drusa family will not give up."

Zong Xiang nodded and said: "Well, let's talk about it now, many strong men of the Drusa family are here. Perhaps they are locked here, but they are safer."

Ximen Yudao: "Sister Xiang, they said they will prepare a lawyer for me!"

Zong Xiangdao: "Do what they say!"

Sima Sheng asked: "If, in the end, the legal judgment of the college is unfair? Or, is it the sentence of Ximenyu to go to jail? Is it really necessary to go to jail?"

Zong Xiang said helplessly: "The legal prestige of the college is very great. If that is the case, you can only go to jail."

"Ah!" Ximen Yu was dumbfounded, ah.

"It’s no use worrying now. I’ve notified you of the four masters, and they will be here in a few days."

"Oh! Alas."

"You are too troublesome. At that time, Drucker, took the house with you, you stepped back, let him, or taught him a lesson. It's okay now. There is nothing wrong. The impulse is the devil!"

Ximenyu said with a smile: "If you give me another choice, I will still kill that Drucker. I believe that Ximenyu will see the sky!"

"Time is up, go back!" the security guard came in and reminded.

Ximenyu was detained again in the cell.

Zong Xiang had to go back, wait for the news, and contact the lawyer for Ximenyu.

The next day, Drusa woke up.

"Hurry, Drusa is awake, not dead!"

The powerhouses of the college were relieved. The fact that they didn’t die meant that the hatred was smaller and things were better.


"Hey, machine, I want a small machine, hey, small machine!" Drusa said with a smile.

Everyone was shocked.

"Hey, I want to eat a small machine, hey, hey!"


Seeing Drusa's silly request for a small machine, a word came out of everyone's mind: idiot.

Although Drusa woke up, it was a pity that he was not only a waste person, but also a waste person who became an idiot.

"Small machine, small machine, so delicious! Hey, hey, I want to eat a little machine!"

"Ahhhh!" The elder of the Drusa family saw the fool of Drusa and snarled in anger.

De Russa cried when she heard the roar, "Woo, don't hit me, don't hit me!"

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