Campus Extreme Madman

Chapter 570: Execution

The master said: "I don’t see it, it’s more like that dark energy, which is gradually engulfing his ideology and spirit. What will become in the future, no one knows, I heard, a long time ago, Huaxia also appeared After a similar person, in the end everyone gets it!"

"It's impossible, Master Three won't!" Ximen Yu shook his head in fear.

At this time, the presiding judge walked to Ximen Yu and Zong Pui, and said, "Ximen Yu, the $100 billion and two treasures of order 12 or more that the Drew family compensated you have now been handed over to your relatives. , I’ll come over to inform you, let you know before death, the sentence results have been executed one by one. Now your death penalty has not been executed."

Xi Menyu sneered. He couldn't use the $100 billion in compensation, and he didn't lack money at all.

The judge said long: "It is ten o'clock now, which is your death penalty time, there are thirty minutes, you still have thirty minutes to live, alas!"

With that said, the presiding judge walked away.

Zong Da shouted: "No, I can't die! The third brother is at the point of life and death, how can I die! I swear, I will let him not execute my death sentence!"

Zong Deng's face changed suddenly and horribly, a strong survival**.

Thirty minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

The chief judge shouted loudly: "When the time is up, your hands are ready!"

The elders of the Drew family stood up, moved their muscles, and prepared to go out to execute Zong Die.

"Elder, unload him eight pieces!"


Elder Drew walked to the middle of the execution ground.

Ximenyu was taken into custody by a security guard, and the security guard said: "Ximenyu student, your master first executed the death sentence. Come to the side first and wait for your master's death sentence to be successfully executed, then your turn!"

"Master!" Ximenyu screamed at Master, as if it was really the moment when he was separated from life, Ximenyu's heart collapsed, tears came out, and Ximenyu wanted to pounce on Master, and yes, was The security guard pulled away.




"Senior Senior Zong!"

In the distance, Master 2 and other Masters, and Zong Xiang Chang Yu also shouted.

The onlookers around were quiet, watching the execution silently.

"Don't, dad, woo woo!" Zong Xiang cried to death, but was strictly controlled by the college security.

The elders of the Drew family walked up with laughter, preparing to execute Zong's death sentence.

The presiding judge took a document and said to Elder Drew: "Please sign this document. Before signing this document, I must warn you. From this moment, the death row prisoner has been included in the quasi-death list, but if At the end of the execution time, even if the death row prisoner has not been executed, then the identity of the death row will be automatically eliminated. That is to say, you have no right to execute the death penalty for him. Generally speaking, the execution time of death penalty is 30 minutes, 30 minutes If you do not execute within the execution time, you will lose the right to execute the death penalty. After three days, the death row prisoner will eliminate the identity of the death row and become a free person. Do you understand?"

Elder Drew disdainfully said: "Understood, the execution of a death sentence is only 30 minutes. One minute is enough!"

"Okay, then you sign this document!"

The elders of the Drew family brushed twice, signed his name, and judged the judge: "Ok, your execution status takes effect. After I give an order, I will enter the execution time!"

The presiding judge walked to Zong Dian again and said to Zong Dian: "I am now untied to you. You cannot escape from the execution ground. Once you step out of the execution ground, you will be immediately killed by the security guard, but you can Within range, seek your weak vitality, well, let me loose you!"

The presiding judge loosened Zong Deng and allowed Zong Dian to retreat a distance of twenty meters from Elder Drew.

Then the presiding judge shouted, "Start!"

Time goes into execution time.

Elder Drew slammed, and the dead leaves on the ground followed his sprint, followed behind him, and killed Xiang Zong.

Zong Yi felt that his body had to be divided.

Elder Drew's breath locked him dead, as if he didn't dare to have a heart of resistance, let alone movement and speed, almost in the blink of an eye, a palm was already on Zong Deng's body.

"Click!" Zong's bones shattered into powder in a blink of an eye, and the body became boneless without any bones.

"No, dad!"



Ximenyu and his relatives roared out almost at the same time.

Zong Die seemed to be a muddy body, like a deflated balloon, and flew towards the rear. While flying away, only the ** body began to split. It is estimated that when it fell to the ground, the body would become split. , Completely dead.

Zong Die still has one thought left.

The body flew back hundreds of meters, and fell to the ground after four or five meters. Ximenyu seemed to see the master's body, like an egg that fell on the ground, turned into minced meat, and it was torn apart.

"No!" Zong Dang's soul yelled, because the business eyes were close to destruction and could not be felt at all.

At the fortune of four or five meters, Zong's unwillingness to die suddenly made him hit the 16th order.

From the fifteenth step to the fifteenth step.

At the moment of entering the sixteenth level, the body seems to be replaced with a new one, regardless of the previous serious injury, it also becomes a brand new body, the peak state.

"Bang!" Zong Deng's body fell to the ground, but instead of being crushed, it was a complete body with no broken bones at all.

Everyone immediately understood that Zong Die had stepped into the sixteenth step at that critical moment, and his body was refreshed.

"Ah! Step 16!" Elder Drew was startled. Originally, step 18 killed step 15, but now step 18 kills step 16. The difficulty is naturally increased.

Zong Xiang couldn't bear to see the scene of the tragic death, closing his eyes in pain, but what he heard was everyone exclaiming, Zong Xiang immediately opened his eyes and found that his father was fine, and, stepped into the 16th order, Zong Xiang was happy to describe at this moment, but then renewed his concern that the sixteenth order was only the sixteenth order and still could not compete.

"Yeah!" Ximen Yu shouted, which was too thrilling.

At this moment, Zong did not have any outsiders in his mind, all of which were the idea of ​​survival. All the spirits and facial features were only directed at Elder Drew.

"Huh, thought that stepping into the sixteenth level would make you alive?" Elder Drew was furious.

The people of the Drew family are also worried. Don’t be so tragic. In the 30-minute execution time, the execution is not successful. Then, it will be a tragedy, and Zong will no longer be a prisoner of death.

All that Zong Dui needs now is that after these thirty minutes, without dying for thirty minutes, Elder Drew has no right to execute his death sentence.

But thirty minutes, too long for a strong man to kill, can it last?

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